Is it normal to read things over and over?

It’s mostly titles or things of that nature I read over and over. It’s almost like I have to do it. For example, when I was in the shower the other day I kept reading the names on shampoo bottles—when I do this I always read the name out loud then I read it in my head then out out loud again. If I mess up, look away, or move my tongue when I read in my head (I don’t get it either) I have to start over—it got so bad that I had to close my eyes for the rest of the shower and even when I was in my room. But then it became what I thought of. Like, I thought of my cat (because I was petting her at that moment) so I had to say “cat” out loud and in my head then out loud again. This probably sounds really weird and confusing but whatever (also sorry for my English it’s not like it’s my second language or anything it’s just I’m a mess).

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Meowypowers

    Sounds like OCD

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Wow, I used to do this a lot as well. I've managed to lessen the urge though.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Sounds like some sort of OCD that you use for the purpose of self soothing.

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    • mauzi

      I have that problem when reading books, because I'll get this nagging feeling that I missed something. Ironically, I end up not reading much at all, because it becomes too damn tedious having to go back and read everything multiple times.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    This is weird as fuck, but I see where your coming from mate. I have no idea in tarnation what causes this or how to treat it, but I'm sure your not the only one. If its an issue I would look online for help or see a psychologist and see if he knows whats up.

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  • ErinRD2006

    Honestly, I do similar things sometimes. It used to be worse for me, but I kind of got over it a little bit. It might be a sign of developing OCD or something like that? I'm not a doctor, so I don't know, but that's what it sounds like. Believe me, I know how annoying it can be. Hope this resolves itself in the future.

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