Is it normal to obsess over aging?

I'm 33 but because of yo yo dieting and after being obese and losing 120 pounds my face lost collagen. Also I was in an abusive relationship,
smoking a pack of cigarettes a day,in the sun with no sunscreen, drinking heavily and stressing. Since then I've quit smoking, stopped drinking a lot, left my ex and practice good skin care but the damage is done. People think I'm 35-45 years old depending what picture I use online. It's hurtful and I stress daily over my face. I love my body but my face upsets me and I can't afford cosmetic procedures like fillers and Botox.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Stressing over it is only going to make it worse. I'm 30, the age where wrinkles start and I stressed over it too. Then I thought long and hard about it and accepted that in the end we all get old and that skin care and anti-aging products only slow down the inevitable. I'm going to keep being good to my skin and try to stay young looking for as long as possible, but when they come I'm not going to stress.

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  • LornaMae

    I'm not sure how helpful I can be... but it is completely normal, especially for a woman. I'm older than you and have the same concerns occasionally. While I see the changes I'm going through it seems to have become easier once I accepted it as an intransient fact - It's all downhill from here, my friend!! Haha! I just laugh it off now. The one thing I'd say to you is for you to not dwell in it and enjoy who you are now, perceived flaws and all. Recently, I realized how long I'd been concerned about it and when I see an older picture of myself I'm impressed at how good I looked and remember how worried I already was. I've wasted a lot of time on that, not worth it. If you are able to love who you are for what you are your life will be much better!

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  • IrishPotato

    Stress make it worse. Just accept you for what you are now. I'm sure you look fine btw.

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  • tooshes

    It takes a lot to cut off those bad habits and replace them with new ones like taking care of yourself. Just try to replace your insecurities with pride of what you've accomplished. I'd say you deserve to be happy :)

    And although the damage might be done, it wouldn't hurt to still practice anti-aging remedies as simple as wearing 15-30 SPF. Its better than fillers and Botox which are only temporary solutions and actually make you age faster

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