Is it normal to not shower every day?

So, I don't shower every day. Mainly because it's unhealthy to wash your hair every day, so I shower and wash my hair at the same time every 2-3 days. Is this normal? Does not showering every day make me gross? I never smell bad or anything, so I really don't see a point in showering every day.

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89% Normal
Based on 95 votes (85 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • mattypattpatt

    This is largely opinionated. But in my opinion i prefer to shower daily for the sake of hygiene and maintain a presentable appearance.

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  • CitraSelir

    Pretty normal. Personally 3 days is the maximum to me, but that's subjective and depends on the person's body oil output. Of course if you do something strenuous and sweat a lot or get actually dirty, you should shower soon after, but if you're just staying at home for a day or two, then I suppose you'd be fine as long as you don't smell.

    shampooing and hard washing your hair doesn't necessarily always have to coincide with a normal body shower. Hair-care differs between people by a large margin. if you've found that your hair only needs to be washed every few days, then that's what you should do.

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  • Renhanfuri

    Yea its cool

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  • Truelove33

    I shower once a day and wash my hair every other day. I just put my hair up in a bun.

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  • cinderfloof

    I shower once every other day and when I go places, which usually manifests as six days a week. In uni I learned that this is actually way too often, though. Washing can strip your skin of its natural oils, and may also disrupt the skin’s population of immune system-supporting bacteria. Every other day is actually plenty unless you have a condition where you sweat more than usual, or you constantly partake in dirty, strenuous activity.

    In short, this may not be normal but its scientifically sound.

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  • Slowlymovingfast

    I shower everyday because it's the only way for me to wake up.
    yes I am one of those freaks that doesn't drink coffee LOL

    But I've read several articles and research papers that give conclusive proof that we don't need to shower more than I think 3 times a week.

    I'm not an expert

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  • Appareson

    Other people might smell you bad. It's a matter of whether you care for people's opinions or not, and if you don't care at all it's not normal.

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    • In the post, I stated that I don't smell bad. I wear a proper amount of deodorant and perfume each day; obviously if I started smelling, I would shower.

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      • Appareson

        Showering isn't just about making you smell good, perfumes and deodorant are for that. Showering is about cleaning yourself. Those perfumes only hinder the smell and don't erase it.

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        • Normally, you wouldn't clean something unless it's dirty or smells bad. I'm not incredibly active every day, so it takes a day or two for me to feel like I need a shower, and even without deodorants or perfumes I don't start smelling bad until a day or two after my last shower; thus, I don't see a reason for showering each and every day. Seems like a waste of time and water.

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          • Appareson

            Yea you don't have to do it every day, but it certainly isn't a waste of time and water.

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  • Ducklingducktheduckling

    Some people smell worse than others. I don’t smell bad so I don’t shower often. Some of my friends shower every day because they have to. Men tend to sweat more and have more body odour so they generally need more showers.

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  • Donald_Trump

    Showers are for libtards.

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