Is it normal to not feel like your emotions are yours

I was just wondering if there is something wrong with me. I feel like my emotions aren't my own and I tend to zone out a lot. Also is it normal to have your thoughts have a conversation (I'm not sure what to call it exactly) with you in your head. I am struggling with self harm and when ever I feel like cutting I can 'hear' my thoughts saying things like, "Don't! We can do better!" or "You don't have to do that." I've learned to ignore them most of the time but sometimes it's hard. Sometimes I get really dizzy and pass out for seemingly no reason at all. It's been getting progressively harder to focus and even function somedays.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Animal_Johnson

    You have a condition known as Borderline Personality Disorder. There are a few other users here a IIN that suffer from BPD as well. Many people believe charli.m is one of them.

    The good news is that with a bit of counseling and light medications, you should be able to live a high functioning life. Start by clicking this link

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  • satanniggasandpopsicle

    Why do you feel like cutting yourself?

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    • InvisibleSky

      Stress, control, fear, ext. It depends on the situation really.

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      • satanniggasandpopsicle

        what you need is some hawaiian vacation :D

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  • LackOfSand

    Sounds like derealization/depersonalization disorder, I have it too, it's not a big deal. Seek a therapist, it's gonna help you a lot, as it may be something else. In my case I rarely even feel that way, since therapy. For the passing out, THAT is a big deal, seek a doctor. And the self harm is also a big deal, seek a therapist.

    About talking with yourself, that is fine too, it normally occurs in every individual, I don't think it's a big deal, but I didn't get my psych degree yet, I'm no expert.

    Also, you seem to worry a lot, and self-harm sounds like a problem. Try to give yourself at least 5 minutes a day to praise yourself for who you are. For fighting. Be less critical of yourself.

    About concentration problems, that may be either due to depression, exhaustion, anxiety, etc. I really recommend a therapist to teach you healthy coping mechanisms, as the goal is not to depend on therapy, but to learn the skills and apply them yourself. Self-harm when facing fear/stress may have been a coping mechanism - if it was something " light" like pinching your skin, but now it sounds like a dysfunctional behaviour.

    Don't think of yourself as an abnormal person, you just seem to analyze more than most, and if we all self-analyzed ourselves continuously, be sure we would all find all sorts of problems, or potential problems. I wish you the best,

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  • Knightmare

    I want to say it's not normal, but honestly sounds like this headvoice is trying to help you. You said that he interrupted you when you started cutting yourself. Might be worth listening to this one. Soon as he starts saying anything inappropriate though yeah you MIGHT want to get help.

    I would be interested in writing down these dialogues. If not just for kicks, it would also be helpful to the psychologists.

    Plus, it's not THAT unusual. I do that voluntarily all the time. Sometimes I'll imagine a character just to talk to them, say to rehearse a conversation I want to have with a coworker or try out something I want to write in a novel I'm working on. I forget what it's called but I've heard of some practice where they'll have this imaginary friend of theirs help them out with reminders and such, I guess the idea is that a different part of the mind is dedicated to simulating this character allowing you to focus on something else?

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  • TexasToast09

    You should talk to a doctor or therapist. It's normal to talk to yourself, even out loud, but the rest of it sounds like something you should get help for.

    If it's something that came on in the last few months, you could be depressed, though there are other things that could cause the way you are feeling.

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  • Angelandme

    When Im having conversations with myself, as I'm sure other people do, I tend to use "we" a lot. Like " I have to go use the restroom but I can't leave the workstation, ah maybe we can ask our supervisor. No let's just wait for an opening, yes well do that." I know it's just me but for some reason my thoughts are like that.
    As for your emotions feeling like they aren't yours who else would own what you feel? Are you saying you don't own what you feel? If not you than nobody else. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you don't own them.
    Own up to them no matter how pretty or ugly they are.
    Are you going to tell me you're demon possesed? Do you have ghosts?
    If not then yeah, they're yours from the moment you begin feeling them.

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    • InvisibleSky

      No. I don't really know how to explain it. I know I'm angry but I feel emotionless

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      • Angelandme

        Angry is an emotion silleh! Oh, you must mean you can feel a huge anger right beneath the surface of emotionless you feel? Like a still lake teeming with stuff down below the surface?

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