Is it normal to like guys out of my league?

the guys i do like are out of my league and then the guys i don't want....

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Comments ( 13 )
  • YE

    Start a music career, if you can.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Improve yourself, lower your standards or give up on dating.

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    • PleaseTalkToMe


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    • YE

      Such a polite piece of advice!

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  • EnglishLad

    Out of your league? So you mean like you see yourself as more of a middle-of-the-road average build tomboy type, and the guys you like are ripped alpha males who you think could get any girl they wanted?

    That's a pretty defeatist mindset if you ask me.

    Or have you had a bad experience in the past where a guy who had arms like most people's legs laughed off your advances and it knocked your confidence? If a guy does that he's not worth pursuing a relationship with anyway.

    Go ahead and talk to some of the guys you actually like and you may surprise yourself. You'll never know unless you try... PS: guys lowkey really appreciate it if a girl breaks the norm and makes the first move.

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  • Very normal.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Pretty normal for women. A wise man once said if your a ten and your 50grand in debt that actusllu makes you a 7. Of your an 8 and your not in debt with a good job that actually makes you a 17.

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    • RoseIsabella

      If someone is a 10, but doesn't like cats and dogs, then that person is a zero in my book. 😏

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I thought you meant the film Cats and Dogs at first.

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      • Dogs are tricky, although I like most cats since even the stubbornly shy ones come around

        My landlords have dogs for the sake of owning them, there's no training or cleaning or structure with them. The dogs just lick incessantly and I've been polite, but they're like offended I don't want their pitbulls' tongues all over my face

        They're kind of country people, so I'm thinking they only have the dogs to feel empowered by having sovereignty over other living creatures. Basing that on how they've treated me as well

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        • bbrown95

          I feel the same way. I loved dogs until after mine passed away and I spent a lot of time without one, then I had some very bad experiences with other people's poorly trained dogs. Now, I'm a little nervous around them. I don't like them in my face, jumping on me, or lunging at me. I'm much more comfortable around cats.

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  • olderdude-xx

    They are not out of your league... You are just aiming high. Even if you miss you are likely to end up with someone at a higher level than you are currently at (and its a lot better than aiming low - or not aiming at all).

    You can get there too... Work on brushing up your communication and people skills...

    Go for it, and you can do it!

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  • darefu

    Confidence, there is no such thing as out of your league. Most people I've known that thought someone was beneath them weren't worth being with to begin with. I at one time also felt certain people were out of my league only to find out later that they were interested in me but thought I wouldn't like them because we functioned in different worlds. No leagues, your are as good as they are maybe better. Go for it, if they think they're too good, it's their loss.

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