Is it normal to keep believing when people never stop calling you crazy?

I hate this resistance to extreme normality, I'm not crazy, yet when I constantly act on ultranormalism my housemate keeps calling me crazy and won't stop calling me crazy, I can't even talk to this guy. Do you know what he's doing? Resisting, attacking my beliefs, calling me crazy so I stop believing in them. It's not going to work, I'm keeping every belief he hates about me. I will keep believing in being too normal, and believe in normal literally, because as a normal wannabe I was meant to be a normalist, as a normalist extremist I was meant to be way too normal and an ultranormalist. It's weird that my folks are resisting everything I believe in, getting me wrong, accusing me of bad things that aren't my beliefs at all, these people are weird! I don't relate to weird people who take a dislike because they find me contemptible. I hold on to my beliefs and never let go, I repeat what I say to them despite them saying the contrary like I'm forcing myself to believe what I say and not what you say, the way everyone else does it. My beliefs are bad, they're insecure and I hold on to my beliefs like a sad person, everybody else does. Is that normal?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 5 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • farkelu


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  • Wow3986

    I kind of understand what you're saying, but at the same time I don't.

    Anyways, normal.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Thanks so much, I've never got such an honour before.

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      • Wow3986

        Glad to be the first to honor you.

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        • normal-rebellious

          You're also getting caught, you contradicted yourself, that's irrational, a thing can't be present and absent at the same time, you irrational bastard!

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  • Kowhaifan

    this sounds like the scribbles on the wall of an asylum

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    • normal-rebellious

      How do you know what writing in an asylum sounds like? My housemate no longer keeps calling me crazy, I'm an ultranormalist and I hope to be neurotypical. Oh yeah, what you wrote was an ad hominem attack, you think I'm crazy myself, well I'm not you irrational piece of shit, do you think I'll let you be irrational you disgusting person?!

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