Is it normal to have these chest symptoms/pain

I'm a 19 y/o female college student, and I'm starting to worry about myself.
I work out 6 times a week, eat healthy, and sleep well. The problem is my chest/heart. I just recently bought a fat burning supplement so I can shed the last little bit of belly fat and I started taking that on top of my regular pre workout. I'm afraid I damaged my heart or something--I get awful heartburn each night, I'm dizzy all day, It feels like someone is squeezing my chest, when I eat/drink my chest feels tight and starts to burn, I get headaches/backaches, and I'm EXTREMELY tired all day now. Have I had a heart attack? Am I ABOUT to have a heart attack? All these are symptoms of that. Am I overreacting? I have stopped the supplements but I'm still having these issues.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • lama


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  • DoctorsWife

    Here is a web site that will answer your questions.

    In the mean time I would see a doctor. It appears you are having a negative reaction.

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  • Ultimatebro

    There are a few possibilities going on here, so I will list them.

    1)High Blood Pressure

    You may think this doesn't make sense considering you sound healthy, but conditions like Type 1 diabetes are actually not related to diet or exercise at all. It is really an autoimmune disease you get from environmental factors. Do you inhale toxins or smokes often or are frequently exposed to radiation? Does your family have a history of type 1 diabetes or autoimmune disease? If so, this may be a possibility.

    2) Sickle cell or Pernicious Anemia

    This could be possible considering the symptoms, but that's all I have to offer.

    It could very well be something else completely unrelated, such as stress or anxiety. It may also be just a period in your life where this happens. My dad is healthy and he used to have this. Because I am not a full medical doctor yet, I can't exactly diagnose you. Talk to a doctor about this.

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  • Fat_Kat

    Btw, heartburn is not a symptom of something wrong with your heart, it is actually abnormal amounts of stomach acid burning your esophagus.

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