Is it normal to have constant urges to violently murder friends and family?

I get these “mood swings” a lot, since I was a child actually. They weren’t that bad back then, and I actually went to an anger management therapy for a good while growing up to help.

But I still get the urges. And it isn’t even sexual or anything, just people that tick me off, even my own mother… I just want to take an axe and hit them over and over again, not even in a funny or joking way though, like seriously hear them scream and beg me to stop but I won’t stop. I don’t think I would ever actually do it, but the resistance to do it is unbearable sometimes. Is it normal in a sense to have urges like bloody murder that you can barely control? Should I seek some kind of help or will I be put in an asylum?

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25% Normal
Based on 28 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 38 )
  • pcfarm

    Go get a good therapist

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  • Curiouskitten444

    It's somewhat normal but I would recommend therapy again. I used to have the same problem and resolving some childhood trauma I've learned to manage it 😊 good luck!

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  • Ihidabody

    ItDuz, is that you?

    Normal I guess.

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    • CountessDouche

      Hahahahaha. He's SaddleGoose now, and also WeirdGuy1, crazily enough. Still the same old bunny strangler from back in the day, though.

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      • Ihidabody

        Oh yeah, I remember that thread where Sounds_Weird exposed that Mf as SaddleGoose. And I remember hearing how Weirdguy shot his Tv with his kid in the house. Mind blowing.

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        • CountessDouche

          I know, right!? How depraved and obsessed with the internet can 1 person masquerading as 3 be? Yet they are constantly on here, on a daily basis, reassuring humanity that they dont care about the internet whatsoever. Its shocking.

          Yeah it's difficult to believe and I hate to admit that it's impressive they pulled this off for so long. I legitimately believed they were two different people but looking back it was always obvious.

          I mean everyone already knew SaddleGoose was ItDuz. That wasn't even a matter of opinion, not to say it wasn't everyone's opinion. But it was ultimately proven via incontrovertible technical means, as if him being caught admitting it wasn't enough.

          The rest hasn't yet been proven in a technical, not-a-matter-of-opinion-anymore way, but it can be said with 99% certainty that they're the same person and the technical check will follow suit.

          That they were also 1WeirdGuy and his various accounts was a shocker. It was pretty clever having one set of accounts be a weird guy from the south and the other set a separate but equally obvious person who was always playing a character who was as intentionally unlikable as possible and gave off the obvious vibe of being a woman-hating incel.

          I guess it all adds up in hindsight. I mean why would a guy from Scotland randomly be obsessed with US politics and heavily endorsing the common political opinions of the south, essentially worshipping Trump? The character lived in Scotland and I'm sure he shed a tear or two about confederate statues being taken down.

          They also arguably tried a little too hard to seem like a thoroughly unlikable incel when playing the Scotland character. It was a bit much, like they were beating you over the head with how unlikable they were. Plus I doubt there's anyone real who would actually pretend to have won debates after it being so demonstrably proven they were wrong. Even the most stubborn of people know they can't tell you a white wall you're both looking at is blue. I can't believe I missed how obviously it was a character.

          I admit it's good trolling work but there's no forgiving the torturing of animals and suggesting that others try it.

          Btw lusty arigonian is curious bunny & she fucks animals (talking about animal abusers need to be starved ehem)

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          • WhistleBain

            You're a rollercoaster of unhinged, Douche. We haven't talked in four months and yet for the past month half of your comments on this site have been you bringing me up unprompted. I understand you've got some strange obsession with me after hearing you admit y'all sought me in some capacity to overcome the emotional trauma of a dead loved one which can only suggest an unhealthy emotional investment in me, a stranger online, but four months, dude? Come on. Is it an ego thing?

            As for this new narrative you're trying to spin, again for some reason y'all just plagiarize my shit because it's just a big fat "No u" after you were being accused of having multiple alts initially. But, I'm good for it because now you've put yourself in a position where you have to account for the fact that you claimed my prior account was a "character" who was intentionally trying to be unlikeable and that is the account in question you've made the animal torture allegations against.

            To put it briefly, you're currently claiming that my prior account was a fictitious character but at the same time you're claiming that what the fictitious character said was factual. You've expressed this "character" narrative to be your current view of the situation which means if you try to represent the "animal torture" comments from the "character looking to be unlikeable" account as nothing more than an in-character act, fictitious, then you'll only be destroying your own credibility.

            I've seen a few of your comments and didn't feel the need to respond but felt I should let you know what this one comment has done. With this comment you've only went and demonstrated how the things you say are entirely spite driven and often times incoherent but intentionally so just to be able to maximize your attempts to vilify me.

            You're in your mid thirties, Douche. I think you need to let this go but I'm very glad you made this comment. Thank you.

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            • CountessDouche

              Awww look, somebody who said they don't care about iin signed on and lurked to see if I mentioned them. What...oh no meanioned shitduz and his incredibly obvious and undeniable alt that everyone who's not a fucking retard realizes is shitduz without a shadow of a doubt!? I mean for fucks sake, get better at disguising yourself. You just say the same shit with the same obvious misuse of words and the same horrible misunderstanding of 6th grade debate club terms..

              but you add emojis!? That's like Hitler being all, it's not me you guys tehehehe. Juzt cauz zomebody wants to gass the Jewz and i do too...well that doesnt make him me, does it!? It must be a coincidence he has the exact same diction and douchey mustache and point of view doeznt make it me. Winky face. Exclamation point. I'm a master of disguise. I have glasses! See, not me.

              Am I really to believe you mf saddlegoose both think dogpilling is a word? That you both think people "conjugate"

              You're objectively retarded.

              You were here under an incredibly obvious alt the entire time and were still obsessively checking

              So yeah, im super stalky pants for ripping on your retardation. I've been on her constantly, assuming You mean the two times I've been on here in the space of months, where me and SW typed random shit so he could hear me laugh really hard? Yeah, we were super invested.

              And ypure replying to my copy paste of someone else's comment.

              I'm the crazy & youre here looking at old comments & typing up a bunch of random enraged shit, bunny strangler. Here, dont hold this rabbit...cause you'll choke it. I found plenty of worse stuff btw, saddlegoose. You're a disturbed person. Please keep going so I can post some shit where you strangled family members while saying "kill them all," and before you accuse me of stalking you.. that shit took like 10 min. I just Google searched iin for deranged wanna be serial killer shit & you were there every time.

              So please stop with your npd drama about how we all care. We dont. We just enjoy making fun of you for being an absolute piece of shit.

              You're just something we joke about from time to time. Nobody gives a fuck about you, and that's the truth. I expect 20 million angry paragraphs of nonsense and no less since that's the way you roll you absolute bitch.

              #shitduz is SaddleGoose is WeirdGuy1 is LloydAsher

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          • Ihidabody

            I can't tell if that last line was a joke, or was meant to be serious...

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            • CountessDouche

              No. Serious. She replied to you on another thread. She actually fucks animals & does not consider that "abuse"

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  • dominick86

    No you psycho. Get help from a therapist.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Man, you need serious help

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Always got the urge to hit people with my fists never an axe

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    • Ashes010

      That’s fair, I see

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  • WhistleBain

    Thanks for sharing.

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    • LornaMae

      You're welcome.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD


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