Is it normal to have a neurological disorder that

Messes with your brain and your ability to be yourself and your best friend is aware that when you start behaving differently it's the literal disorder but they don't believe it or care even though you warned them about it and made them well aware of how it affects you?

And now they're giving me the silent treatment and before they did they were saying I can snap out of it when they know that's not how it works

Basically I'm calm and reserved but my brain isn't stable sometimes it creates a change in my personality. I haven't started the right medication yet to stabilize it but I'm actively looking for it and they also know that but now no communication again and they said I'm a bad person even though we were having a really good day and minutes before we were laughing then my brain changed and they won't forgive me

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57% Normal
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Gravybubble


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  • 555

    I'm so sorry. It's common for people to not believe other people with mental illnesses, and even if they believe it, they can get angry at you for being ill. Unlike people, medication will be helpful.

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    • Wow3986

      Taking medication is ableist bigot.

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      • 555

        Is your whole personality just impersonating SJWs on IIN? Don't you get tired sometimes?

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        • Wow3986

          Is your whole personality being ableist? Also that last line? Yeah that last line is offensive to people with sleeping disorders. You're disgusting.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Not normal, serious mental problem, of course your psychiatrist might help, when there's no fine line between injections and pills, people like you are taking drugs.

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    • I'm confused by your reply

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        I'm confused by their reply too.

        I will say this: my epilepsy caused major mood swings and I was misdiagnosed bipolar for a long time. Unfortunately meds for bipolar tend to also be anticonvulsants, so they were accidentally treating me for my seizures. So, I get having a condition like this. It requires most importantly a NEUROLOGIST, but also a psychiatrist. I have both.

        People give less credence to diseases of the brain because they can't "see" it. Regardless of what is causing the symptoms, you are always held responsible. I find it interesting, although I do understand it a bit, that mental disorders as a whole tend to be treated as the individual having control of their behavior when they really don't.

        If your friend won't realize this, then it's a loss. But just give them time. It can be intense being friends with someone who doesn't have their mind completely under their control.

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        • LloydAsher

          It's hard for people to diverge the difference between the persons mental disorder and the persons actual motives. You have to live with them in order to establish who they are. Made only more complicated by those who use their mental disability as a crutch when they genuinely were just being an asshole. I know a couple and now have to regard the majority of their actions as being deliberate. None are my friends.

          Sucks but your brain dont work right. People like consistancy.

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          • Wow3986

            Proof that you hate the disabled. You probably were preaching your hatred against the disabled and that's why they were being an asshole!

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        • normal-rebellious

          There's nothing wrong with my brain, despite your brain. If anything medicine is a nightmare of old-fashioned abuse to the patient, you would think it's improved, evolved, but it hasn't, it's preserving traditions that don't work and it's no ordinary product, you get no million-dollar refund from a psychiatrist who malpractised his stupid analysis on you for years.

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          • 555

            Medication has helped a lot of people, don't discredit medicine because of some bad professionals.

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          • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

            You realize neurological disorders aren't the same as mental illness, right?

            I was in two comas because I had two instances of several grand mal seizures at once and they had a breathing tube down my throat because I couldn't breathe on my own. I will literally die if I do not take my anti-convulsant medication. I will stop breathing. I have almost died twice, once when I was diagnosed, and another time when I acted arrogant and went off them for a short time.

            Even if we were talking about mental illness you're still wrong.

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            • LloydAsher

              And that's without including just normal brain deviations due to simple genetic variation. The type were if you dont catch and train early it will severely dampen your mental ability in the future.

              My problems would have been way more detrimental if my parents didnt throw money at tutors to sort it out. If only other mental disorders could be remedied like that.

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  • MonkThousandWords

    Bad friends

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