Is it normal to have a dream about running away from the house with my bro?

I just remember small clips of the dream. My parents were alcoholic(they're not, in reality) and that's why I took off with my bro after burning down the house with the liquor. The irony was I took some with me too.
People say dream has secret meanings, corresponding with real incidents and feelings. So..?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • 1ne8ight7even

    Running away with your bro sounds a bit incestuous and gay.

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    • Argh, why does everyone always assume that I'm a male? Annnddd, my motives were to save him, not to screw him, duh.
      See, you might be right that dreams don't mean anything. But then, why do we even dream?

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    I had a dream last night someone broke in my and stole my shit and gave me fake money. It was my friend Mason who was murdered a while back in real life. I beat the hell out of him in the dream. He was murdered in real life because he stole from everyone even his crack dealers.

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  • sissycakes

    have you ever heard of dream time? i am not sure the specifics, but the indians somewhat believe that dreams are another life.

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    • Lethal_Leo1583

      I can assure you they don't 😂

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  • I had a dream I was jumping islands. Pretty sure it didn't mean shit

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  • Golias

    There are no conclusions to dreams. Don't assume they're real or they represent something you want.

    If dreams showed your desires, you wouldn't have nightmares, right?

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    • Dreams always don't need to show us our deepest desires. It can just reflect our subconscious thoughts which we aren't able to read due to the dominance of the conscious mind.

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      • Golias

        But at the same time, the opposite can be true. Dreams are a fascinating topic to discuss but at the same time have little explanation. Like, after all these years we still don't know why we dream.

        My point is, your dream is normal, like any dream. Even dreams where you slaughter people don't define you. You don't need to worry that a dream may soon become real life.

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