Is it normal to hate someone for talking a lot?

kid in school talks shit all the time and it always pisses me off

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 13 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • EyelessKid

    I'm that kid at school. It became a habit of talking so much. I can't believe I even have one friend, but they avoid me sometimes.

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  • cygnus

    Same man, same. I have this “friend” who sits by me all the time and won’t shut up about all the minuscule things in his life. Did you know he was wearing a new shirt today? The way he was describing it, it sounded like he completely changed his whole life!

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  • Bella13

    Yes it's normal i m also pissed off by people who talk alot.

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    • Alichael

      Yeh, overly chatty people get annoying, especially when it's someone who always feels the need to talk whenever they're with you. Like when you're at a place where you see someone almost every day (like at work or wherever), a good rule of thumb is to be friendly sometimes, but also have some days where you act cold and untalkative. You'll be surprised how much more people will like you when you are like that verses if you are friendly and chatty every day. Don't be cold and untalkative all the time though or else then they'll ignore you because you never talk.

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