Is it normal to hate jesus and christianity?

The Jews are anti-Jesus and anti-Christian, they hate Jesus and Christianity, and so do I. I don't think it's OK to believe in a faith if it tells illogical stories wasting your time with this arsehole you believe is perfect without any proof. No! I think that's false, Jesus was an evil man and anyone outside of Christianity would say nailing anyone to a cross (Jesus being no exception) is evil. If I never saw Christianity before I would laugh at it and never stop blaspheming, its power to cause this emotion is overwhelming. There are evil thoughts in Jesus and his stupid religion: hellfire, the boring heaven, sacrifices, drinking blood, this man isn't good and should've got killed long before he planned his death. Death is the main theme in Christianity, everlasting life? Death isn't life! Why can't religions be more honest and say you'll be in darkness whether you're good, bad or indifferent? Judaism states that. Christianity is ostensibly sacrilege. I choose not to be a Christian and I deny everything about it, the problem is Christians saying I've got a demon in me and I'm evil, screw that, who's evil? The anti-violence religious freak or the Christian who calls it evil if the religion differs from his own? If I stopped my religions that would be apostasy and I think that's wrong. Christianity is evil crap and I hate it, it terrified me as a kid, it pissed me off as a teenager and anyone who thinks Christians are good or kind is believing a lie. It's not a complete utterly perfect religion, it has false promises and the saints are dishonest only pretending to be good, is any of this normal?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 29 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • charli.m

    ...Wow. The ignorance and idiocy burns my eyes.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Jesus was a Jew.

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  • nikkiclaire

    It's normal to believe or not believe whatever you want. It's not normal to care that much about others beliefs. It basically shows insecurity in your own.

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  • fakeaccount4


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  • Thongman

    Even if it's all made up, people have done many good works that serve others and mankind because of its existence. Look at the humanitarian work these organizations do around the world. Most people don't like cristianity or any other faith because it is a constant reminder of the wrong doing in their lives. There is nothing there to hurt mankind, only good advice on how we should behave and treat others. There are some twisted ones out there, but any reasonable person should be able to disern the difference.

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  • Quasar

    You are free to believe what you want. You have the wrong idea about Christianity because all I have seen since becoming one is love. Everlasting life means this. Our body dies, but our spirit/soul lives on in heaven or burns and dies again in hell. You get everlasting life through belief on what Jesus did on the cross, that he was the son of God therefore without sin or evil and confession of sins.

    Christians call it being saved. Once you are saved that doesn't mean you stop spinning. Humans are born into sin nature so it's impossible for us to completely stop. The difference being now we can recognize what is and isn't sin and we have tools to avoid temptation. It takes practice and spiritual growth but once you are saved you want to do good not for reward but because it is the right thing to do.

    My final thoughts on this are as I said before. What you believe is your choice. No one controls free will. Your idea of eternity is darkness forever. Mine is if you accepted Jesus as your lord and Savior you are in heaven in eternal peace forever. If you reject Christ you are condemned to hell to pay for your sins. If I'm wrong, then nothing happens. If you're wrong you are in trouble.

    Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

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    • Flawed logic. You say nothing happens if you're wrong, but what if some other religion is right instead? What if some isolated tribe got it right and we're all going to their version of hell?

      You're right, eternity is a long time to be wrong. But why waste the only life that I'm guaranteed worrying about sin when the odds that I picked the "right" god are against me anyways? And please don't say the Bible is assurance you're right, the tribe could use their texts as "evidence" as well.

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      • Quasar

        I know my religion is correct and I know my God is real not from the Bible alone but personal experience.

        About 7 years ago I was suicidal. I will not go into detail but my health was so bad I was sick of suffering. I wanted the pain to end. One escape I did have was music. I was not the best player in the world but it helped me escape even though it aggravated my lung problem. Doctor after doctor told me to quit band. To stop doing the one thing that brought me joy in life. I wanted to end it then but was told about a specialist to talk to first. My last hope. I resolved to end it if I was told the same thing again.

        I was a Christian at the time. I questioned my faith a lot but I still prayed. Not sure why seeing I really didn't believe at that time. I prayed every day he cure me. That I would wake up and be healed. It didn't happen. Long story short they ran some tests and got confused. I was sick, but my lungs were stronger than the average patient. With my symptoms I should have been dead. My first doctor was treating me wrong, I was given new medicine and it was a miracle. I had hope, I had my life back.

        God has used music in my life to not just save me, but to serve others. Opportunities have just fallen into my lap from people who said they prayed about it and my name showed up. I see people light up when I play, hope I didn't have 7 years ago and God has made it possible for me to have hope and give it to others.

        Plain and simple if God didn't exist either my crapped up health would of kill me or I would have killed myself. That's how I know God exists. I am alive because he lives. Believing in God is not wasting your life it's saving it.

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        • Darkknight

          Very well put. Thank You for sharing this.

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          • Quasar

            I'm happy you think so Darkknight. Have a nice day.

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        • samfoxrawr

          That.... proves absolutely nothing. It's most likely coincidence, if not a lie. If prayer had any connection to unexpected recovery, then the simple mathematical results over the entire population would have said so long ago.

          Science will unearth, later, whether it be ten years or a thousand, >precisely< why you recovered.
          And I can guarantee it's not your imaginary friend in the sky.

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    • dieter_laser

      Eternity is a long time. Almost as long as we will all be waiting for the Rapture.

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      • Quasar

        No one knows the date or hour. It could be tomorrow it could be ten years from now. So it's wait and see I hope your are not caught unaware when that day comes

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    • Hansberger

      Christianity is the greatest evil known to mankind, look at how it influenced Hitler, why? Because Jesus verbally attacked the Jews and Arabs, therefore Christianity is anti-Semite and anti-Muslim. Love? Of all the trouble I got into at church the only tolerant sect with any love is Christian Science. Christianity in general is irrational and angry. All this is bullshit, here's a clue: take a lesson from Luciferianism, Lucifer the light-bearer. Christians are simply hating any cult or devil-based religion without any concept of its good. They hate Islam, I don't understand it, not all Islam is bad, my mother got used to it, but I can believe in any religion I want even if backwards individuals don't like it!

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  • Thongman

    Only a fool says their is no god!
    Just look at the evidence surrounding you. People may not have it all right, but there is a God!

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    • McBean

      Wrong-o. If God is good, he would reward honest disbelief over dishonest belief. Herein lies the Agnostic's wager. Most non- believers want to live good lives. Click this link ->

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  • paramore93

    It'd be cool if we could back to the days of 'that's a nice tree/rock/star let's worship that'.

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  • Faceless

    watch some jordan peterson man. he'll maybe change your mind about the entire religious construct.

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    • Yeah no. I searched his name and saw YouTube political propaganda on the first page.

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  • Dustyair

    The "jews" invented "god". Jewry and the talmud is where islam and christianity where derived from, and it's all pure mind poison.

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  • Tdrums17

    Here’s the thing.

    There’s 2 choices: Believe that all of this is arbitrary, that the earth, trees, animals, people, planets and universe have no purpose. That when you die, existence for you ceases, and you have no consciousness. <- Bleak. Dark. Pretty sad when you think about it.

    2. Believe that there is a God who, with great purpose and great skill, specifically designed everything and everyone. Purpose: Glorify Him and find our satisfaction, purpose, and drive in Him. Love Him. Live in eternity with Him. Or, choose to reject Him and spend eternity apart from Him.

    I believe in God. If I’m wrong, then it’s 100% fine, because in the process of serving God, I’ve loved and helped people in my lifetime and that’s worth it.

    If I didn’t believe in God and I was wrong, then it’s 100% NOT fine, because it does have eternal consequences like going to hell. Really sucks when you think about it. I mean we create movies, video games, books, music. All with different purposes in mind, but yes, with a purpose. We are creators. Wouldn’t our Creator do the same thing? Make all this with a purpose?

    It’s pretty simple, really. If life has no purpose, no problem. If life has a purpose, then I better make dang sure I’m following and fulfilling that purpose. And God calls us all to do our purposes. There’s gotta be a reason that so many people oppose Christianity; because it’s true.

    If it weren’t true, wouldn’t it have been wiped out by now? The Roman Empire lit Christians on FIRE while they were still alive for refusing to deny God. That should tell you something.

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  • McBean

    Why waste your energy hating stupidity? The most effective way to manipulate feeble minds will always dominate in the long run. This is why advertising is the top influence in the world. Christianity is in second place.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I don't care how much advertising they do I will never convert from Android to IPhone.

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      • McBean

        I hear ya. Advertising needs to stay fresh. The Prophet Mohammed and his 72 virgins is getting pretty stale.

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        • RoseIsabella

          It's more stale than a dried up turd with a moldy booger on top in an out of order gas station toilet.

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          • McBean

            Hahahaha. You have a way with words. THAT was exciting.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Jesus is a story of gross human sacrifice and nobody seems to recognise that.

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