Is it normal to hate dogs?

i simply despise them. their loud, constant barking and constant shitting drive me up the wall. i wish the sick little beasts never existed. i have never and will never own one. i love all animals except for them. anyone share my experience?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Whatintarnation

    Cat person huh

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  • SierraBug31

    i fricking HATE dogs. one bit my finger and i hate to get stitches

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  • Julian133

    That's considerably normal.
    I do agree that dogs can be loud and annoying, but some to me are just so adorable. The barking especially at night though, are what really drives me out of my mind.

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  • germanshepherd

    Something is seriously wrong with anyone who hates dogs.

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    • Doghater21

      Why? Because we don't want your shit eating, asshole sucking, shedding, stinking, snot smearing, ass wiping, shitbreath heaving, vile retarded beast to touch me. I like my hands dog shit free so I won't be petting your shiteater. I'll reach down and feed it a rat block in bacon. That I can do.

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    • lilcutie152034

      That is your opinion. I hate dogs and if something is wrong with me for that, then so be it. I think there's something wrong with anyone who lets the nasty things in their home.

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  • Ellenna

    You've obviously had very limited contact with dogs, because many dogs don't bark constantly or loudly or shit constantly.

    Whatever, it's the owners you should be blaming anyway, not the dogs.

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  • Bitmap

    I also dont care for dogs. I love how on this site theres umpteen posts about pure disgust for human babies and pregnant women, but say you feel the same way about dogs and people think YOURE the psycho. Baffles me.
    I also love animals too and my parents have a dog I'll be nice to but it boils my blood when it barks, jumps up on my leg, slobber, begs to go out...I mean at least babies grow up eventually. Dogs can be like 15 years of picking up shit and dealing with barking and they cant even talk.

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  • MangoTango

    Um, do you have negligent, disrespectful, asshole neighbors that have dogs they let bark all the time, or crap in your yard? If yes, then I understand why you might feel this way.

    I like dogs, but bad neighbors can create dog haters. In reality, its the dog's owner you should hate. That's the one that's responsible for the dog's annoying behavior.

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  • lilcutie152034

    I think every human being has a right to feel the way they feel. If your a dog lover, that's great but some people just don't like dogs. My husband has a nasty puppy and I can't stand the thing. I don't want it around my kids, it can not come into my home. I despise them and noone can change my mind. Period!

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  • Aliceee93

    All round animal lover.
    as long as you aren't an abuser its okay I think?!

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  • frankfurter50

    you're both koo-koo!

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  • Arm0se

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