Is it normal to get stomach pain every day?

I realized that lately I've had it daily. But not all the time, majority of the time I feel no pain or discomfort but then I can suddenly feel moderate or intense stomach pain that goes over in a few minutes. This sometimes happens multiple times in a day. Right now I'm not exactly sure what causes it

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Comments ( 8 )

    See your doctor asap. It could be serious.

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    • Honestly I don't want to see a doctor. I don't think its anything life threatening as I either way feel fine the vast majority of time and have had it for a while. I'd rather try to solve it at home first or see if it goes over by itself

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      • DADNSCAL

        It could be appendicitis, in which case, if it bursts your dead.

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  • wigz

    Are you male or female?

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    • I'm female

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      • wigz

        Well, if it's not in your low pelvis it's probably not female-related, although it could be.

        Try to eliminate some possible causes...

        Are you under stress? Do you have any toxic relationships? Past trauma? Gut problems are super common with those factors. Even if you don't recognize or feel super stressed on the surface, those kind of issues really do manifest physically.

        Food sensitivity? Food sensitivity or allergies can crop up at any time even if you never had any before.

        Constipation or slowed digestion?

        I'm not saying not to go to a doctor! But some things you can try at home just to see if you can figure it out...

        Walk, yoga, stretching, abdominal massage can work for de-stressing and constipation.

        Keep a food journal so you can see if there's any relationship between any foods and the pain. Also notate what you're doing when the pain happens. Look for patterns.

        Identify stressful/toxic people and situations in your life and find ways to eliminate them or deal with them better. Identify past trauma and process it. Easier said than done, but it's possible. I've had a lot of personal success here, and also with tips and tricks for anxiety/panic attacks.

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        • I doubt its stress related but since I'm not very stressed in general, but it could be physical stress from my job. Food sensitivity is possible so maybe I should try cutting out certain foods. Thanks for advice

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  • RoseIsabella

    You NEED to see a doctor!

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