Is it normal to get bad cold sweats with diarrhea?

Whenever I've gotten the runs and cramps in recent years, It's always come accompanied with the most intense burning cold sweats where I become drenched in sweat within a couple minutes. It's a combination of the most intense burning/cold feeling with sudden heavy sweating, and I never until recent years got it like that. I would get cramps and the runs but not with such intense burning cold sweats. Is it normal?

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25% Normal
Based on 8 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Nickvey

    lost of men have heart attacks while taking a shit. Al Bundy did . man what a way to go. * Hey, Marcy, what's holding the towel up?

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    • I really doubt now that cold sweats with diarrhea means you're having a heart attack, since the sweats only occure until I get the diarrhea out, plus I get a burning feeling in my ass as the diarrhea is passing through, like it's very hot, and the heat of it may be what's causing the sweating. I didn't think of that before. Also, I just found a couple web sites that said that irritable bowel syndrome and a couple of other intestinal disorders can come with combined diarrhea and sweating.

      Now it is possible to have a heart attack while having the runs due to the stress of it on your body setting your heart off, in the same way that the stress of jogging on your body can set off your heart, or the stress of getting very stressed out

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    • Isn't that how Elvis died?

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  • Alduin

    Aaahh you get diarrhea.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe you should see a doctor?

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    • Is it really that abnormal to get cold sweats with cramps and the runs? I did forget to mention that the cold sweats do fade away once I've finished getting the runs out of me, then the cramps and cold sweats fade away together.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I think the cramps are relatively normal, but I don't generally get cold sweats when I have diarrhea.

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