Is it normal to for an autistic person to not be a picky eater?

Most autistic people are picky eaters due to sensory issues. I have sensory issues too, but not when it comes to food. I am a very adventurous eater and will eat things that neurotypicals find gross, like escargot and rattlesnake. I'm just bragging now, lol.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I'm autistic & spent 11 of my school years in cdc classes with other high functioning autistics & not a single one of them were a picky eater, we would all just shovel shit onto our lunch trays & eat it clean.

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  • BlueAlice

    I always go for the weirdest thing on the menu but still have likes, dislikes and sensory issues.
    The latter are few and far between, though

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  • LloydAsher

    My gf ate some baby octopuses. I thought they would be these tiny barely visable soup thing. Nope it was a bowl of thumb sized baby octopuses, gutted and served.

    Now I'm not even a regular octopus fan but that sight made me uneasy as hell. Didnt care about the flak of offering her a tic tac before kissing her.

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    • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

      I had fried octopus once, it was shockingly sweet.

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  • mouldiwarp

    Autism is about extremes, so it can go in the other direction too: hyposensitivity. Autism for me makes my sense of smell and taste poor, I tend not to notice tastes and scents others can detect, or I interpret them weirdly (example: I thought a cinnamon cereal tastes like how firework smoke smells).

    I like trying new foods, rattlesnake sounds good to me, but undersensitivity also makes me eat when I’m not hungry because I crave flavors or spice. Meat is meat though, it isn’t gross just because it’s coming from an unfamiliar source, anything will taste good if you prepare it right.

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    • Oh yes, I reeeeeally love spicy food.

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    • Necr0tic

      I sometimes confuse smells with tastes and tastes with smells, so I'll like eat something and say "this tastes like the smell of X" and vice versa lol.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm neurotypical as far as I know, and I don't think escargot is gross, nor do I think rattlesnake is gross. I've also eaten alligator, and frog legs.

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    • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

      I love all those things. Ever try rattlesnake marinated/cooked in it's venom, gives it a sharp spicy taste. Just don't have any sores or cuts in your mouth when you eat it.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Nope, I've never of that. I looked it up on Google, and there was nothing about it. It sounds like a make believe thing.

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          My grandfather on my mother's side used to do it, he was a hillbilly country boy (he knew/did a lot of weird things) I tried it when I was 11 when he killed a rattlesnake that found it's way into our house & he always ate what he killed.

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          • Necr0tic

            I hope he didn't kill anything fucked up.

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            • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

              Like dogs or cats, no he loved animals. That's actually why he didn't kill much, that & because no matter what it was (even bugs) if he killed it he would eat it & he didn't like the taste a lot of the thing he killed (like opossum).

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  • ellnell

    Yeah it is. I'm not a picky eater either and have no sensory issues when it comes to eating.

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    • Somenormie

      same here, ellnell.

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