Is it normal to dive to the bottom of the marianas trench?

the other day, i was on a boat, and the tour guide said that we were passing over the Marianas trench. The guy next to me said that it was a fun place to free dive, and i thought he was joshing, because I had heard that it was the deepest ocean trench on earth and if you dove to the bottom of it your lungs could burst. nonetheless, i dove to the bottom in about an hour, and came back up without any trouble at all. It got a little dark at about fifty thousand feet, but the luminescent creatures lit everything up enough for me. is this normal? have any of you also tried this? is the marianas trench a great free diving destination i haven't heard about yet? please tell me soon.

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14% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i done the same thang but first i climbed mount everest got a good runnin start and dove off the summit into the trench

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    • nikkiclaire

      Why didn't you parachute from space onto Everest, whimp.

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  • normal-1

    You can dive 1000 feet in a few minutes. But it takes 15 hours to come back up. And the PSI is about 460 PSI. At 5 miles it is 11486 psi.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      nice try but yall figgered the static head pressure for the densitya freshwater

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  • Ray-BanRaven

    Wow! What an amazing experience! I wouldn't say it's normal bc I've never done that, but that sound like fun.

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  • Avscar

    It's not normal but it sounds very fun and I'd love to do that! I would suggest that others get prior experience with diving, though.

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  • frankfurter50

    that everest thing is a pretty good idea, but it's a little cold up there to wear swimming shorts.

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  • frankfurter50

    it didn't hurt too much.

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