Is it normal to continue giving formula to kitten into adulthood?

My kitten has no interest in drinking water but loves the KMR formula. we tried and she is not having it. I'm afraid of her getting dehydrated, she has wet cat food, is there enough water in that food for her to survive on? will it be alright for her to keep drinking the formula into adulthood?

i dont know. 0
you need to wean them off 8
its fine, nothing to worry about 2
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Dustyair

    She needs WATER!

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    • amg1028

      I put water in front of her and she will pat at it and then meow constantly for the milk..

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  • Justmehere

    It's not healthy or good for them. If she's into adulthood, the formula will, to put it directly..Give her the shits or make her throw up. Too heavy for her. I've had many cats, into old and older age, and all did fine switching from kitten food/formula to regular cat food and water. They'll get to it.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Ultimately a cat is an animal and it will adapt. No you dont want to continue to give formula, which will be bad for digestion as an adult.

    Just stop cold turkey. Give the cat water and when thirsty it will drink. Unless you have a suicidal cat she will be fine sweety.

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  • e51pegasi

    Ask a vet or a vet nurse.

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    • I read this fast and thought you wrote “wet nurse”. :-)

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