Is it normal to blackout from smoking?

i usually smoke every other day, just depending on the week, and i had just run out of shells and my dad took my pipe (and my car) so i pull out the old gravity bong, right? slick dont even smoke a lot compared to normal but after a couple of hella milky hits, i start walking to the bus stop(which is like 6 houses over). Im so geeked that it takes all of my energy just to focus on putting one foot in front of the other... so eventually i make it to the bus stop and it starts POURING and everyone is shivering because its so damn cold but im just trying not to panic because what a waste of a smoke sesh, right? I dont talk to anyone because theyre all snitches and i know if i open my mouth im done, but after a while my breaths get really shallow and i start sweating (its like 40 degrees) and my legs get really weak. i start panicking and grab some dudes backpack and whisper for him to call an ambulance because im dying, but dude didnt hear me over the rain. So after a minute or so, i slam into the ground right in a puddle and wake up like 30 seconds later and everyones standing over me watching me laugh hysterically. I get up and i guess the rain got worse, because everyone starts running to this dudes garage. Im not even sure why i followed becuase i was already soaked- i guess i just wanted in on the fun... so we're standing in the garage waiting for the bus and im BURNING UP! like i actually thought i was going to overheat, so while everyone's standing there shivering and complaining, im stripping to my bra and underwear just to cool off lmao... after another 10 minutes or so of being super dizzy, it all wears off and the high goes away faster than normal, which sucked. i know the shit wasnt laced because i smoked 2 blunts with the rest a couple days later and was fine so... is blacking out after smoking normal?

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55% Normal
Based on 11 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • TNXK

    i've blacked out before from smoking bong.

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  • carocaal

    its normal, you were panicked af and it might had hit you a bit too hard

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  • paramore93

    Yeahh I had issues with bongs too, I have no idea why ..
    A few christmases ago I pulled a whitey and passed out in the snow .. my vision went fuzzy and purple and I just went down x'D
    Just sounds like a hell of a whitey to me.

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  • randypete

    I've blacked out when I smoked tie ball I woke up naked with cum dripping out my ass

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  • Boojum

    Hardly the most coherent post I've ever read, but if I understand correctly, you smoked joints made with the stuff without ill-effect, but the bad reaction was after using a bong. Possible there was a residue of something noxious left in the bong's bowl before you fired it up?

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