Is it normal to believe that a persons career is based solely on politics?

Like when I watch the news, I always hear them say “President Biden is creating blah blah new jobs” and all that? I’m just saying, is that normal for people to believe that their job or career is based or totally decided on Democrat/Republican Politics or the President? I would think that it’s how much education and experience you have that gets you a job? Not “The President created this job for you”?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • LloydAsher

    Honestly it's not hard for trump to pick up the working man moniker for just being a guy who worked outside of the goverment for pretty much his entire life. Sure as shit doesnt make him a working man but puts him closer to the average joe than being in politics your entire career.

    That being said "creating jobs" isnt something the goverment doesnt directly do. Rather they fund companies to expand and thus they hire new workers.

    I would perfer if the goverment didnt create or destroy jobs artificially. I perfer if the job went through natural selection first. Like if you are a coal miner the coal mine isnt shut down prematurely until the mine has run dry or machines replaced your job or the price of coal became worthless.

    As for solar and wind. If they are such innovated industries they should be growing naturally with the times and how popular it's becoming. Natural growth for new industries lead to more jobs.

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  • kelili

    Getting a job is a matter of luck, people you know and last, qualifications.

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    • ospry

      Connections play a huge role in whether or not you get a job. Heck, with some places you're not even going to get an interview without knowing someone who already works there

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      • kelili

        Here, you have to know politicians to get a job. The private sector is not much developed. I'm thinking about moving to another country soon. And I'm very serious about it.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I've watched Presidents and the economy for about 5 decades.

    Presidents, and their policies, has very little impact on the ecomony or on jobs. They can influence a specific industry or two. But, that industry is just a fraction of a single % of the jobs out there.

    However, it's normal for politicians to claim that the economy is a result of a president (senator, congressman, etc) - and that another person would change it. The whole idea is preposterous when you look at history and start to consider all the various factors that effect the economy on a national and world wide scale.

    The economy is vary complex in many different ways. There are no simple answers, and people looking for simple answers will always be disappointed in the long term.

    As for the current major economic issues in the USA. Inflation and supply chain disruptions is a worldwide issue (there is not a single country in the world that is not effected, and in many cases its worse in a number of other countries than it is in the USA). Neither President Trump, President Biden, or likely the next President is going to change that, although the supply chain disruptions should be much less in another few years.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I disagree a president and legislators have a massive effect on the economy and jobs. For example signing good trade agreements with other countries is very important. Its also important to allow companies to mine resources so industries can build things here cheaper. Its hard to have a good steel industry if you dont allow companies to mine coal. Like you said its complex and if you screw one industry it can screw the whole thing up. Historically government involvement has been almost entirely harmful to the economy.

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      • olderdude-xx

        The key though is that the kind of things you talk about never have a significant short term effect. They may affect the next presidential cycle. It takes time for trade to change. It takes time to develop a mine or build a large commercial factory (it even takes time to build a number of small production facilities as often the equipment needed is not available for 1-3 years and that is not counting time to erect it, and train people to use it.

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        • LloydAsher

          What about now with the democrats signing in 90k extra IRS agents to squeeze every drop of taxes from you? 90k irs agents I guarentee you arent for the hundred billionaires.

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          • olderdude-xx

            I'm pretty sure that today one of the top IRS managers (and perhaps the director) said that the additional auditors will not be used on anyone who makes less than $400,000 per year.

            So, its for auditing the rich... and there are tens of thousands - if not more than 100,000 people who make better than $400,000 per year.

            I believe that it also includes business audits (I may be wrong on this). I suspect the cutoff will be at least $4 Million in sales each year (and it could be double that). Business smaller than that would not be targeted by that group of new auditors.

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            • LloydAsher

              They say that but 90k additional agents will make them larger than the freaking fbi and border control. I cannot fathom it takes 90k people to take on the few thousands of people that make more than 400k. Even then those said people have accountants and lawyers that work the system legally making the audits more difficult. Except for those who cannot afford them... such as average Joe's and Jane's that might be making some under the table money such as tips or cash wages.

              I honestly do not believe them when they say it's just for the rich. If it was something moderate like 5k or something I'd be more willing to agree.

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