Is it normal to believe in a god but not have a religion?

I don't identify as any religious group. I just know that there is a God

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94% Normal
Based on 33 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • howaminotmyself

    They are not mutually exclusive.

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  • Nickvey

    Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law "Anton Lavey founder Church of Satan"

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  • Mynameisasecrettoyou

    Yeah sure god is about what you believe in internally not what you tell people you are... At least i think so idk im athiest what am i doing here lol

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    It's called being a deist or agnostic not sure if I spelled it right.

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  • Nickvey

    its not agnostic. jesus had no religion

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    • lordofopinions

      I never thought about that. He talked of his father in heaven but never spoke of a religious sect. There was the Jewish religion and several Roman gods but the Romans did not have a specific religion. Christianity came into being 300 years after Christ's death. Islam was founded at the start of the 7th century but modern Islam did not exist until the Islam prophet Mohammed wrote the Quran starting in 609 and finished in 632. He said he was receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel. The Quran is heavily based on the Old Testement and some from the New Testament where Jesus is mentioned several times and is even regarded as a prophet.

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      • Nickvey

        Jesus was so anti-jewish they killed him as an heretic he did not practice judaism and hated them with all his heart.
        the jews had 10 commandments , christians have two

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        • lordofopinions

          What are they? Curious.

          I am Wiccan and we have one basic rule. Do anything you want as long as it does not harm another.

          Then there is the threefold law. Whatever you do good or bad will come back to you and either reward or punish you three times.

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          • Nickvey

            yep, you are wiccan Do as thou wilt. oh wait thats satanism

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