Is it normal to be sensitive to strobe lights? i'm not epileptic

I don't have epilepsy, and I've been tested for it about 3 times. Every time they do the strobe lights part of the test, my eyes cross and I get extremely dizzy. I usually have to tell the person doing the test to stop. But again, I'm not epileptic.

So do strobes make everyone dizzy? Why do we use them at parties and concerts if so?

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90% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )

    If the strobing frequency is sufficient they're absolutely disorientating. It's effectively frame loss in your realtime vision and they can also produce eye fatigue. The first time I was exposed to a _really_ intense strobe light one of my first thoughts was, "Wow. It would absolutely suck to get attacked in this lighting."

    It was only later that I learned they actually are in fact sometimes weaponized. Besides the disorientation from loss of frames, they can be designed to flash a different light frequency each time and as the brain tries to process what it's seeing it creates intracranial pressure and results in vomiting.

    That said, I had an obsession with them as a kid. I rigged my room so that a light switch turned on a strobing blacklight and music.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Strobe lights absolutely fuck with you regardless of whether youre epileptic or not. When it happens in movies i just cover my eyes.

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