Is it normal to be pissed off & triggered by certain pro-choice arguments?

I've noticed many on here ask if it is normal to be pissed off so much by pro-lifers, but none have asked the reverse, so I will now be the first to do so.

Some pro-choice arguments piss me the hell off, for various reasons. The arguments that are pro-women's rights and pro-bodily autonomy don't bother me at all. It's the ones that argue that the embryo or fetus is not a person yet, is inferior to someone who is already born, etc. that piss me the hell off.

Part of the reason is that I love non-human animals, and they are a large part of what gives my life meaning. And human embryos and fetuses resemble and remind me of non-human animals a lot. So it pisses me off when people argue that they are not persons and are inferior to already-born humans, because they are attacking the group of humans which is the most like non-human animals. And sometimes they even use the argument that it doesn't look like a human yet to argue for why it is inferior.

Also, many pro-choice arguments are based on the idea that the fetus or embryo isn't conscious yet because of its brain not being developed enough yet, which pisses me off because it is based on the philosophy of materialism or physicalism (the idea that consciousness arises from matter, such as brains, and depends upon it for its existence), which I really don't like and really don't want to be true for its various implications.

Among these implications I despise is the idea that my personality and mind depends on my particular brain, which means it will disappear when my body dies, which means there will be no afterlife and my consciousness will disappear when my body dies, which means there will come a day when I will no longer be able to enjoy the beautiful things that are the meaning of my life and which give me so much joy.

Also, the idea that brains produce minds implies the idea that some species are less intelligent than others due to the nature of their brains, which I really dislike, for these two reasons: 1.) I don't want nonhuman animals to be less intelligent than humans, because I love them so much, and 2.) I worry a lot about why I am me and not someone else, and worry about what if I had been someone else. So I worry that I might have been another creature that is not intelligent enough to think rationally and philosophically, so I would never have been able to think of the meaning of my life which I have currently discovered, and which I value immensely for obvious reasons, because it would have simply been beyond my cognitive capacities to even contemplate it in the first place.

And lastly, it implies that I am identical to my body, rather than being a soul or mind that just happens to be inhabiting it. And I dislike this idea because it means that I am intrinsically a human, and it is impossible, even theoretically, for my mind and personality to inhabit the body of another species. Because I love nonhuman animals' bodies so much, I have always, as far back as I can remember, wished that I was one rather than a human. If materialism is not true, then it could be at least theoretically possible for me to be reincarnated as one while retaining my mind, personality, and mental abilities. But that is impossible if materialism is true.
So, for these implications, and possibly even more, I really do not want materialism to be true, and some pro-choice arguments are based on the assumption that it is true, so they piss me off.

So, to sum up, certain pro-choice arguments feel to me like an attack on the meaning of my life, my identity, what makes me happy and what I value the most in life and which makes it meaningful to me, and my prospects for happiness. Hence, why they trigger me and piss me the hell off.

So can anyone here relate, or know anyone who can? Is this normal?

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64% Normal
Based on 11 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • LloydAsher

    I have a hard cutoff for abortion 12 weeks. If are unaware that you were pregnant for 3 whole months and didnt get it aborted that on you. Put him/her up for adoption you dont have to care for the child.

    Idk what to call 12 week hardliners like me. Pro life, pro abortion? 3/4 pro life?

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  • olderdude-xx

    While there are many passages in the Torah and Bible that can be argued over; I do believe that the overwhelming evidence is that you are human when you are breathing.

    Example in Genesis 2:7 Yahweh breathed into the formed body and formed a body with a soul. There are two interpretations of this: Gods breath created a soul in the body, or gods breath carried the soul.

    Job 33:4 and Ezekiel 37:5&6 also relate "life" with breathing.

    At the same time, Job 3 vs 16 indicate that an unborn/stillborn fetus "never existed." Finally, and I'm going to let you look this issue up, numerous other biblical reference indicate that the punishment for killing a fetus was treated as a property crime, and not murder.

    Having studied and read the entire bible (and different versions) where I looked for meanings and to look at different issues (that took 18 months, with multiple different seminary books on bible structure, history, possible interpretations); I find that the Bible is highly consistent on this issue: That you are a living human when you are breathing, and not before then. A fetus is not considered human with a soul.

    My Muslim friends tell me that the Quran has a similar view that the soul is breathed into the body; however, that is done by an angle at about 4 months pregnancy.

    Now the Muslims will tell you that the Quran is the original text and that the Torah is but a copy & translation with mistakes and omissions. The Jewish believe essentially the opposite.

    You are free to believe what you will.

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  • Iluvcox

    paragraph 6 and oh yah, all of the other paragraphs too. I mean I get it, abortions piss you the hell off, yah me too, but all of the other stuff, what the fuck are you talking about? Did you hurt yourself in the head real bad one time or something?

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  • Whatintarnation

    I'm pro life personally but I gotta say it's been interesting to read how your brain works. I don't smoke but you seem to have the same winding train of thought that Joe Rogan explains on his podcast when he's high.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I’m neither for nor against, both sides make a strong case. It’s the one thing where I’m not opinionated

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  • litelander8


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  • SmokeEverything

    They keep trying to lower the age of the fetus not being able to be aborted anymore. I say raise it, raise the minimum age to be aborted to like 12 years old. By then you can tell who needs to be aborted or not.

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    • Boojum


      I think you mean the _maximum_ age should be twelve, but I take your point.

      Of course, the question then would be who gets to decide and what standards are applied. Since an awful lot of twelve-year-olds are selfish, obnoxious, stupid little shits, the cull could be considerable.

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  • Sanara

    I think even the arguments that annoy you are mostly valid and even somewhat important. Especially the consciousness, it makes it relatively worse to kill or harm someone who has already gained consciousness, and may actually suffer, have personal desires or know what they could miss out on. I personally have more sympathy for the woman who got unwanted pregnancy, (especially if they did used precautions and it still went wrong), because they actually can suffer and fear for the future, and is either way the only part of the two that is able to make decisions during the time its needed. And for the same reason I think its worse when the abortion happens late and the baby have more developed brain and nerve system.

    And maybe we cant know for absolute sure people aren't conscious without a developed brain (and you're fine to believe in afterlife or whatever, you could be right potentially) we can pretty much prove temporary unconsciousness based on brain activity, and its better to rely on what we actually know so far. In every other circumstance than pregnancy a human is officially considered dead when their brain has no activity even if other organs still work. I personally consider it same in the case of pregnancy too, but that is up for discussion. One argument I actually find a bit stupid is whether someone visually look like a human or not

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont really agree with abortion so I wont be involved with one but I wouldnt not vote for someone based on their stance on it.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Dont forget to call your publisher today.

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