Is it normal to be absolutely terrified of death?

Is it normal that I am absolutely terrified of death? I know that most people will say it's normal, but just the thought of death, or the thought of my family members dying... I can't even describe how it makes me feel. But the thought of not being able to move, breath, or see absolutely scares me. All of your thoughts and memory's gone in a flash along with your accomplishments and failures, every smell, every taste and feeling, all memory of your family and friends, just gone. It scares me that I don't know if heaven or hell is real, I choose to believe that they are and I'll get to go to heaven, but there are so many more possibilities, you could come back as another human or animal, go to heaven or hell, but the possibility that scares me the most is that everything will just go blank. All that you see is darkness, no madder how hard you try to see light, you can't. Your alone, nothing around you, you can't have any of your memories, or be able to dream of things. There's just nothing for you to do. Just an infinity of darkness. Is normal to be so scared of death you can't bare the thought of it? Whenever I talk about death I feel as if I'm going to have a panic attack, my heart starts to beat fast, and I cry, because the fear is that bad, and it makes me think of everyone and everything that's died around me. This is why I am so terrified of it.

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67%ย Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • e51pegasi

    Death is inevitable, Deep down everyone is terrified by it.You simply have to accept it as part of life, don't try to rationalise death because you never will.

    Just grab life by the scruff of the neck and live life how YOU want to.

    The only things that really are important are your health, sufficient food, money, shelter, family and living a moral fulfilling life. Anything else count as a blessing.

    You will feel a little more comfortable when you realise that you aren't special, people don't really care about you except your family & nothing really matters.

    You are born you live your life & when you are interred you give back to the earth what you have taken.

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  • Ellenna

    At 70 I'm very aware that death is fast approaching and I hate it and am also sometimes afraid, not so much of death itself but of the possibility of a painful drawn out dying process.

    I think about my own death at least once a day but most days I also get on with living as well as I can and consciously list my gratitude for all the good things I have in my life, alternating some days with anger that I don't have enough time left to do everything I'd like to do before I go.

    Living a life always terrified of death isn't really living at all and in your case it sounds like a phobia, for which it would be a good idea to seek therapy.

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  • Yennifer_Of_Vengerburg

    Death is inevitable, resistance is futile.

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  • Yennifer_Of_Vengerburg

    Don't worrie about it, I nearly fucken died once and I'm pretty sure a chemical gets released in the body at the time that makes you completely fine with it. For example I was chocking to death on a peice of steak mid-conversation and I tried to play it cool I was trying to reef it up with my throaty muscles no affect, so I nodded like iz still listening and tryed to as causally as possible fuck off to the sink turnt on the water to try and lube it up to get it down. When I realized I was trying to drink and the water was just falling out of my mouth I fucken panicked and I walked over grabbed my ex lover gently by the shoulder and was trying to say heimlich over and over she said later it freaked her out because my mouth was moving and nothing was coming out and my eyes were buldging outta my head. Anyhow my vison started to fade and I felt this fuzzy feeling inside and I turnt around heading for the carpet (We were in the kitchen and I knew I was gonna drop) and my thoughts turnt to "Oh well, at least I know how I died" and I just accepted death and went to lay down to die. Well she figured it out and gave me the heimlich and scolded me about how the universal sign for chocking is to put both your hands to your neck ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ and how don't ever do that to me again I was too high for that shit.

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    • Holzman_67

      yeah I read the same thing. And I have had a couple of near death experiences and in those occasions I wasn't panicked or afraid a sense of calm came over me

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      • Yennifer_Of_Vengerburg

        No doubt

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  • UdertGno

    Think of it as a massive black wall slowly moving toward you. There's no escape.

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  • leah-beth1997

    When you die you still have your memories

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    • Ellenna

      How could that possibly be true? Please explain what you mean

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    • -IS_IT_NORMAL-

      But that's the thing, we can't know that for sure.

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