Is it normal to be a total virgin at 23?

I'm 23. Never had sex. Never kissed. Never been in a relationship. Never even had a real first date.

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 419 votes (289 yes)
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Comments ( 57 )
  • Anime7

    At the moment, minus a couple years, I'm in your shoes. Sadly it is normal and people will say that it is nothing to be ashamed of...

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    • Blacksexychick

      Omg I am black and sexy white people is so god damn stupid and a slut

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      • I can tell you are going to troll this site.

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  • kdane86

    Normal. My best friend is 22. A virgin and proud of it. And I'm proud of her. I lost my virginity at 14 so I have always admired her strength to say no. It's really hard to say no. She is in a relationship and they plan to eventually marry (which they, both virgins, are waiting on) so I can imagine it's like 30 times harder for her. It's normal, it's admirable and honestly I think it makes you pretty freaking badass that you're not jumping on the bandwagon (or men) like people seem to think you have to.

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  • IsitUnique

    There's always like a million people that are just like you. Source: reality.

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  • topazshoujo

    i wouldn't say it's the norm but it's still perfectly ok. Take you time, don't feel pressured, wait till your ready.
    When you finally do it it'll be great.

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    • drakkmord

      but im not getting younger. i'm afraid by the time i am able to get laid i won't have much time to enjoy it before my body dictates i shouldn't.

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      • CupKates

        If you want something, you should work to go get it. If you're only wanting it because of societal dictations, you shouldn't worry about it. Losing your virginity is not about pleasing other people. It's about pleasing yourself.

        If you want sex and/or a relationship, then be proactive about it. Put yourself out there. Look to date. Actually try to find a partner.

        If you don't want a relationship or sex, then don't worry about it. Relax. Who honestly gives a shit if you're a virgin or not. Be confident about who you are.

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      • briefcase[]wanker

        Don't worry, your body will be open to enjoying it for many, many decades to come.

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  • Shugaboom

    Well, It's normal, cause I am a little bit older than you and I am in the same situation. The only solution I see to solve that situation, is sit and wait. So let's be patient my pal.

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  • Holy shit you people are so pathetic.



    Stop playing with the stupid cartoons and dolls and go out and experience life.

    Seriously, you are socially awkward and if you don't like it start improving yourselves.
    If you're fat and ugly and don't like it then work out and stop pigging out.

    If you don't mind never dating or fucking or getting a bj or just the company of someone of the opposite sex then don't worry about it.

    What the fuck are you guys waiting for?
    To be 60 and finally start dating?


    But in no case is it 'normal'.

    Don't you guys want to fuck a girl and get your dicks sucked?

    Don't you want to know what it's like being a real male?

    I'm pretty sure the OP would like to fuck a cute girl and get his dick sucked but he doesn't know how to do it.

    OP if you want to have fun with girls then I can help you. But first tell me about yourself so I know why girls aren't attracted to you.

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    • JohnnyPage

      Calm down, virgin.

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      • Yes, I'm in my 40's and I'm a virgin.

        Are you really that stupid?

        You fools are so retarded.

        Whenever I read such stupid replies it makes me feel good because I realize how blessed I am to be me.

        No wonder so many girls fall in love with me ;)

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        • AbnormallyAwesome

          You're in your 40's, really?
          You don't sound very mature. But it's never too late.

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    • Imsupernormal

      I smell a virgin.

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      • Yes, I'm in my 40's and I'm a virgin.

        Are you really that stupid?

        You fools are so retarded.

        Whenever I read such stupid replies it makes me feel good because I realize how blessed I am to be me.

        No wonder so many girls fall in love with me ;)

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        • Wise words from a man who's been through life! You have my respect! It seems like young guys these days have no motivation, no pride and self respect and they are trying to justify their failure by convincing themselves that it's normal to be a failure. This is a consequence of the fact that modern society is ruled by feminist principles that are meant to tear men down and strip them of every ounce of dignity, ambition and will to succeed.

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          • I am a young guy and I don't feel like I fit this description. I don't feel torn down in anyway. Are you bitter?

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            • There are exceptions of course. Not all guys are the same but, to be honest, most of them do fit my description. I'm glad you're not one of them.

              **blows load

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          • "Wise words from a man who's been through life! You have my respect!"

            Ty ty ty kind sir.

            "It seems like young guys these days have no motivation, no pride and self respect and they are trying to justify their failure by convincing themselves that it's normal to be a failure. "

            That reminds me of growing up and hearing all the black people bitch and moan about how they can never make money because the US is racist against them.

            I'd often remind them of many black successful actors, athletes, musicians, etc. who are all wealthy far beyond the average white person.

            They pretty much shut up after that ;)

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            • dweaver

              I agree with your stance on virgins. But, please don't stereotype black people based off of what a small percentage say or do.

              I am a 28 year old black male myself. I've been around thousands of black people and been involved in probably hundreds of "Inner Circle" black conversations. And I can tell you very few of the black people that don't make much money ever blame white people for it.

              Also, if you're trying to position yourself as someone who wants to help black people, please don't use phrases like "all the black people bitch and moan" and "they pretty much shut up after that" because nobody will take you seriously.

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            • Another ignorant user right here. I wish I could see what you look like so I could see how walking shit is an actuality.

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  • Thebubster

    All good things come to those who wait.

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  • CreativeThinker

    On the eastern part of the world you will be received as an angel....

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  • bellablack90

    Ur all entitled 2 ur opinions, but in the end, whatever age that a person decides to have sex is their decision.

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  • bellablack90

    R u male or female? I'm a female whose also in your shoes, and I'm almost 39. Not waiting 4 marriage or anything like that, still waiting 4 the right guy. While we're not avg,our reasons r perfectly normal.

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    • drakkmord

      so basically its okay for a woman to hold out cuz her virginity is sacred but if a mans a virgin hes a loser.

      actually that does make sense.

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      • bellablack90

        That's not at all what I meant, I think you took what I said the wrong way. I never said that my virginity was "sacred", just didn't want to screw just anybody & not have it be meaningful is all. But I guess ur going read whatever want into my reply......

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  • pacinoharmon

    I hope the mean comments are either trolls or sarcasm. I turn 22 in a couple months. I've never done anything sexual but I have had a date, almost had a relationship but kind of a long story why it didn't work. If society looks down on people like us, it's society's problem not ours :)

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  • iflex4lyfe

    Close this post. We need to keep it at 69%

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    • drakkmord

      LMAO i kno right

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  • rulerofthenight

    It's completely normal. But if it's bothering you this much why not try to get out there and have a first date. No one is saying you have to give it all away now but.. get yourself out there.and enjoy the dating life and all that your 20's has to offer.

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  • Mersaphe

    Dude 23 is young, you have plenty of time for sex and romantic relationships. Focus on education and having a good career first. Then when you're rich you can explore your interests like traveling the world or donating to charitable organizations. The thing with girls is that when they're young they chase the bad boys but as girls turn into women they realize being with a bad boy is a dead end and they start going after the rich businessmen types. So in the end a rich guy with social anxiety will have better success with women then an outgoing party guy with no future.

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  • drakkmord

    i'm just afraid that like if i start developing in this regard at age 25, that would be 7 years i missed and i would have only a few years to enjoy my youth

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    • That's exactly right.

      That's why you need to just go for it man.

      Read my post I'm going to reply to Lucien.

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      • Here's a couple great lyrics/quotes to live by :

        " We may lose and we may win, though we will never be here again. So open up I'm climbin' in, so take it easy"

        Or my personal favorite :

        "Get busy livin or get busy dyin, damn right."

        Quote from Shawshank redemption.

        In other words get off your lazy scared fucking ass and DO IT mother fuckers ;)

        It doesn't matter if you fail. Failure brings you one step closer to success and it's a learning experience.

        The worst thing you can do is NOTHING.
        You'll wake up an old man full of bitterness and regret because you've wasted your life because you were scared.

        Be scared. So what? Now just DO IT.

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  • Nightling

    Don't worry man it's normal. I was a virgin until a few years ago and it's not all its cracked up to be at least to me.

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  • April=)

    if you dont want to get called 'freak' or 'retarded' then delate this post right now.

    and its soooo normal =]

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    • Hi April :)

      LOL, if YOU call me a 'freak' it better be when I'm pounding you in bed ;)

      And NOPE not normal!

      Now, I've got a guy to help pick up girls and make him a better guy to them.

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      • You are a real winner. I seriously hope you develop severe. heart disease. You are already in your 40s you said, so the clock is ticking. Tick tock.

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        • "You are a real winner. I seriously hope you develop severe. heart disease. You are already in your 40s you said, so the clock is ticking. Tick tock."

          It's this kind of low class stupid selfishness that separates me from the lower human life forms such as yourself.

          Why you wish hate on someone and someone that helps others is disgusting.

          You should be ashamed of yourself and you are an embarrassment to the human race.

          Btw, I'm extremely healthy and when I go it will be a pleasure because I already know what's on the other side :)

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          • Haha ok. Whatever you say buddy. That was too easy. **Blows a fruity scented load**

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      • April=)

        JESUS! i was just trying to help, SHEESH!!

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        • "JESUS! i was just trying to help, SHEESH!!"


          Hiiiiiiiiiiii April! :)

          Ok I'm going to type a long winded reply just in case you thought I was yelling, upset, being rude or just simply misunderstood me :

          I wasn't upset with you at all. I was being playful.

          I know people have different interpretations of textual based communication so it's understandable to get the wrong intention and if often does happen.

          Many people believe that when CAPS ARE USED the person intends to be yelling and often is upset. That's not really true but it is often misunderstood.

          A large reason why it's misunderstood is because some online sources wrongfully have implied that which generally came from other people's wrong interpretations.

          Kind of like when people say "PC" and they think it means ONLY a Windows operating system based personal computer.

          "PC" means personal computer without any specification of an operating system. A Mac is a "PC". Pretty much any consumer computer running any operating system is a "PC" but because of the widespread inaccurate use of the term most people think "PC" means a Windows box.

          So in my use of caps thinking I'm yelling or being negative/upset is simply inaccurate.

          When I use CAPS it's to emphasize key word(s) or a point, not to indicate yelling :)

          Another hint was the smiley wink face I left you.

          For example:

          holy shit.

          HOLY SHIT.

          holy shit!!!

          Only the third 'holy shit' was in excitement and could correctly be interpreted as yelling/excitement because of the use of the exclamation point. So the capped 'HOLY SHIT.' did not indicate yelling/screaming or being upset at all. And even though it indicates excitement or yelling doesn't mean it's in a negative fashion :

          " Oh my God... "



          " Ya'll my BITCHES! "

          Even when using a derogatory term with an exclamation point it's still a positive statement of excitement.

          more examples supporting caps don't intend yelling or even excitement.


          Those two are sounded the same.

          These two aren't :




          Anyway, I'm avoiding work but I need to get back to it so just in case you thought I was upset with what you wrote,

          NOPE! ;)

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          • Atlantis was banned for being a troll and a spammer. Good riddance.

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            • charli.m


              This site is so shit, and he could do *such* a better job of it...

              That's why he's created a second account.

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  • Mccall,Nathaniel

    Go fuck somebody asap

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    • drakkmord

      ok. lets start with you. get those pants off

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  • Cherrybombpieee

    Dude its not normal u get get laid already and u know its not normal if ur posting this here

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