Is it normal that noone wants to be friends with me?

I have only one close friend, everyone else has so many. What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to socialize, but just get ignored, also most people say they don't like me before they have even talked to me. I'm not especially weird or ugly in any way, what am I doing wrong?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 19 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • controversy

    Yes that is normal, seek out the company of animals.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Find something that interests people. Maybe you like football or boxing. My thing is boxing and usually ppl that follow boxing are really into it and want to talk about it

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  • RoseIsabella

    Are you pushy, bossy, needy, and or clingy? If you act desperate it will chase people away in droves.

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  • Fugazi,again

    I tend to find it a lot easier to establish conversation with people who are different from me in some way. For example if you meet someone from a different country it's easy to have an interesting conversation about differences and things in common. I'm Irish but live in England and when I first meet people they hear my accent they ask where I'm from and it gets the conversation off to a start. Maybe travelling would be a good way to help you become more confident meeting new people, especially when you realise that most people are just like you once you get past the initial differences.

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  • ellnell

    I am the same way. I suppose it's my aspergers making me come off as a little cold since I keep my emotions on the inside and aren't good at small talk.
    I pretty much only have male friends. That's the only thing that's worked so far, I guess they're more chill or something and doesn't take every single little thing personally and get upset and thinks I don't like them because i'm not constantly blabbering on and indulging in gossip and drama. I'm pretty content with very few friends too, takes way too much unnecessary energy to keep up with a large amount of people. If you do want more friends though, keep trying... If even I can somewhat easily make friends if I really wanted to try harder, then anyone can. Maybe you come off a certain way, like have a resting bitch face or something and maybe you try the wrong people. Find people with the same interests as you. Oh and don't try too hard and be too eager, if you come off as desperate people generally don't like that much.

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    • Fugazi,again

      True lol, male friends can spend hours together without hardly talking, and not keep in touch for months and still be best friends. Also when male friends fight, it brings them closer, but if two females had a physical fight they would probably never speak to each other again lol

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      • ellnell

        Yes, i've noticed this! Me and my male friends often go weeks and yes even months without any contact what so ever but as soon as we get together again it's like no time has passed. And i'm a pretty quiet person in general, also don't like to talk when there's nothing special to say, and most men i've met have had no issue with that. The women i've met on the other hand... They think i'm being rude if i'm not constantly talking about something. I wonder why that is.

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  • Making friends is an activity, and that requires actions. As nerve wrecking(racking?) as it can be you have to take the leap you have to invite people to places.

    If you’re in school invite them to study, ask for their number by saying you want to have a partner in the class in case you miss a day.
    Them saying they don’t like you is puzzling, it’s not normal for people to outwardly say they dislike a person to their face, do you have any rumors or anything about you?

    Do you personally want more friends? Or do you want more friends because you think you’re supposed to want friends?

    The biggest thing Introverts have to overcome is the incorrect idea that Introversion is a “bad thing”. It’s not. But you have to become comfortable with where you fit on the Introvert-Extrovert scale.

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  • dimwitted

    My spouse is my only true friend and I'm good with that. "Friends" and "Family" are so very very over rated.

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  • aBoyFromIndia

    Of course it's normal. I would say, it's wonderful to be alone and friendless. One gets to discover so much of himself when alone. I myself don't befriend anybody. As far as I know, I am the best company I could ever have. Cheers.

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    • Fugazi,again

      You sound cool, wanna be friends irl?

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  • --

    Probably obsessively worrying is the problem.

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  • Cliche1234

    So what if you've only one? Quality over quantity. Some people don't even have any close friends at all.

    If people judged you without even trying to know you at all, fuck them. It's their problem. That's an indication they're just shitty people in general and they're not worth trying to befriend in the first place.

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  • raisinbran

    Who is Noone?

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