Is it normal that my personality has completely altered?

My personality has completely altered. I used to be sweet, loving, caring, positive, sympathetic, and most importantly, happy. I have no idea what happened, but my personality changed. Now, I'm always grumpy and I tend to get angry over tiny things. I still have a bit of sympathy but it has lowered a bit. I have turned a little aggressive and I get violent sometimes. And it seems like i'm starting to do manipulative things without knowing i'm being manipulative. I sometimes pick fights too and i'm angered a lot. I've changed completely and even people I know have noticed the changes. Is this normal?

Voting Results
15% Normal
Based on 13 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It sounds like depression.

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    • I don't self-harm or have suicidal thoughts.

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      • ZREBELX

        That doesn't mean they're wrong. Depression doesn't always include suicidal thoughts or self harming.

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      • Tommythecaty

        I kill with the sads.

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  • Yeah. Life tends to do that to you after a while.

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    • I dunno. I've became kind of a bully every since these

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  • Lol fuck off you wacko and repsectfully, burn in hell. I hope you fry to a crisp and scream so loud you break your vocal cords. Oops, i'm so sorry this entity that is in me is controlling me.

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    Sounds like depression. As commented before me.

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  • Well, in this case it hasn't you wacko.

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  • Grunewald

    Might it help to talk to someone who has known both 'versions' of you and see what they think? I'm not pretending it'd be an easy conversation to have, though. Depression is common and personality change is often a sign of it, but personality change isn't always due to depression.

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  • primrose576239

    it may be possible that at a point you stopped caring about yourself the way you should have been. if you dont prioritize your own mental wellbeing from time to time, well yes what you are facing happens.
    i suggest take a few days off for yourself and use that time for self care

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