Is it normal that my mom just yells at me at random times?

Is it normal that I have to tread super carefully around my mom i'm an only child and she's a single mom and she never really had many friend's everyone always say's "youre mom is so nice" but they have never seen her angry she rants for hours and hours without my saying a singly word one time she spent a full hour spewing insults at me at the top of her lungs without me saying anything than she started crying and i had to comfort her I'm getting tired of having to tell it's ok when it's clearly not this is seriously taking a toll on my emotional and mental state and I can't help wondering is this normal?

yes 2
you might want to talk to someone... 5
no 4
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Comments ( 6 )
  • bigbudchonga

    She sounds like she needs to see someone. My mum was similar to this (though not as bad); turns out she has depression and is borderline bipolar, your mum sounds like she's got something similar, dude.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Tell her to go fuck herself the way you fucked her mom last night

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  • Tommythecaty

    Keeeeeel her before she makes more yells.

    Or maybe meds.

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  • Ellenna

    Not normal and it would be a good idea for you to talk to someone about this situation, it's not healthy. Are these poisonous rants triggered by usual mother/child stuff like not cleaning your room or helping with chores, or what? Some context would be helpful.

    It's your mother who has the problem, which she's inflicting on you and you need some help in dealing with it.

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    • Justsomeonewhoisbored

      the rants arent triggered by usual mother/daughter stuff it always depends on her mood and she can jump at the smallest thing's but we have been through so much together and it's just like one-moment shes saying I love you and the next she's yelling because I asked for a sweet or something.

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      • Ellenna

        Could you try the old formula, at a time when it's all peaceful between you, of saying "When you ............. I feel ...........(name your feelings clearly) and I would prefer it if .............. (how you want her to treat you).

        Worth a try.

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