Is it normal that my first kiss was with a girl but i'm straight?

I'm a girl. When I was about 12, my friend who is also a girl for some reason wanted to kiss me to "try it out." I was reluctant and didn't really want to, because I'm not a lesbian, and wanted to save my first kiss for someone I was attracted to. However, she kind of pressured me into it by saying, "it's normal! Everyone does it, I also kissed (other friend of ours who is a girl)" So I let her do it (gave in to peer pressure.) I didn't really like it or feel anything, but I still regret giving her my first kiss because I didn't have a crush on her. And also I'm straight. But is it normal? And could this experience actually have set off other strange attractions out of resentment?

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92% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I'm sorry she pressured you into doing something you didn't want to do. If you're here I assume you're over 18, and have learned how to better say no to people. If a person can't handle you saying no to them then that's not a good thing, and that person isn't worthy of your time, energy and friendship. Never feel guilty for saying no, honey...never!

    Are you still friends with this person?

    I would say that it's not uncommon for a person to unfortunately have his, or her first sexual encounter with another child who wants to "experiment". As far as I'm concerned I certainly wouldn't fault you if you just wrote off that bullshit with the inappropriate, and pushy girl, and counted your first kiss as your first kiss with a boy you liked. Yeah, I'd say your experience is not uncommon, but it's not normal either.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Yeah but first kiss means nothing

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  • Its normal, it was just a kiss.

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  • Boojum

    I'm sure it's pretty common, although it's not something many women talk about. Probably mainly because once they've gained some maturity and experience of the world, most women realise that a lot of kids are curious about sexual stuff before they hit their teenage years, and all kids do silly stuff.

    It was just a freaking kiss. It happened when you were twelve freaking years old. The girl shouldn't have pressured you into it, but it's not like she freaking raped you. If you want to believe this trivial event has left you with permanent emotional scars, you're free to play the victim card, but I suggest you grow up and move on.

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    • you don't have to be rude I'm just asking a question ffs

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