Is it normal that my body/bed shakes before going to sleep?

Ok so I'm not talking about the paranormal or something along those lines. I just want to know if I should see someone for it. Basically when I'm just laying in bed trying to go sleep it's either me or my bed that is shaking not like crazy shaking like my mom waking me up but like a rocking back and forth sort of thing. A gentle shake if you would.
I have to be sleepy and want to willingly go to sleep. It's more of an annoyance to be quite honest. If the bed/me is shaking and I sit up it will go away but when I lay back down it will happen again. If I'm watching something on my phone on my bed it wont happen but the minute I put my phone down and try to sleep it'll shake. I just want to know is it normal? My family doesn't have a history of mental issues or any sort of diseases. If I wasn't going to bed and just laying on my bed it won't shake. If I want to willingly take a nap it will shake. I don't live near train tracks or anything I live in a gated community so it's not cars driving by. What is going on with me? :(

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ellenna

    Good questions! Why did you ask about cardiac issues? I have heart disease but I can assure when my bed is shaking I always know why!

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    • Fugazi,again

      Ey up!

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  • NoMalarkey

    This can happen in partial sleep and is thought to be your realization of the sensation of your heartbeat.

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  • darklantern

    My bed used to shake when I laid in it. Pretty sure that was paranormal though

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  • noydb

    No. Your bed is haunted. It’s possessed by one of those “Magic Fingers” coin-operated massage devices.

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  • dimwitted

    The shaking is only in your bed and in your room? Nowhere else?

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  • DIO

    I need answers to be able to try to help you.

    Does it do this only on your own bed or also when you sleep somewhere else?

    Are you or any of your close relatives known for having cardiac issues?

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