Is it normal that i like chewing old brown paper from old books?

Hi so I have this really weird habit of chewing old paper, from really old books, paper that is preferably old and brown in colour. I've been doing this since I was 10 and now I'm 18. It started with newspapers and by now I've actually finished whole books just by chewing them and spitting it out. I get really bad cravings and it's impossible to stop myself. I used to love reading books and I still do but my reading habit has been converted into a paper chewing habit. My mom was alarmed when she found out and has tried her best to stop me ever since. I hide it from her and have been doing it ever since. Is there anyone like me? Please let me know.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Don’t wreck books you twat

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  • Somenormie

    Congratulations we have a paper eater.

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    • RoseIsabella

      There used to be a show called My Strange Addiction, and they had people on there who would eat paper, and all sorts of other bullshit.

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  • randypete

    it is NOT normal are you on drugs

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  • a-curious-bunny

    You monster.

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  • aquaticsans

    i just eat any paper. not tissues though. they can absorb a lot of moisture

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