Is it normal that i hate humanity?

I truly believe humanity is a cancer to the Earth. We do nothing but destroy and take. There's so much unnecessary greed, destruction, violence, and mayhem on this planet simply because we're here. We've caused things like the mass extinction of animals, global warming, environmental destruction etc. simply because we show no respect to anything that doesn't involve us and the fact that we're so manipulative and power hungry. The Earth would be so much better without us, and I truly hope one day we all either A. Die out, or B. Stop destroying the planet. Seriously, fuck humans.

Oh, and before anyone says "Hurr durr ur a hooman 2!!!" I never asked to be here and I never said I hate every single person. I just hate humanity's actions. "But ur usin somthn created by hoomanz!!!" So? That doesn't mean I have to change my opinion. "Then go kill ur self cuz ur a hooman 2!" Even if i did kill myself, nothing would change. So killing myself wouldn't do anything. A baby is born every 4 or so seconds. My death would be replaced in 4 seconds, making it meaningless. "If u h8 us so much, go live wit nature thn cuz ur also usng up resorcez and destroyin le planet xd" I don't drive a car, so I don't pollute. I'm also an environmentalist and I'm becoming a vegan. I try my best to recycle and use what I have with me so I don't use up more resources than I already need. I don't chop down trees and take away natural habitats simply because I can. I also try to use mostly natural products so I can at least do something to help the environment. Even if I did live in the woods and "become one with nature", it still wouldn't change anything. People would continue to destroy the planet and chop down forests. But whatever. Some people are too stupid to realize why humanity is a cancer. Some people may call me an antisocial sociopath, but they're retards that deny the truth about how horrible our species is. I guess that's why I'm not having kids. I'm gay either ways so whatever.

Voting Results
92% Normal
Based on 26 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • ZaneT

    The elite satanists run the world agenda, and it was put in place before u & I were born. They shape the world and we, the sheep follow. The devil hides in the shadows while God gets the blame. It's always been the same and it's getting worse.

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  • sandnigga

    most people are nice decent people

    its the illuminati your talking about

    the people who worship satan

    they're the ones wanting to go to war

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    • RoseIsabella

      I saw something online that said Hillary Clinton is a Luciferian.

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      • sandnigga

        theres lots of crazy things that people dont know in america

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      • Kill_SJWS

        Spirit cooking!

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      • sandnigga

        she probaley is haha

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        • CozmoWank

          If it's online then it must be true.

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          • sandnigga

            if you know these people, these people are real, then you know its most likely true

            the illuminati, or whatever you want to call them, are 100% real

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            • CozmoWank

              I know they're real.
              They always come to my door when they're having a candy drive.

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  • Sugar7

    Its humans that aren't humane that I have a problem with! All these people that kill, abuse, & have SEX with Animals, kids, & anyone against their will make me wish to be the executioner to bestow a painful end to them! This world belongs to the devil and his followers & All of us that believe in God and His Word don't have any rights- the more You hate what's good; the more you fit in... I have never been one to care about fitting in anyway.... I got on here because these morons were asking if it was normal for them to FORCE THEIR DOG TO PERFORM SEX ACTS ON THEM---HELL TO THE NO IT's NOT!!! The fact You are asking on a site where you're anonymous proves you already know that. 🙄😡

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  • Cliche1234

    Some people indeed make you lose faith in humanity.

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  • McBean

    It's all about footprint, man. Live, fuck, and die while using less carbon, producing fewer kids, living in a shoebox, and consuming less packaging.

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    • MissileExpert

      Antibiotics are the culprit. There should have been mass pandemics by now that killed 90% of the population. One billion people are the optimal amount to preserve the Earth's ecosystems. At this point, it is too late. People will live, the Earth will die, we will terraform Mars.

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      • Sluts

        The technology it would take to terraform Mars probably doesn't exist, we may attempt to do that, but I don't think we will be successful. You are 100% right though, the carrying capacity for humanity on planet Earth is probably 1.5 billion to a maximum of 2 billion, we've blown right past those numbers.

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        • MissileExpert

          Genetically engineered microbes for Mars will get the terraforming job done. If we take a full 300 years to do it, it will not be costly.

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  • HiAGAIN10

    Not humanity, just the culture. The social media has made people selfish.

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  • Sluts

    We are set for war. It's sad.

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  • bubsy

    You may have overdid the Im14andThisIsDeep impersonation, my good troll.

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