Is it normal that i hate artists?

I do like arts and I think it's a wonderful subject to learn. But imo, it gives people nothing but a momentary pleasure. Other subjects like STEM, on the other hand, gives people an exact necessary things needed for our species survival : high-tech, computers, vaccines, cure for cancer, global warming tackling, Mars terraforming, etc.

I'm okay with people learning arts, but I hate it when people choose to explore art as a main career (having it as a 2nd career sounds fine to me). Plus they make more money than they do deserve. It felt so funny when I saw rich people who chose to spend their money to buy a painting for billions of dollars rather than using them for technology research and development.

Artists contribute nothing to the world. You may say that art is the way you express yourself. Yes. But I don't think that we live only to express our feelings and ignore the main point of survival for our civilization. Is it normal that I think that way?

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17% Normal
Based on 30 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • barefoot_on_the_sand

    "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life".

    Oscar Wilde

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  • There’s so much more to art than your stuck up mind is thinking. Art isn’t just this painted picture meaning nothing. There’s lots of famous artist and how about graphic designers? That’s art. I was going to college for that and only would of made like $12 a hour after graduating. So before you get jealous that artist make money sit down and realize not all are painting pictures. I would of done mostly stuff like designing t shirts and logos and buisness cards for companies and that’s going to help places grow by spreading the word. And that’s just one art related career. Art isn’t pointless but I’m sure as a pointless person yourself you don’t do shit for the world? Can you even art?

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  • Art is used in a variety of fields, not just fine art (which I personally can't stand). Graphic design, advertisements, storyboarding for any sort of video or animated product, web design, technical drawing (including for medical, scientific, and engineering purposes), architecture, the list goes on and on...

    Moreover, artists spend hours working on technical skills, learning muscle groups and drawing techniques and otherwise, and often work very low wages in a high effort, highly competitive field. There are many online artists who work under minimum wage. You also have to have good business skills in order to be a successful artist.

    So no, art doesn't contribute "nothing", and it isn't something everyone can do. It takes tremendous effort, discipline, and skill, particularly in the commercial field. You can bet just about anything with a design had an artist behind it. And while it's possible to make enough to live off of in art, you certainly won't be rich. Moreover, most freelance artists don't have good health insurance, meaning that if you get injuries (most commonly, wrist injuries), it's hard to be covered.

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  • jellocatto

    I guess you also don't watch movies or play games ever? Guess what, those couldn't exist without artists.
    Who designed everything in your house? The clothes you wear?
    Which industry's demand do you think made 3D software advance to the point where it is. Who makes cars look cool.
    Even just "generic" art; first off, causing people to have a momentary joy in their life alone would be worth a career to be built on, it is a valid goal. Technology is important, but do you seriously think everyone wants and should be a scientist? What kind of Borg-like horribly sad world would that be. Also, good luck supporting that economy. Guess what, real life is not a strategy game where humans are emotionless units that can have 100% production rate at all times without any positive stimuli or rewards. Humans have this thing called "emotions".

    Go and live in an empty room, never looking at anything remotely colourful or pretty, never eat delicious food that is not purely nutritional. Do not wear clothes that have any design. Do not listen to music. Do not read books that are not scientific for the sake of research or education. Do not chat to your friends about matters not essential. If we are at it, stop browsing silly websites asking if your thoughts are normal, you are wasting your valuable time and resources instead of contributing to humanity.

    If you do any of those, stimulate yourself for momentary joys without much to gain for our civilisation then you are just a major hypocrite and you can sit down.

    I sincerely hope you are a troll and not truly this ignorant.

    PS. Artists do not make more money than they deserve. The modern artists are a very thin outlier group; average professional artists earn the same as a plumber or electrician on the usual. It's an honest, hard mental job that requires 40-60 hour workweeks. Shows you have no idea how the art industry is today.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I hate all the art in so-called "fine art" art galleries with people spending thousands, or even millions, on a canvas with nothing but a big mess on it.

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    • EggKegg

      Yeah, I think art should be something made with passion (unless it’s only a job to the creator), not just something to confuse people.

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  • CozmoWank

    It's ok, industry needs more nameless cogs like yourself.

    And as I just shared in another post-
    The arts contribute over $114 billion to the New York state economy.

    Arts Sector Contributed $763.6 Billion to U.S. Economy—More Than Agriculture or Transportation, New Data Shows

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    successful artists are successful self promoters

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