Is it normal that i hate alcohol?

I don't like how it makes me feel. Drinking makes me feel groggy and sick in the stomach before it gives me any kind of good feeling. And if I do drink enough to get any good feeling from it, it's really not that good, and I'll always then feel sick as shit, be dizzy, and puke for too long a time period afterwards. Even the after effect I feel if I don't drink as much and it's not really a hangover, I have no energy, I feel nauseous, heartburn, irritable, and run down. I can definitely see how alcohol makes some people angry drunks. Drinking has always made people act crazier and more pissed off. I feel so much more relaxed and comfortable if I don't drink. I just can not understand why so many people drink. Is it normal to feel like this from drinking and to feel like this about drinking?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 48 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 41 )
  • I have never liked alcohol and do not drink. I really don't understand the appeal. Most booze tastes like shit, makes you feel like shit, it's toxic, a waste of money, just totally pointless.

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    • MisterDoctorProfessor

      And it gives you the shits the next morning.

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    • Yes, you may have a body type more like mine. Alcohol is more toxic to some than to others. Or some body types just take alcohol in differently. Like you, I also don't understand the appeal and how it makes so many people feel good and want to dance, sing, party, etc. when it never made me feel that way. I guess I'm not alone.

      But again, alcohol doesn't make everyone want to start dancing, partying, etc., because there are those who just become pissed off drunks.

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  • litelander8

    I'm about to fix a vodka drink. Or whisky drink..? Maybe a lager..?

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    • mauzi


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      • litelander8

        Fuck no. Lol

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    • RoseIsabella

      I've got some vodka.

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      • Alvex

        Or some Jamaican rum, mon. Let's drink lots o' rum, mon, dread our hair, and let's do some reggae dancin to Bob Marley. And we keep drinkin lots an lots o' rum, mon.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Ja mon!

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    • I guess that alcohol makes some people feel better than others. Like even when I used to go to clubs when I was younger and I saw drinking making so many people start wanting to get up and dance and make noise, while I was standing to the side feeling groggy and sick in the stomach, and I kept wondering why it wouldn't make me feel that way. Maybe my body's designed a little differently from others.

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      • litelander8

        Some people are allergic to different types or just alcohol in general. In the long run, I'm sure it's much better for anyone to just not drink. Cheers!

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        • Yeah, I guess maybe parts of my body have slight allergic reactions to alcohol. Oh well, to a degree, we're all different in various ways. Cheers.

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  • bbrown95

    I'm not really a fan either. I don't mind one small, lightweight drink every once in a blue moon for something different, but any more than one small, weak drink gives me a headache and just isn't worth it to me. I don't like a heavy alcohol taste, either.

    I've never seen the appeal of getting drunk and have never gotten drunk or even a buzz, even at 24. I have lots of friends that try to pressure me because "it'll be fun", but I fail to see what is so fun about the hangover the next day. It seems more like an excuse to act stupid than anything to me.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I have never touched it and don't plan to.

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  • Boojum

    Alcohol is a toxin, and the current scientific consensus is that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption: it always causes some damage. If the person is healthy, most of that damage will be quickly repaired, but habitual, regular consumption of even small amounts of alcohol does have a cumulative effect. Binge drinking of large amounts of alcohol is even worse.

    It sounds like your body is telling you very clearly that drinking alcohol is not good for you, and you'd be wise to listen to that message. If there are social pressures on you to drink, think about ways of dealing with those. Maybe tell people you're on some sort of medication that means you can't drink, or invent some reason for you needing to be able to drive when you leave the event, or come up with some reason you need to have a clear head the morning after.

    A survey a few years ago in the UK found that around a quarter of people aged 16 to 25 never drink alcohol. I don't know where you live, but attitudes towards alcohol are definitely changing in Britain.

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    • Nikclaire

      A simple "I don't drink" works in almost every circumstance. In circumstances where it doesn't it's best to just leave.

      I've found that people really don't give a rip what others drink. There is no need to lie.

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    • That's good, because when I was in the UK about 20 years ago, attitudes about drinking were awful. I couldn't believe how people pressured me to drink, and really judged me if I didn't drink, and even if I didn't drink enough. They were the worst about it in that way in Ibiza, they gave me shit because I was only drinking in the evening and not all day too like they were. We were also all 20 something then, so that may've been part of it.

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      • Boojum

        There does seem to be a major change in British attitudes towards booze, particularly amongst the young. There's some debate about why it's happening, but it's probably a combination of booze being expensive and budgets getting tighter, along with public health warnings getting through. Fashion and social media is probably playing a role too, and Dry January is a big thing. Some people realise after going without for a month that they feel and look much better, and so they either go teetotal or drastically cut down.

        Around a quarter of the pubs that existed in 2000 have since closed, and that trend is continuing. Still, binge drinking remains a big problem, some city and town centres remain awful places on weekend nights, and about a fifth of the National Health Service's budget is spent dealing with the acute and chronic results of alcohol consumption.

        Abstinence is much more widely accepted here than it was twenty years ago, so you'd probably be much more comfortable with the general atmosphere. Given the effect of Brexit on the exchange rate, maybe it's time for you to consider a return visit?

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  • mauzi

    Same even tho i like alcohol i feel too sick to drink it most of the time now. but I never got why most people just drink to get drunk, i genuinely enjoy the taste.

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    • McBean

      Yanno, a half a glass of expensive wine with a nice dinner enhances the whole experience. Sip it slowly, and stay under 0.04%. If you quit while you're ahead, the alcohol does taste good.

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      • Your username sort of reminds me of Mr. Bean. That's not an insult, I've always loved that show

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    • Yes, it made me alot more sick than feeling good.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet


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  • apegiggles

    Got wasted once at home, probably around 6 drinks in 30 minutes. It was fun at first, especially when the whiskey didn't taste like rocket fuel after I was drunk enough. However, 2 hours of giggling and stumbling around the house with another beer in me was the perfect combination for my vomit to miss the toilet. Soon after hit the sack. I was so hungover that I missed class for the next two day.
    Weed edibles is where it's at, no problems there. Especially fun with a bit of acid or shrooms.

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  • Jennifer21

    Drinking alcohol is one of the things I won’t/don’t do!

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    • Me either. What I don't personally understand is why so many people drink when it makes you feel like shit, it makes people sick and puke, and makes people all pissed off and wanting to fight.

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  • Ichabuskene

    I remember my first beer...

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  • LloydAsher

    After 3 bouts of drinking as a person in thier twenties I've decided that drinking isnt worth it. It's pointless to drink. Slowly poisoning yourself just to get an altered state of consciousness.

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  • Jimbo24

    Thank your lucky stars you won't be poisoning yourself with that shit then. I enjoy alcohol, and consume it regularly, especially with a cigar. And while it's fun and very enjoyable at the moment, it does take a toll on you in the long run. I'm sure you can find some other drug to alter your state with.

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    • I know that some people feel good when they drink, and that they still remain a pretty fun to be around person even when intoxicated. And I'm sure you're one of them. But I just had too many experiences in the past where when I went out drinking where I always happened to be around too many of the pissed off drunks, or the 'getting wild and having fun but also being assholes' drunks.

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      • Jimbo24

        Well, that's what I would classify under the "Pick Your Hangout Buddies Wisely" category.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I dont like the taste but I love the feel. I drink more vodka on a daily basis than I'd like to admit. But good for you, it's not a habit to get into...

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  • raisinbran

    Maybe you're more of a hard drugs person.

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    • I've taken opiates, and I definitely prefer that to alcohol. But I've never touched crack, meth, or pcp, those drugs that rise people up, makes them more crazy and pissed off. And alcohol falls in that category too, there are lots of angry drunks out there.

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  • PeopleFuckingSuck

    I used to hate alcohol when I first started drinking (early teens), made me feel sloppy and not in control. 5 years later and I drink almost everyday, drank everyday this whole week, fucking love it.

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  • yes!you don't have to like it people's tastebuds are different. I personally hate alcohol too so yes, it's normal

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  • RoseIsabella

    I just remembered that I'm almost out of spiced rum, which makes me said.

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    • Yeah, I've known people who've liked spiced rum. I guess that the rest of my response to you is the exact same response I gave to litelander8.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Okay, thanks.

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        • Just to let you know,I meant my response to you was the same as my first response to litelander8, not the second one. I meant the response that starts with "I guess that alcohol makes some people feel better than others.". Just telling you because your response sounded like you were responding to second one, where I ended with saying "cheers"

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          • RoseIsabella


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