Is it normal that i feel very uncomfortable about looking good?

I am beautiful and i have an amazing body. My face and body are equally good and unique. But I feel so uncomfortable about looking good. It is not that I ever wished I looked uglier, it is just that whenever I go out or meet new people i am afraid that they will be jealous of me AGAIN ( I had some bad experiences with losers who bullied me in the past.)and that they would start calling me slutty, stupid or ugly.

The people who treat me like that are complete losers, I know I shouldn't even bother with them. But I am angry at them! I want to put them in their place..... If those losers don't say mean things then they say sexual things.

I don't want strangers to treat me like " a sexy girl" when I am probably smarter and have more class than people who talk like that.

Men are weird towards me, they may think that they are very manly but the fact that their girlfriend is not feminine at all makes them act mean towards me ( like ignoring me in front of their girlfriend like i am not even a person and I bet they say mean things behind my back too) . Why should I have to put up with anyone who wants to feel better about themselves?

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Comments ( 103 )
  • fakeaccount2

    I know this is probably a troll post but I know the feel. Those guys are called Beta orbiters, its honestly disgusting how people go by physical attraction before emotional attraction and try to get with you just because they noticed that youre "hot", "cute", etc. without knowing shit about you.

    also it's funny how people online always get triggered about someone knowing they are attractive, lets see all the "LOL UR PROBABLY UGLY" type posts that roll in on this. only insecure people say crap like that.

    Its not conceited it its the truth. I personally do not care about looks at all but I know i am attractive only based on the fact that people are always telling me. Now cue the insecure haters "WHO, TELLS YOU THAT, YOUR MUM?!" lol

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    • RedDaisy

      Hi :) I am not a troll, I am just tired of trying not to sound snob or conceited so I was blunt and honest in my opinion of myself and others. This is how I see it, anyone who reads it has to get over their issues and understand that I am just being honest like you said. <3 Plus i didn't insulted anyone who doesn't deserve it with my paragraph.

      Thank you for explaining to me the beta orbiters thing.... I was so hurt and angry and all i could think is how can I show them how pathetic they are. But in reality I should just laugh at them and not give them the time of a day.

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      • fakeaccount2

        I think i've asked similar questions, its easier to put it into a hypothetical like this "You don't have to believe me, but let's just say I am attractive... this is how it would feel etc" to avoid angry troll responses

        There is also a thing called the "girlfriend zone" that was made as a counter attack to those type of guys' term of being "friendzoned". They look at you only as a potential girlfriend rather than as a true friend. It really bothered me once I realized this too. I just want to be friends with everyone, but then people take that friendliness as flirting, just because im not a guy. depressing

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        • RedDaisy

          I am exactly the some, when a guy talks to me and I don't like him and he is just being friendly i think that now we are friends. But it is not the case and then I feel guilty for not treating him like a "man" and i just wanted to hang out as friends and he didn't have any idea..... I now know that it is extremely rare to have male friends and that I can only hang out with my boyfriend apparently... And the worst thing is that those guys get offended to that i thought we were friends.

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  • Annaegg

    And THAT is the reason I shaved all my hair off. I get treated so much more seriously, and not just like a pretty, dumb girl.

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  • MumHead10

    Honestly, I do not think this is a troll. I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY how you feel. It usually stems from everyone being jealous of you and you are really tired of having to "give yourself up" just to make other people happy. You are ALLOWED to be good-looking, and you shouldn't downgrade just because other people are assholes about it. Its just the way the world works, there are people who are generally beautiful in most people's eyes. If you are one of them, we can't just pretend that they don't exist. That doesn't mean that other's can't be happy with what they have too, but they usually try to take it from YOU and that makes you uncomfortable, I get that. Its actually really hard to "have something" (whether its beauty, smarts, or whatever) because people will try to take it from you. I really understand how that feels.

    However, I found that I felt that way mostly because of a trauma I had in the past, where specific people would bully me (people who had no "stance" for themselves) and try to diminish me just so they felt better. I think that you need to GET AWAY from those people, its usually specific people who feel bad.

    I have this issue, but I also have a friend who had the issue a lot worse (because she's hotter than me, by a LOT), but again, I personally never tried to bully her or remove her femininity because I felt like I was happy with myself. Maybe I'm not as pretty as her, but I had my own style and I was perfectly happy with it.

    My point is that people who are mean to you are only doing it because they are NOT HAPPY with what they have. Even if someone is generally less attractive than you, they won't do that to you if they actually FEEL that they have their own stance.

    I think my best advice is get away from those that hurt you (unless they are important to you -- then you have to teach them and communicate with them how you feel, etc.) and also ignore anyone else who is mean to you.

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    • RedDaisy

      yes this is exactly what i was feeling. That they, say mean things abut me or that they treat me like a sexual object, to take my confidence away so that they would feel better about how they look. I know I have to stay AWAY, I have to RUN! There is no other way to deal with them, because they are not worth my time, they are petty losers with no brains too sometimes.

      I have a trauma too! I am that bother with those people because of something that a guy did to me some years ago that I found very traumatic he said something about me in front of others and then he laughed. He was a retard and e has many issued, if i explained you would understand, but I don't want to talk about this person... He is not worthy. haha. After that experience I started being WAY more vulnerable to insults and to losers. Before that I didn't really care.

      I can understand your issue very well and I believe you. We have to strengthen our-self and learn to defend our vulnerabilities, especially when we know what is going on. I really hope that you are strong now and that you have got over your trauma, because it isn't worth AT ALL to even think about such losers. You know it and they know it and they had payed about being mean trust me. Everyone pays! We have to be strong and grown up. ;) They are losers not us, except if we don't stop bothering with them...haha
      Best of luck girl! <3 You remind me of my friend too really, very much. Some how your words sounded so familiar to me.

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      • MumHead10

        Creepy, but I know for a fact my friend is asleep right now lol so its not like we are secretly each other's friends.

        One thing I want to tell you is this -- Calling then losers kind of skews my perception up. I sometimes feel the need to insult them too because of how much they hurt me, but its not exactly that they are a loser. No one is a loser forever, people aren't naturally losers. They have no "place," they just put THEMSELVES in that place, that is actually what makes it worse. The word "loser" has the context of someone who can't help but be in a low place. That's not true in the case of these people. These people are weak and don't want to strengthen themselves, instead they prey on others because they have NO idea who they are. They copy people, put people down, or just say everyone's lower so they can feel better.

        Even those people, if they are true to themselves, can be cured.

        I suggest you not call them losers for this reason or you will misunderstand what their motives are, and you may misunderstand yourself as well. If you call them "losers" than you may be stooping to their level, calling them a loser when they deprived you. You have to rise above that.

        I understand that you may not have meant "loser" in the way I expected -- because those people that hurt you are most likely jealous, bad people, and that is something that you are allowed to voice, and if that is what you call a "loser" then by all means, its fine -- but just in case you don't realize what you are saying, it sounds to me like you are speaking to them condescendingly. And I think that isn't healthy or you'll just become the monster they wanted you to be.

        But again, I totally feel you. You wrote somewhere that "people bully you because they can't help how intimated they are by you." and that is true, that is what I meant to say as well. I think that if people (on this blog) realized that, they wouldn't be so mean. Again, because of weaker people who can't handle that some people just ARE prettier and some people are not so much, they get very angry when people ADMIT that they are beautiful, because they think its vain. Many times, people only wish they could be so beautiful, so they assume that people who are ACTUALLY beautiful (to most people) are just vain in general, which isn't true. They say "you aren't so pretty, you're just super conceited" because they don't want to admit that you ARE pretty, they want to act like "no you can't be so beautiful, you must be faking it/trying too hard/lying to yourself. They can't admit that there ARE people who are pretty in almost everyone's eyes. (Beauty is for the most part subjective, but there are people out there who are just so pretty they fit almost ANYONE'S taste).

        I don't think you should ever have to stop being pretty just so people can be happier with themselves. As I said, I know I'm not that pretty, I really do, but I know that some people still were jealous of me. Its not exactly to do with looks, its often about style/confidence/how you wear yourself. I know I'm like probably just a 5/10 to most people, maybe a 6-7/10 if I am lucky, but I HONESTLY feel like an 11/10, on my bad days maybe a 9/10 MINIMUM. Its all about how you view yourself. I, someone who isn't so beautiful, could have bullied others who were very beautiful, like you or my friend or just anyone else. But I didn't because I have my own beauty. And that is why I dislike those who bully you because they KNOW you look better than them -- they don't take the effort to even know who they are and bring that out, because that creates beauty, too.

        I am sure that you actually are, by looks, just a straight 9/10 or 10/10 based on how people react to you (very similar to my very gorgeous friend), but its also because you HAVE confidence that people react this way. What I'm trying to say is, as before, I am not that pretty but because I display myself as quite beautiful, people are ALSO jealous of me.

        Even someone (like me) who isn't so beautiful can be beautiful. Everyone can be, but people don't like to do anything, they'd rather be fed it, so they don't see themselves as beautiful even if most people don't.

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        • RedDaisy

          HAHAHHAHA! I thought about that too! I was going to ask my friend.

          Your description of them is EXACTLY what I feel as well, they have NO idea who they are and that is why they pray on others, to destroy their identity as well, make them feel like "nothing". Yes if they become true to who they are....but I don't think that most of them they ever will be. Yes when i said loser I meant jealous and bad,but thank you so much for explaining that, I have to be careful not to be mean to them. Being mean to people like that is a nightmare.... You lose self respect if you act like that to someone that you don't respect their attitude... You have to be kind and yourself or else it means that they effect you. In addition they will be glad they made you mad....

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          • MumHead10

            I agree with you on what you said, and I am glad that you have your head in the right place. :)

            I really hope that others can read this. We had a long back-and-forth discussion, but it covers a lot of ground. Many people just yelled or just joked about this, but if anyone is serious about it, I'm sure our conversation will be a worthy read.

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            • RedDaisy

              Yes we had a very good discussion, it is nice when someone really gets you.πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™

              But I think that most people here actually were really nice only a few reacted in a negative. May I ask were are you from ?! 😊

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  • I can't bother to read all the discussion but having a high self esteem is important.
    Good for you that you're so beautiful.

    Do you have sea green eyes? Most goddesses I've got to know had green eyes, red hair and a lilywhite complexion.

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    • RedDaisy

      I have hazel eyes ( green with orange and my right eye has a little brown) and I have auburn hair and very white skin yes ... πŸ˜‚ but I die my hair every color now it is very dark brown, I have died it red too ( a very natural shade ).

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      • I'm fucking plain but I love beauty in all forms.
        You must be gorgeous.

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  • AntiArchon

    fuck the haters.. you have no control over how they think and how they behave towards you but you have control over how it affects fuckity fucks given to them.,
    plus atleast your not being teased or ignored for being "ugly" or disfigured..that's way worse:(

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    • RedDaisy

      Thank you for the support! :* I have to not give a f*ck! ;) I will succeed soon!

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  • Tealights

    Never liked how human attraction works; how society rewards beauty more than anything else.

    To counter this, treat everyone equally by simply trusting no one, no matter the appearance.

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    • RedDaisy

      Thank you for the advise. I do treat everyone equally, but sometimes I used to be too trusting....

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  • BoyBandsAreMyFave

    Never let the haters bring you down to their level, ever!
    I was in the same situation as you in some point in life. Girls would give me jealous stares and older guys would give me a weird uncomfortable feeling because I was pretty. I was popular then next I wasnt because I forced myself to look tomboy as I hated the attention I got so much but then after that I had no attention except horrible attention because people thought I looked like a boy in boy-ish clothes and people would call me gay (which I wasn't) But then later in life I got back to being me again and now I feel like a princess. I dont bother with people who think negative about me, Im confident asfk and dress the way I want because they are nothing but people who deserve to be out of the way.
    So yeah push those types of people that make you feel that way out the way and just be confident because they want you who is way better than them to be a loser just like them.

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    • RedDaisy

      ❀❀❀ Thank you so much for the understanding. When I am feeling bad I will remember your words and I will stay strong. I know it is better tobremaim yourself , I never changed but I have thought about it so much. I just have a thing for being yourself no matter what or else I would have tried to be exactly like those people wanted me to be. I really find your response helpfull because I realized that there is no point in nt being happy for them and no point to think about changing . ❀ thank you and congratulations about feeling like a princess now and not bothering with those barking dogs any more. I will do the some they don't matter.

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  • Dustyair

    I'm just curious, do you have to wear a paper bag over your head during sex, that is if you even get any? :)

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    • RedDaisy

      No I can't even find someone ever. Like you honey. πŸ˜‰ And if I ever find someone I thank god. So many ugly people have normal life's and have sex without a care in the world ( I bet you are one of them .... πŸ˜‚ no you are not, you are too ugly even for that) I don't know why everyone is so pissed at me. I am sorry you feel so bad about yourself. You are full of hate, I told you the one solution for you. Leave me alone now .

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    In your situation, I think it's normal to feel that way. The only advice I can give is to ignore them. Like you said, they're losers.

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    • RedDaisy

      Thank you for the support. I know I have to get over it!

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  • rayb12

    πŸ’“thank you

    Did u get mine? Human0tv at g

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  • rayb12

    I should explain I am traveling so I have bad connection and these sites take a long time to load. It is easiest for me to just use e male, insta, or twitter

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  • rayb12

    I can do this, but I only have mobile. It would be easiest for me for you to make a e male account and do it this way

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  • rayb12

    Its very frustrating for me. I would still like to help you but not with this site imgur

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  • rayb12

    No, I never get this from them. On FAQ says need to have interactions with community maybe to unlock

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  • rayb12

    I couldnt see it, so I try to download and use the app, but it says I haven't unlocked messaging yet

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  • rayb12

    I know how, yeah

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    • RedDaisy

      ok great !You can send me the pic that you sent me before here with imgur and then i open it an we talk from there.

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      • rayb12

        OK :)

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  • rayb12

    Hopefully this time worked :)

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  • rayb12

    G male is human0tv

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  • rayb12

    This is what i wrote. Have to think about things you said here, but one person at a time. Happy to try help you out now.

    Hii, I'm so sorry I never even saw this post. Of course I could do my best to listen and help.

    And I understand I would tell you what I can. I know even this girl I was with in the past I think feels similar.

    Of course all up to your comfort

    I also delete them after if you choose. You have to remember I'm not like most men, I want only listen to women πŸ˜‚

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  • rayb12

    I include e mail and forget these automatically get banned :(
    Can you see this time?

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  • rayb12

    Hi sorry I'm an idiot. I include my email in the old message and when I try to resend it and forgot these get auto-banned. Hopefully this one works

    This is what i wrote. Have to think about things you said here, but one person at a time. Happy to try help you out now.

    Hii, I'm so sorry I never even saw this post. Of course I could do my best to listen and help.

    NEVER share anything like that here, this why I share my email human0tv at geemail

    And I understand I would tell you what I can. I know even this girl I was with in the past I think feels similar.

    Of course all up to your comfort

    I also delete them after if you choose. You have to remember I'm not like most men, I want only listen to women πŸ˜‚

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  • rayb12

    Don't read if you don't want. I know you say don't answer but I want to figure out for myself.
    Thank you also for these sweet things you say to me :)

    I don't know if I find the "why" I never thought possible since its so different than regular sex, I mean its not even sex lol. But would be very cool to know. I agree with this I don't like the word fetish either. I prefer just say ball punching, or threatening.
    It comes and goes. For a while I thought it was bad. And I meet a girl online like you who wants to talk about it with me, but she also liked this. And she pushed me to accept as OK and after this much better.
    Sometimes I feel bad about myself and this in combination with female domination I think is unhealthy because I really feel invaluable and it is no longer the fantasy of a woman who doesn't care how men feel.
    It also can be bad when I am seeing woman this way I get so turned on it is hard to be her friend. I wonder sometimes if I need open relationship with one wife and one mistress like this. I don't know if a girl I love can also be so cruel to me, and I can switch how I think about her back and forth.
    Its hard also really just because it can feel like its not good for my body, and maybe my confidence. It isnt perfect.
    For the positives though it is the best feeling in the world. A woman saying "I'm gonna punch you in the balls to me" like 100x better than sex πŸ˜‚
    So if I know I am seeing a girl who does this yes I can wake up and be excited to get threatened.

    Sorry I did not think it could go this long. To be honest the high I get is so intense I can use this like a drug if I want to distract myself. Like if I don't have a job and don't want to be worried I think about women being dominant and am in fantasy all day.
    So this can be a related problem.
    But also it can be so positive if I am in a good place and still enjoying.

    There is so much more to say I realize but I will for now stop here unless you have more questions. I fully trust you now and happy to give you complete understanding of your curiosity :)

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  • rayb12

    You're so sweet πŸ’“

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    • RedDaisy

      thank you. ❀

      But I have asked you this ( I will copy oaste it again) and you didn't answer me.

      Now about what I was saying about the body and the face. I find few bodies attractive in other women and they don't matter to me if she is not very pretty too. So for me it goes
      curvy body = very good and very rare but only if she is at least very pretty.
      Very pretty face = more rare than having a curvy body.

      Very curvy body= amazing and very rare but the face has to be even better or at least as good.
      Beautiful face = unique and extremely rare more rare than thevery curvy body.
      I had this kind of thinking since I was 17 years old and I developed physically. Now I am 25 .

      So you see when someone looks at my body oe calls me a sexy girl I find them stupid that they think that I would find that a complement. I actulh find it decaying. But we have talked about that ....

      So I would never ever want to show pics in someone in this site. But do you think that if I showd you you would have some help to offer me with my problems ? Do you care to give me some advise and honesty ? Do you even think about things like that ever ? .... Because if you don't then there is no point me showing you my pics ....

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      • rayb12

        I missed before :( but then I did! Check again :)

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  • rayb12

    And wish I hadn't made you tired and could answer those last questions about reason to wake up and what it is, but I understand its enough

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  • rayb12

    It was very special for me to get to share all this, you ask such good questions and it felt great to really think about this more deeply. I really glad I could share this with someone, like my whole heart, someone I don't even know.

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  • rayb12

    I've gotten made fun of before, and obvious many people think to enjoy ball punching is crazy.

    This was such a sweet message you wrote. Wish I got right the first time.

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  • rayb12

    πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“ I know now πŸ‘

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  • rayb12

    I totally trust now. Promise I won't doubt again.

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  • rayb12

    I'm so sorry I totally misunderstood and got so defensive :(

    I agree even with the point you were making. Your English is really good but there I misread

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  • rayb12

    And sorry I had been so vulnerable and was confused before :(
    But I 100% get you we're good :)

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  • rayb12

    OK, I understand. Sorry I understand from the last post but had wrote this before. But now I really understand and can help explain about these men too if you are curious about this

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  • rayb12

    Men ask you to kick them?

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  • rayb12

    I am done. You shouldn't ask people to share personal stories if you are not coming from an open mind and having respect for this. Its very rude.

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  • rayb12

    You just asked more questions saying you want to understand it completely. I was sharing extensively as this is what you had asked for.

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  • rayb12

    Was this meant for you to laugh at me?

    I find it insulting you would ask me to go so deep in to this only to tell me how you would be offended if someone thought this about you and with these laughing emojis

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  • rayb12

    Here is what I can explain to you. Of all the people with fetishes we all have different reasons. There is not one but many fetish communities and many who just explore on their own this is ok too.

    A fetish isn't always but can be something deeply felt and can sometimes or sometimes not contain previous experiences or ideas.

    There has been extensive research done both professionally and informally on fetishes for decades and they are widely accepted as psychological phenomena.

    You ask me at once to reveal something so deep and personal about myself while also saying you don't even believe it, so I cannot continue.

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  • rayb12

    :) lol these questions get bigger

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  • rayb12

    I know you said this,

    Sorry got lost in confusion

    I mean like this
    Good body = least rare
    Beautiful face = middle rare
    My personal favorite body = most rare

    Have a good workout :)

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  • rayb12

    Also when you phrase it this way I agree. To look at all face and all bodies the bodies will be more attractive. I just have more favorite faces than favorite bodies because the bodies I really like are so rare.

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  • rayb12

    Oh I must have meant I agree with something else. I will check.
    I think that my favorite bodies is more rare than a good face.
    But that to have an in shape body in general is less rare than a good face.
    If this makes sense.

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  • rayb12

    It is inherently dangerous, luckily there is lots of research as this actually is a far more popular fetish than you or I used to think! But there is always still a risk with trauma to a sensitive area..

    We have to separate ballbusting from being called ugly.

    The ball hitting I feel I completely understand. It is the cruelness in a woman to inflict a pain she cannot feel in return. That is it. The brutalness of this makes me twitch. Why this makes me feel not angry at an injustice but sexually stimulated is not something I understand but I'm perfectly ok with that.

    I absolutely love this fetish and it has been very fun in relationships and gives me such a dramatically higher and different arousal than sex or anything else, the two are not comparable.

    So I would never want to live without this and have accepted as a part of myself.
    Whether or not it needs to be me personally getting kicked is something I sometimes think about since this was not a part of the fetish for many years until one girl offered to punch me. So sometimes I think maybe one day I will marry a girl who punches and kicks other men but not me. Who knows.

    This fetish about being called ugly is something I rarely think about or have done. So I don't have answers yet.

    And no, no, no, no, no to would a woman find it arousing although a few do, and this is nice, will it make her find me more attractive, acceptance(although I dont know how these are acceptance but you don't have to explain again) , the her bothering to do it, or any of these abuse.
    You are trying to think about me like a normal man πŸ˜‚

    It is the anger a person feels when they see a person not care about treating someone so unfairly and then get away with it, but instead of anger I get this very deep feeling and very turned on.

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  • rayb12

    I felt like you completely understood after your first response but now I think not :(

    I'm 25 :)

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  • rayb12

    Thank you so much for breaking this into two messages!! Such a good idea :)

    I know I was blunt with this thick thighs statement but this is bound to be a messy conversation so let me give my piece.

    I want you to know also that if we agree to disagree this is OK.

    But I think first the distinction should be made between behavior and the processing of sexual desire.

    Objectification as the ACT of speaking rudely to a women, oggling her body parts all the things you described are awful and most men know this. Of course many of these men are quietly living their lives so it is the assholes we notice, you especially so as an unfortunate consequence of how beautiful women tend to be the targets of these men.

    And I will just say this, if objectification extends to a man getting an erection and doing nothing more, then all men are guilty of this. Both sexes are guilty of thinking the other sex is like us while in my opinion this is one of the biggest differences between men and women. (Men are so preoccupied with penis size and are so confused seeing physically less attractive men with beautiful women) and women believe or some do that men fundamentally have the capacity to be immediately aroused by a woman as a person. And this is not true.

    So you can see this as immoral, and maybe it is, but it is a fact of male physiology and what makes are cocks hard which is something we have no mental control over whatsoever.

    So I choose to see this as OK. And not live with shame for what I cannot control.

    What I can control is my behavior, just because my penis only cares about ass, my mind and heart obviously obviously see mountains more inside of a woman than this.
    I've had female family members and friends I love throughout my life who's bodies are inconsequential to our relationship.

    So the difference only is that in most cases what turns us men on stays pretty detached from female behavior, which you could even see as a positive in that this could be seen as being less judgemental if a woman isn't so intelligent or interesting and still be attracted while a woman wouldn't want a man like this though maybe this is a stretch hahah

    OK much more seriously, the actions of these men are totally rude immature and awful, and not at all fair. I've worked in gay nightlife so to a smaller extent have experienced things like this and it is so uncomfortable.

    To wrap this up I know I said earlier maybe it is immoral but in my heart I don't think so. Just as on the other hand I don't think it is moral that a women doesn't objectify so much, as this is simply how penises and vaginas work. A woman doesn't fight her sexual intuition to fantasize men in the way you describe that is what you think naturally. So I don't think it is fair to apply the same standard as far as our thoughts. Though of course a women's ways of viewing the opposite sex sets a much better standard for how we should actually treat people.

    To answer your specific questions, none of these are right. I would need a specific example, but most men feel sexual urges from seeing a woman's body. And these urges are already at close to 100%, something a woman wouldn't typically feel until after she has been with a man for some time. It is actually quite distressing for a man to feel this way and know there is no socially/morally appropriate way to release this feeling.
    Its a clear behavioral issue in men who go ahead and say this to women anyways, I would assume they are clueless as to how to properly approach women as most men are, and also are able to dissociate to some degree so they don't feel guilt and they don't fully recognize you as a person. Anyone with this capacity can do this to anyone though and he is not trying to make you personally feel or think anything.
    If you mean a generally in shape body I agree, for the specific bodies I am most attracted to there are far fewer than the amount of most beautiful faces. But also faces are not nearly so sexually triggering to most men.
    They are responding to your body like an object like if you saw a piece of clothing you liked but like x100. And are ignoring you and completely unconcerned with your reaction just that they hope you don't become too mad.

    To be fully honest it is as I said before very difficult to feel these urges and not do anything and see women so attractive and pretend you aren't seeing anything special in their bodies. The degree to which men feel arousal throughout the day is much stronger than we give credit and that makes this situation messier. But it does not even marginally make this type of behavior OK, and is although challenging, completely possible for a man to keep his mouth shut about such topics and treat women like people.
    I couldn't imagine dealing with this type of shit every day I don't know how you do it :(

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  • rayb12

    Before you read all this I was not able to find a good answer to your central question. And also I believe love and the actual relationship between two people is totally different from these triggers.

    OK, so this is maybe getting too technical and unrelated but generally men and women process sexual attraction differently where men tend to be far more visual. So a woman will maybe excuse not the best appearance if a man shows better behavior. And a man will excuse not the best behavior for better appearance. This is a stereotype and not always the case but I think is important in when you say "aroused by a woman who" this is actually rare for men in general. Typically a man would be attracted for example to thick thighs. He is not attracted to a woman who has thick thighs but it is the thighs he is attracted to.
    I don't know if I explained this difference well. Also when a man is in love it becomes more about her, and will be attracted to herself like this.

    So I am attracted to this cruel mentality, apathy towards male pain. And would go further from kicking when she is mad to even calling me over to kick me just for fun.

    You actually have described this better than I ever have heard anyone else though so thanks. This is the purest truth, but in reality everything has become connected.

    I have had a few girls punch and kick etc. And one girlfriend who did every day. Now seeing a girl make a fist is exciting, seeing her about to kick, seeing her walk off afterwards, and I admit the pain itself is reminiscent of this happening previous times and grounds all of these fantasies in reality to a degree and this is exciting. Even though this totally ruins it for even me to think about.

    This question about Enjoying being spoken to in this way vs. Her being cruel I think is your main question and I don't totally understand but I will try to answer.
    The phrase "I'm going to punch you in the balls" automatically turns me on like a light switch. That is really the fetish for me, and it is the cruelty of a girl meaning that intention.
    Being told I am ugly is totally different actually. I think this is more rooted in low self image, and a girl affirming low self esteem or if she says I'm attractive this makes me feel good too. So it is partially being unconfident, and getting to talk about my body with an attractive girl.
    The turn on then comes when I feel like she is really being honest and mean. I maybe don't totally understand this yet and really want to explore it. Because it transfers from this lighter just wanting to know what a girl thinks to something much darker and sexier to me. Where she can be totally honest and I feel exposes and humiliated. I'm sorry I realize I don't understand this nearly as much as the ball punching threats. They are close but different.

    I totally agree with you and I should have clarified. I dont actually believe they are superior or that "all women have the right to punch any guy in the balls whenever they want" which is something I've said, these are just the fantasy ideas that float around in my head and turn me on. (And were formed when I was a little boy so should be immature πŸ˜‚)
    No this is wrong about taming the woman to be obsessed and then free me. It is not about genuinely giving a service either. I of course want to do this. But this is not where the interest lies.

    Specifically about being "humiliated" I think this word is good but degraded is better. I enjoy to see (and this again is in fantasy, not actual belief) but see a woman as superior and OK there is something very dark and deep about her picking on me and bullying me. I'm going to find some girl who looks to help and will tell me she won't fuck me to help me better understand πŸ˜‚

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  • rayb12

    OK I will be taking some time again πŸ˜‚

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  • rayb12

    When I was a young child I would watch this show "the muppets" and there is this character miss piggy who would hit and kick male characters but never get hit back, and I always thought this was so unfair it made me mad but also I would get hard.
    Then there were other cartoons where a female character hurt the men, and then some would show her upset about something big or small and would hit or kick them in the balls.
    This made me so angry as it is so unfair that they couldn't even make her feel that pain back if they wanted. And how she could decide to put them in such pain and then go along with her day never even knowing what it is.
    But this made me so hard, the cruelty of her behavior made me turned on, but only in this way.

    Then as I got older I was always the worst at sports and was close with my parents and always wanted connection with them.

    When I started looking at girls, they were always clothed and always not in a relationship with me. And I developed this idea that of course it is unlikely that the most beautiful woman in the world would want me, and began to feel like any woman not wanting me enhanced her status and her beauty.(this is the main reason I don't know if you want to keep reading)

    At the same time I had built an identity in this concept that I was undesirable to girls. And instead I was close to my parents, even though I always told myself I wanted the opposite.

    I was at one or two points laughed at by girls, which may have enforced this, but my excitement in this was there already.

    When I turned 18 I discovered in a pretty short time period both that I enjoyed personally being the victim in those old ball punching scenarios, something I had never considered. And also that I was sexually desirable to these very attractive girls I thought I could never have.

    So it was interesting to incorporate all of these at once, also learning if a girl likes you she probably will enjoy punching your balls πŸ˜‚ if she knows that is special for you.

    To be more specific about this, I don't enjoy the pain, so much as hearing a girl say "I'm going to punch you in the balls" makes me think she is OK with doing it/me having that pain and THIS is what is a turn on for me.

    So today the two have gotten mixed, into this overall idea that sexual rejection, is a sign of a woman's attractiveness and superiority over men in general which also is a turn on.
    And it also allows me to remain in this receiving role where I am ironically feeling more safe and secure, than the typical male dominant role which is always fun but I find quite boring compared to these much deeper parts of me.

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  • rayb12

    Not at all, you just may want to do something and come back, I will be writing for a bit πŸ˜‚

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  • rayb12

    Do you want the long explanation?

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  • rayb12

    :( yes, if its totally honest

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  • rayb12

    I want to know specifically what you think since you're an attractive person and I rarely get to ask. But this is no excuse.
    I should have shared it would excite me as well.
    All humiliation aside it is shameful I didn't make this other reason clear :(

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  • rayb12

    I realize you're right :(

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  • rayb12

    Oh well thankyou :)

    I guess I don't mean ugly, but not attractive enough you would ever feel excited by me.

    I'm seeing so many gross men approach and be mean to you, I thought you might enjoy getting to tell one how if you met him he could never be with you/put him in his place :)

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  • rayb12

    Is your butt big?

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    • RedDaisy


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      • rayb12

        lol, its ok you don't have to say

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  • Kevinevan

    Curvey lol, aka fat.

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    • RedDaisy


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      • Kevinevan

        I'd rather not follow you. No need for your hashtag ho.

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        • RedDaisy


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  • NashamaTheWeird

    You sound conceited in the way you describe your looks. That said, I agree that random strangers making sexual comments is super annoying and creepy. If you feel unsafe, just keep on walking and get away from them, but if the guys seem relatively harmless, try using a witty comeback to call them out.

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    • RedDaisy

      If you want I can give you some specific examples.

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    • RedDaisy

      Also girls say mean things about me very loudly as son as they see me. And honestly those girls look ugly ( conceited I know ) and it is not my fault . but it is really annoying if they say something very loudly about my looks like I am not there, what am I suppose to do ? Or they cooment on my body for example they say things like "she acts like no one looks at her boobs " loudly . or other sexual stuff. But I am especially angry when they say negative things about how I loom when I loom way better from head to toe.

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      • NashamaTheWeird

        The girls who are mean to you are jealous. You should ignore them as they are not worth your time.

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        • RedDaisy

          I guess in should stop getting angry at those people, they waste my time and energy. πŸ˜‚

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        • Kevinevan

          They aren't jealous, they are pissed that this stupid tart has her tits and ass shaking in front of their boyfriends looking for attention.

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          • NashamaTheWeird

            That was a totally inappropriate and unnecessary comment.

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    • RedDaisy

      Not only random strangers. I am especially annoyed with my acquaintances and I am too angry to handle them. Many times the guys that someone meets me ( for example at a house party, at a club, when going out for coffee) and the guys that I already know talk to me asexually. and all the other things that happen to me that I describe very briefly on my question happen with my acquuntancies or my friends that I know for only a few months. I wouldn't be so irritated if it was only some random guys on the street. I only gave on example of what strangers say to me to someone here, the things that I describe are not from strangers and the example I gave actually was from someone I have just met and he said that . I don't care about strangers . I care about the people who look me in the eye and talk to me.

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  • rayb12

    "Put them in their place", how do you mean by this? You can be totally honesty :)

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    • RedDaisy

      i don't even know exactly how to do that because I get very angry. I mean to respond with something smart while being calm and make them shut up and stop bothering me.

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      • rayb12

        OK. If you know the book The Alchemist, very famous.
        This author also writes this book The Valkyries, not as famous, and based on authors real life.
        In it there is a character he meets, she is very very beautiful and is leader of the Valkyries biker gang.
        She tells him a story that when she was a young girl she was always very beautiful. She sees how it makes her friends jealous boys pay attention only to her. And they became self conscious and felt ugly. This made her hate her beauty and filled with guilt. She tries to cover herself and make herself ugly because she does not want to hurt her friends.
        Later in life she realizes this that it is not her fault that she is born to look how she does and does not try to obscure herself again.
        That lesson helped me and maybe helped you

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        • RedDaisy

          thank you. 😊 I love reading books I will look online to find that book it sounds very interesting.

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  • lonewolf1253

    I have the same problem. I am as cute as the proverbial button. Adorable actually. It's frightening just how attractive I am. We'll just have to live with it I guess and let the others wallow in their homeliness.
    Perhaps we should hook up? Think of the gorgeous kids we could have!

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  • e51pegasi

    Being a wishful thinker is almost certainly a positive trait in people.

    You are the exception.

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    • RedDaisy

      So you mean that I imagined the whole thing? ahahahahha Why would I be so insane? Maybe you feel uncomfortable with not being attractive and trying to convince yourself that you are above average. I am sorry, I am here to get opinions not having someone question my ability to process reality and what I see in the mirror.

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      • e51pegasi

        Good luck.

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        • RedDaisy

          With my wishful thinking? hahahahaha! You haven't even seen me. Good luck with the fact that you are not even remotely attractive and you have such low self esteem that you do not want to ever admit it and you are jealous of the drama that i go through.

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          • crimsonXmamba

            Prove it. Upload a picture of yourself. Otherwise you are a fat whale conjuring this fantasy of yours, you repressed hog

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            • RedDaisy

              I don't even care if someone believes me or not, those who believed me enough gave me some great advise and that is why I am here.and it is not only whether I look good or not, I could look good but be mean without realizing it like some people said. And the way you speak is really rude. I can assure you I am not fat, I work out 5 times per week and I am 5'6' and 130 lbs ( It doesn't look good on me being thinner )

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  • Dustyair

    Run out into traffic if you're that ugly, a highway.

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    • RedDaisy

      You do that, it will work 3 ways you stop being ugly, you stop hating and you stop being dump.

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