Is it normal that i feel like i want to be a kid again?

Basically I think I have issues, I am envious of the childhood that has been born into the modern day world with Internet, technology, etc. I am 38 now but always keep thinking about "man that would be so cool to be a child during the era of the Internet and apps and social media etc. Don't know why I can't accept the facts that it is what it is and you were not the one chosen to be born after year 2000. Wondering if any other adults out there have the same envious thoughts?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • StudWithoutU

    Totally normal. I'm a 90's baby and I wish I grew up in todays times.
    People would see the way my parents treat me and actually help.
    Or support me as a female instead of being like
    "no, you're a girl, you're supposed to have long hair and wear skirts, doesn't matter if guys put their hands up there and grab you by your hair to keep you from running away,"

    Kinda exaggerating, but not really.
    My parents were pretty much insane, but being it was the 90's that shit was normal, now it's not and it gets talked about and reported.

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  • chuy

    Good I'm not the only one 😅

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  • McBean

    That's nothing. Wait until you see the future world your grandchildren will be born into.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I totally get it. I'm 48 years old so I grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. I loved the music and a lot of things about the culture, but back in those days you really had to work for it if you wanted knowledge. I'm a bit of a nerd so I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this. Don't get me wrong, you still have to work for knowledge today in that you need to to read, but the thing is that this is the information age, and it's all at your fingertips. Also when I say it's at your fingertips you don't even need to log onto an old, bulky-ass, IBM compatible home computer at your desk, but you just have to swipe open your smartphone.

    I'm not much of a techie or a geek, but I used to dream of many of the things we have now. I used to have to go the library at school, the county library and or even drive all the way into downtown Houston to the big public library there. Don't get me wrong, I still love libraries, but now I have lots of information at my fingertips within instants!

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    • LornaMae

      I also still love libraries but I didn't imagine any of the things we have now back then, so I guess you're more creative than me... hahahaha!

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    • LornaMae

      I COMPLETELY agree and understand you when it comes to getting hands on any kind of knowledge! The libraries, encyclopedias, recording cassette tapes from vinyl records (or being the one who had a record everyone came to your house to listen and dance to), getting your hands on a rare book and devouring it, calling landlines and knowing numbers by heart, writing letters, asking people who speak other languages to translate something, having to necessarily go to the movies to see films, watching somebody else's color TV, etc! I miss that so much!!!

      OP, I think we're the lucky ones, to be honest! I love these memories!! Knowledge only came if you were a very curious one and went after it!!! :D

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