Is it normal that i don't find tattoos attractive?

So ever since I was a little kid, I don't exactly know why, but I always found tattoos rather unattractive. I wasn't firm in this opinion though, as tattoos have always been very popular, and I hated having a minority opinion, and just being in the minority in general. It just made me feel like my opinion was objectively wrong.

Tattoos in general just always seemed...for the lack of a better word, "weird" to me. I never quite got the appeal of permanent ink in your skin caused by a bunch of tiny needles. It just always seemed rather unnatural to me, and like ruining a perfectly good body. I've just always preferred uninked skin so much more.

However, I really wish I didn't hold this sentiment, as tattoos in my area are so common, to the point where more people have them than not, and the few people who don't have them are planning of getting them in the future.

I hate feeling like a freak for holding such a bizarre sentiment about tattoos. By definition, I know I am not normal, but I'm asking because I wanna know if something's wrong with me.

Voting Results
90% Normal
Based on 39 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • JustAHuman

    I'm a man, and I find tattoos on a woman very unattractive.

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  • McSorley

    I've a couple of small tattoos. Never got the appeal of slathering your entire body in them.

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  • bbrown95

    I'm not a big fan either, never have been. I really don't like the smudgy look they get as they age, either.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I hate tattoos on girls. They look trashy to me. In my opinion it makes the girl look like she's from a lower class.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Im the polar opposite, I like em covered in them 😮

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      • dirtybirdy

        Oh hell yes. Men and women. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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        • Tommythecaty


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  • Boojum

    "tattoos have always been very popular"

    What in the world makes you think this?

    I grew up in a world where only bikers, convicts and members of the military got one or a few tattoos, and only sideshow freaks were covered in as much ink as is pretty much normal today. I'm well above the median age of IIN members, but it wasn't exactly ancient times.

    Ink is indeed currently on trend, and there are loads of sheep who are eager to get ever more tattoos, but it's an immutable law that fashions change. I predict there will be a time in the not too-distant future when tattoos will again be seen as ugly disfigurements by the majority of people.

    No tattoo ever remains crisp and clear, and it's extraordinary naïve of anyone to believe that they will always be happy to wear something that seems fantastically cool today. I've never paid much attention to fashion, but even I haven't worn a suede safari jacket, long-collared floral print shirt, flares and platform shoes ever since I was old enough to buy my own clothes.

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    • Mammal-lover

      Pretty much. I want a few tatoos but they are all small and just kinda to liven the place up. I know to manh who are obsessed with tats.

      My bf has his favorite line from a poem on his arm. At first I thought it was weird but now I kinda dig it

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  • KholatKhult

    As someone who is head to toe covered in tattoos I know there are some people who dislike them very much.

    I heard one argument that tattoos falsely distort your body, so if you’re toned and physically fit, tattoos might not help the look of your figure so much.

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    • litelander8

      One time I hooked up with a dude with face tatts. Dude was ugly as hell, but the tatts helped.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah that's totally normal to think that. I don't like tattoos either really.

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    • LloydAsher

      When I was serving in the navy in japan tattoos were a massive no no. Even though we were clearly not japanese and clearly sailors we still had to cover up tattoos with bandages to get let into any bathhouses. Just because the yakuza wear tats. I understand the rule but since japan is 99.8% japanese, what are the chances the Yakuza have brought in a black guy into the ranks?

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Yeah I've heard the Japanese didn't like tattoos for that reason. I wonder what they think nowadays, since every other country has gotten used to them.

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        • LloydAsher

          In japan you are guilty until proven guilty. The court's prosecute 99.8% of their cases. In the uk the prosecution usually is in the 70% rate. To be a criminal is to be a criminal for life. Tattoos of any kind is a label for affiliation with the criminal elements.

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          • JellyBeanBandit

            Wow really, I didn't know that about Japan. I'll have to look into that.

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            • LloydAsher

              Japan may be americas ally but it can still be in the massive wrong when it comes to its prison system. But since we have a different strain of prison problems we dont toss sand into their directions over it.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I completely get what you mean, tattoos can signify impulsivity and lack of thought to the future. People falsely assume that they will keep their early 20s tastes and aesthetic forever, ignoring the ever growing laser removal and cover-up market.

    It doesn’t help that a lot of tattoos are poorly done, with the proportions off and ugly colouring. Combine that with how badly some people care for them and the result can be a trashy mess.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      are you suggestin my spin doctors tattoo is no longer relevant?

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  • ChrissySnow

    For me tattoos are like wearing an outfit or accessory you can't easily, if ever, change out of. Once your tatted your STUCK! I will never get one.

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  • Bassmachine

    At one time I wanted a tattoo 😂 but than a guy told me, "you're such a copycat you want to be like me" I laugh and realize he is the real copycat right now;

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  • trekngailis

    I love when girl has tattoo or piercing!

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