Is it normal that i don't find stretch marks attractive?

I'm one of those people who do not find those attractive there's absolutely nothing attractive about have stretch marks, I don't get why some people preach about them being attractive when clearly it isn't an attractive thing. I used to be the person with stretch marks but now it's barely visible.

Perhaps I'm seeing things on the wrong side of the spectrum about it I'd like to know what your insights on this is.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • miss_jass06

    What does it have to do with stretch marks? You don't know you can get stretch marks also from weight loss, working out or growing (in height)?

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Not finding stretch marks themselves attractive makes sense but if you’re repulsed by them you have likely consumed too much heavily edited media. Expecting flawless skin is unrealistic.

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    • i don't consume that much of media also i would like to know how they edit things.

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      • Curiouskitten444

        They use something called a gaussian blur to smooth out the skin,they use a simple spot healing tool and much more. (used to edit model photos etc)

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  • litelander8

    I’m covered in stretch marks since my first pregnancy. I think I can remember a time when self conscious about them. But I truly don’t care and I’ve never had any one say that I was unattractive Bc of them.

    And as far as other people having them goes, I never even notice.

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  • techpc

    Depends how they got stretch marks. If your wife got stretch marks from birthing your child, then you need to grow the fuck up if you're going to put her down for them.

    If someone you meet has stretch marks from being obese or something, then of course you don't need to be attracted to them.

    You don't need to be attracted to anything for that matter, obviously. What you find sexy is what you find sexy.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I really don't care if a person has stretch marks. I've known people who've been skinny their entire lives and they still have them bad around their shoulders, knees, chest, and hips. They're unavoidable for most people. Being picky about it is pointless.

    Strange thing is, I used to be fat and I somehow avoided having them on my stomach like all the fat people I knew. They seem to hit people differently. XD

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  • Meowypowers

    I don't find them attractive per-se, but not necessarily unnatractive either

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  • Curiouskitten444

    We preach they're attractive because we want to put less value on our bodies being flawless and reduce shame.
    Do I find them attractive? No. But I also am not shallow enough to give a shit. Looks don't matter and appearances are deceiving.

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  • bbrown95

    Rapid growth spurts and pregnancy can and often do cause stretch marks. I know plenty of thin adults who have never been overweight who have them.

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  • litelander8

    lol. Even skinny people have stretch marks. Are you 14?

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  • techpc

    Agreed. I don't get the whole "fat-phobia" thing.

    Your own body is fat phobic! Your liver, heart, arteries, etc. are fat phobic! Obesity is a huge cause of many health issues. They are putting yourself in such an unhealthy position for what?

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  • bbrown95

    Considering there are products created to minimize the appearance of them and it's common for people to want to get rid of them, I don't think you're alone.

    I think quite a few people have them though and it's pretty much a part of life for most, even some people who have never been overweight. Most fade with time and aren't very noticeable, so I don't sweat them (on myself, nor on anyone else). They just are what they are, and they're far from the worst flaw a person could have.

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  • LloydAsher

    Got some around my belly but it's not super noticeable so I dont make a fuss about it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I have a few around my shoulders from a growth spurt at 17-18. I for some reason grew alot that year.

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  • I 100% agree with you

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    What does obesity have to do with this? All women have stretch marks. I have them on my hips and boobs since I went through puberty so do most women I wasn't obese then I was skinny. Get out more go to a beach lmao all women have them

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