Is it normal that i don't feel bad about cheaters getting banned?

I just do not feel bad for them, not at all, for the most part if not all of the games I play they have a strict rule about cheating where if the person is caught cheating multiple times it leads to a permanent ban, I just find it hilarious to be honest because cheaters brought it upon themselves to get banned I don't feel bad for them at all I will and I won't feel bad for them, some of them will go to great lengths to bitch and complain on a crap ton of forums.

An example of them complaining is that, they for instance will say that they were banned for no reason but the irony was they were banned correctly and how they often say that they aren't supporting this company or that company or XYZ. Or when some just get angry at me for not feeling bad for them but at least I will have full access to my account whereas they'll just be stuck with a permanent ban or just a ban in general.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • LloydAsher

    Cheating is unfair to people who play the game fairly.

    Though RNG in games are kinda bullshit. But that's just luck at the end of the day.

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    • I agree 100%

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      • LloydAsher

        I dont think anyone but cheaters would agree with cheating.

        Full disclosure I play a lot of games on easy. I dont suck I just like to unwind with a game, not to tear my hair out.

        RPGs I crank to the maximum difficulty since rpgs can give you the maximum control of what you can do. Like in fallout 4 I remember picking up a barrel to get my level 1 charicter out of a gunfight alive.

        While on doom eternal dont give me a god gun and then have an enemy be able to deflect that shit. I wanna be a god killing demon hunter. Not a bitch that gets sliced in half because I wasnt a quarter second faster or the AI is unrelenting to a real person. Pretty much I dont wanna spend 3 hours figuring out how the mechanics of one enemy out.

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        • Whenever I get the time I sometimes publicly humiliate cheaters and give them a taste of their own medicine and they seem to not like me doing it.

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          • LloydAsher

            Oh I love doing it too. On titan fall 2 I used to regularly wipe people with auto aim. On titan fall 2 normal people are just as dangerous as auto aim.

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            • It's like the cheaters do not learn after being told a few times.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I sometimes deal with fraud at work. Those who scream the most are the biggest abusers. They often threaten legal action. I say go ahead. My favorite was the man who called the attorney general and I proceeded to hand over his five aliases.

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    • People who threaten legal action for no reason are just full of it

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  • Anonnet

    Is there anybody that actually feels bad for hackers?

    This reminds me of a non-hacking situation I saw once that people still had no sympathy for:

    This was in the old days of a mobile game called Battle Bay, a 5v5 PvP game. In that game, there was no separate ranked mode, every game raised or lowered your rank. The game was also pay-to-win, and there were huge power differences between players depending on how long they had been playing.

    So there was a thing going on where players would purposely throw games to derank themselves. They did this so they could take their high-level gear into low-level matches and be overpowered. That way, they could win easily and get the rewards for winning easier... at the cost of ruining games for legitimate players who play at their real gear level, AND ruining games for new players because they couldn't win.

    Eventually, everyone complained enough that the devs implemented a rule that if your gear was too high level for the rank you were at, your rewards for winning were massively cut AND your rank rose much slower until you got out of it.

    Cue a ton of guys rushing to the forums to complain about how unfair this was to them, since they were stuck in a place that would take a lot, and I mean a lot, of hours to escape. "I only threw 'a few' games, I don't deserve this!"

    And the rest of the community played the world's smallest violin.

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