Is it normal that i don't agree with transgender people?

I don't agree with trans people. I feel like they are trying to be someone their not just because they don't like who they already are. I have always done my own thing and have always been very happy with who I am and I just don't think it's right for someone to what to change into a completly different person. I feel they should just be who they are. Also, many times people don't feel any better after changing genders. They are still the same and wish they could change who they are. But nobody can change who they are that's why I think is wrong. I just think they should be themselves. Is it normal for me to feel this way?

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61% Normal
Based on 74 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • rayb12

    Trans people aren't changing who they are. You just have a limiting view of what a person can be. You assume all people with penises feel most like themselves if they wear men's clothes keep their penis, cut their hair short and get referred to as a man. And you are wrong. You are actually encouraging people to not be themselves. Trans people have existed forever and the idea of what it means to be a man or a woman has changed drastically too, often crossing back and forth for what is expected of either one. You have to take into account nobody is claiming their biological make up is different than what it is. Of course the bodies of trans women internally function like a non trans man, not a non trans woman. But then shouldn't they be free to express whoever they are? Why does a penis mean you must 'be male' when being male means so many other things than having a penis? It doesn't surprise me people born with vaginas are actually men in the sense of what that word commonly refers to, which is a set of traits and behaviors, and expression, not just a cock. Like you aren't inside their head so I don't see how you can say they're not being themselves. Of course there are people who don't know, and some may even remain transitioned, but that is sad. There are many different types of people throughout life you will keep learning more and more different types. To go into it saying certain ones you don't agree with and must just be pretending is cutting yourself off from the capability that they're not.
    Like I honestly do feel trans women are on some level pretending to be girls. But I also feel that non trans women are pretending to be girls. Like why is it that people with vaginas get to be one way and people without vaginas don't? Like it's not how we were raised but im honestly OK with ethical people making their own choices regardless of what's between their legs. I think you gotta make some trans friends to really get it though. Like once you know a trans girl, and you learn about her, and her being trans becomes the least interesting thing about her and you forget she has a cock, it's like oh this is just that chick. I think that's super tough to learn truly without experiencing. So it's good you're asking questions. I guess personally I feel like all gender categories are pretty boring whether you have a cock and say you're a boy or have a vag and say you're a boy. That's too vague of a claim to say it's genuine or not. But if there's anything I'm saying its that trans people are not lying about what parts they were born with. When they say I am a man. It is in the sense of saying the 'men's' section of the clothing store is for them. The clothes still fit if you don't have a penis. So I really think it's fine. You know like when you put in perspective there are people who choose to blow themselves up, being trans isn't that crazy. I think the word trans is kinda shitty and misleading because it does sort of imply they are attempting to be something they are not. Like they are shape shifting. I think it should be more like I mean don't try to put a male condom on your vagina, but otherwise everything should be for everyone. And let people choose if they wanna be called male or female or whatever and dress act how they like. Idk it's hard to just be like 'you are not that' I mean it is easy but you gotta be god or something to really know. But yeah I guess I disagree with you. Male and female sex is science. But having a vagina and therefore wanting to be called a girl wear dresses long hair make up etc. And nobody with a penis wants that just the same, that isn't science it's an assumption about people and who they are inside. But also I just find boys and girls as concepts somewhat bewildering in the first place. How our genitals ought to say so much about us. People are people like I wouldn't take the trans thing too seriously. I think there is actually like no data in that declaration, you're just saying call me man or woman and then yeah it's a guessing game if they're authentic or not just like it is with everyone else. That's my thought at least.

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  • (s)aint

    Well, thing is, you don´t have to understand. you just have to accept them. you don´t even have to date someone who´s trans if you don´t want to.

    But just because I don´t understand algerbra or advances physics doesn´t mean it doesn´t exist ...

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    • Cedric_Diggory

      Well said. See, OP? Here is a trans person who is very happy with himself

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      • (s)aint

        i dovbt jov w1ll find a lot of trans persons that are happy w1th themselves to be honest. I am not trans bvt I have plenty of friends who are.

        please excse this awfll spelling. spare keboard broke, laptop´s own s fcking broken.

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  • Jacob_Zuma_783

    I agree with you. Just don't say stuff like that in public or you'll get stoned by liberals/SJWs/PC police.

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    • Yes ikr????

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  • Chocobonobble

    I have body dysmorphia and its not recommended for me to get surgery, but why are trans people allowed surgery?

    I have so many questions that are left unanswered about transgenderism.

    1. If penis doesn't equal male and vagina doesn't equal female, then what does?

    2. How can gender be an identity when everyone is an individual within that gender. And there's no definition for a female's or male's gender identity.

    3. Why isn't the suicide rate decreasing for the transgendered people after they receive trans surgery? And why is it higher than holocaust survivors?

    4. Is being transracial okay or is it racist to try and be a race that you are not?

    And I've got loads of question. This is just a few of them.

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    • Data'sCat

      I was greatly confused about "transgenderism" for a long time. After that, it became a very public and repeated discussion, and easy to find and accidentally come across information on "what" they think makes them "male". At first, before I became so frequently talked about, I thought there was "something I was missing" and "something that nobody knows and that trans people refuse to explain" (as one literally did refuse to explain it when I asked it in a casual and friendly manner). But after years of hearing all the reasons from trans people... nope, there is nothing I was missing at all. They just don't nkow what the definition of "male" and "female" are. You can watch documentaries of trans people, too. They will say thing like, "I always wanted to go and play football with my father, I was angry when my aunt decided to take all the girls inside and do a crafting project every single time". Their brain is dysfunctional, except for Blaire White's (who has specifically said that she is, in fact, male), and their reaction to this, instead of the normal, literally-everyone reaction of "I hate crafting projects and love football, so I am going to go play football with my dad and male cousins", instead, their dysfunctional brain says to them, "In that case, I must actually be male, even though I have both a vagina and a dictionary and therefore it is extremely easy to determine that that is not the case". It's LITERALLY nothing but their personality.

      Trans people also often have "gender dysphoria", where they are greatly disgusted, horrified, or saddened by for example their penis and maybe their face-shape, to the point where they may literally cut it off or kill themselves. Just like a boyfriend who would refuse to get naked in front of you because he has scars somewhere. However, the reason for this hatred and "dysphoria" is BECAUSE they think they are the opposite gender, not the other way around, and therefore this too is due to them being too uninformed somehow to understand the definition of very simple words like "male" and "gender". 99.9999999999999% of people in the world would say, "I am a girl, and I am fascinated by automobiles and wish to become a mechanic," rather then "I am fascinated with automobiles and I wish to become a mechanic, therefore I am male". People with faulty brains and/or abusive families may say the latter, apparently.

      It may sound like my explanation is untrue because you may think I "hate" trans people or something, but this is not true in the slightest. I know stupid people and do not hate them. There is no difference to trans people or to any other people besides their lack of having ever been able to define words correctly and their dysphoria. I have absolutely no animosity towards trans people in any way whatsoever. But that does not make them "right" when using incorrect definitions of words such as "male" and "female". They are wrong regardless of whether they are people, regardless of whether they should be hated or not, etc. Just because you are a human being similar to most other people who are also human does not make you correct when you define words outside of their actual definitions, even if you change your life because of it, which still does not affect the definitions of those words. And it is true that "I like trucks" is LITERALLY IT, besides the dysphoria which not all trans people even have.

      "1" Having a penis is literally the thing that makes someone male. Having a vagina, or a defective vagina (there are medical conditions where people claim they "don't have vaginas", but they actually do it's just that the hole closes inside), is literally the thing that makes you female. What a trans or a feminist calls "male" or "female", however, is what everyone else calls "personality".

      "2" What a trans calls "male" or "female", however, is what everyone else calls "personality".

      "3" WTF I thought these were serious questions from a newcomer. You made me type all that?! Damnit!

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      • Chocobonobble

        No these are serious questions and thank you for answering them. Once again no one who actually supports the whole transgender agenda explains my questions. I even tried to make these questions into a post and my post got removed from the sight. But I was just asking questions, what was so wrong with asking some questions?

        And yeah I've heard of the gender dysphoria stemming from social negatives from when the person was younger,such as not fitting their gender stereotype. But I would just see them as Fem boys or Tom boys. Or now that I'm older and more mature girls and boys no matter how they act. I've met a trans person before, more the once. But their reason for being transgender was wanting to play with barbie dolls and bake cute sweets. First I was like wow that sounds pretty sexist, since obviously that's not what makes a girl. I don't mind people doing what they want with their bodies, unless their doing it to a minor. But forcing beliefs on others is wrong and kinda crazy expecially when I haven't seen any scientific evidence pointing to that you can be born in the wrong body.

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    • JewluminatiTits

      First off they are allowed surgery because people are willing to give it to them. A penis DOES equal male and a vigiana DOES equal female. Gender is part of your genetic material. There is no difference between gender and sex. The suicide rate isn't decreasing after surgery because it's a mental illness and many people refuse to believe that it is. Transgender people have the highest suidiced rate of any group of people besides Jews under natzi rule because it's a mental illness. Telling a trans person that they are the gender they think they are is like telling someone with skitsafrenia (please excuse my spelling) that the radio is talking to them. It's a mental illness and people participating in mass illusion does not help people with this mental illness. I want them to get real treatment because me pretending that they are the gender they say they are won't do anything. Transracial is another mental illness that needs to be treated. No the person is not intentionally racist but they need some serious help. Hope this helps.

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      • Chocobonobble

        Wow you answered all of them and it all makes sense. Thanks I have more information to further go with now. But once again the people who support the transgender agenda ignore my questions as usual. Since when I debate for real at uni I like to see both sides first before I make a conclusion.

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        • That's good! I like seeing both sides as well.

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  • User-name

    Interesting bunch of comments here, but for me personally I don't care how another person lives their life so long as they are happy. Honestly, why is this such an issue? It isn't your life at the end of the day.

    That said there exist people who claim to be something they aren't simply for the attention. This is an example of being something you aren't OP and it bugs me. Though I can't say anything without choosing my words VERY carefully. The times we live in- changing, for better or worse? It's up to you to decide.

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    • Chocobonobble

      And it's isn't your life to have an opinion on anyone else's. Such as people willingly eating each other or cutting off their own limbs, or even building cults or cheating on their married partners, or marrying consenting children and etc.

      Yeah you just committed a logical fallacy of appeal to privacy:

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      • Exactly!

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    • I don't have a problem with them. I just don't like the transgender movement as a civil rights movement. I don't want anyone to dictate to me that I have to call men woman and woman men. That's ridiculous.

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      • User-name

        No one is forcing you to do it, if you don't want to then it's entirely up to you. A lot of other people feel this way, but are scared of being seen as the bad guy.

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        • People do get pissed at me for using pronouns that describe biological gender.

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          • Chocobonobble

            Yeah same happens to me. Even one got angry at me for asking some questions about their transgender movement. And no I wasn't trying to offend them, I even used their preferred pronouns. But now if they don't respect me then they should leave me alone or their gonna get disrespect back. And that's the same to everyone. No one deserves special social treatment for no good reason.

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  • NobodyKnows

    I believe gender dysphoria is a real condition, but people are WAY to quick to label themselves as such and everyone else must go along with it for fear of being labeled a "bigot." The number of trasngender people I've encountered who are mentally unstable--not just emotionally, but to the point of delusions and split-personalities--is pretty damned disturbing. Those people should not be getting irreversible surgeries.

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    • I completely agree... it is a mental illness whether people want to believe it or not. The sudice rate is 40%!!! And it makes virtually no difference if anyone know they are trans so the argument that they are bullied is completely false. It is a mental illness and the day people start realizing it I will finally will be able to trust doctors.

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      • NobodyKnows

        Well technically yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. But that doesn't mean transitioning and changing names and pronouns isn't an effective treatment for at least some individuals.

        What my point was, is that too many people who *claim* to be suffering gender dysphoria are probably suffering something completely different, and should not be allowed to get irreversible sex change surgeries, but it's politically incorrect to question anyone who claims to be trans no matter how unstable they are.

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        • I don't think it should be illegal because they can make whatever decision they want but if trans surgery is covered by healthcare then it's a problem for me because I don't want to pay for someone to do that.

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  • xfg43

    They don't care whether you agree with their lifestyle.

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    • Yeah the thing is a lot of them do care because they wouldn't make a big deal about it if they truly didn't care. I feel like a lot of people become transgender for attention

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      • factcheck

        If they wanted to make a big deal about it and get attention, why do they go to such great lengths to hide it?

        The only person I see seeking attention is you.

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        • Sluts

          All they do is seek attention regarding it. "Caitlyn" Jenner ring a bell? You've had some really ridiculous answers to questions on this site, do you do any original thinking about the media you absorb at all? It's scary to think you're actually a real person who maybe votes or is listened to by other people.

          Unless you're just trolling, that makes more sense. I don't think you are though, I think you actually believe the crazy "progressive" nonsense you spew on this site.

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          • Hah yes thank you! I love this person

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          • Cedric_Diggory

            Caitlyn Jenner.... okay.. name two other people who do it for the attention as well. two other people in the whole entire world.

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  • Hydra

    It's pretty normal to be a narcissist that assumes the world is nothing but a big clone of themselves and doesn't lift a finger to research/understand transgenderism or body dysphoria.

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    • CreamPuffs

      How true. The OP is just a fool.

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  • Ancientgoddess

    Trans people are not changing who they are, they are becoming who they are.

    And the sooner people realise this the better. Stay blessed everyone ❤️

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  • CreamPuffs

    When one of them says something I dislike, I disagree with them as well. It's obvious that it's more than just "wanting to be the other gender" though, as some people have gender misplacement of their brain development and genitalia. Rayb said it very well.

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  • ZaneT

    It's a shame that they are now teaching young children 'gender fluidity' in schools which is the opposite of loving and accepting the body and gender you were born into. How many more kids are going to grow up messed up and questioning their sexual identities because of these suggestive new age teachings foisted onto our young?

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    • Yeah I know people that are only bi because there friend is. I feel like people today are trying to promote other genders then male and female. Like I really don't want to date a guy that used to be a girl but I feel like it will eventually get harder to find people who were just themselves in the first place

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  • Ftm

    Wtf am I reading?! Unless you are trans you won't understand fully. How could you? Get over yourself.

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    • It's ridiculous to sudjust that I can't *understand* transgender people and that I do t have a valid opinion. Just because I'm not a five star chef does not mean I don't have a valid opinion on weather a meal suck so how is this any different? I don't care what they do with there life go do you I don't care marry who you want fuck who you want but what I do care about is when you start forcing me to participate in mass illusion. Men are not woman and woman are not men and I will not pretend that's true.

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  • bottomup99

    Why is it so offensive? It's like, Oh no, if men are looking like women, then I might end up in bed with one and I AIN'T NO FAGGOT!

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  • Data'sCat

    Of course it's normal to not agree with the existence of "transgender" people. MOST people are aware of what a "penis" is and what the word "male" means, unlike transgender people and feminists. However it is NOT normal or acceptable to claim they are "trying to be someone they are not". They are trying to claim they are a GENDER that they are not, but their interests and personality etc. is generally fully portrayed (sometimes not until after they have changed their appearance since they are dumb). It is not possible to "be someone you are not" merely by, for example, putting on a dress while having a penis attached to your body. It simply means that you are a male who was interested in putting on a dress. It does not somehow mean that you are "being" anyone.

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  • CozmoWank

    Just curious, OP do you have any tats or piercings?

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    • No

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  • MauriceLikesChicks1015

    In a religious perspective they should just grow up with the gender that they are and move on. I can see though now why some can't do that and I don't blame them when they're under pressure from the outside world in many ways.

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    • Roustabout

      Have you ever made sense?

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      • MauriceLikesChicks1015

        I have made sense in the past and present. Have you made sense now since your first reply is "Have you ever made sense?"??

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