Is it normal that i act like someone is there?

Ever since i can remember iv been talking out loud, like i have someone there or some kind of audience. I have no friends or siblings and i am alone mostly. I would watch a video or play a video game, and when something happens i would comment on it out loud. Sometimes jokes or i would say "this is so weird" or "dude this is so cool", it can really be anything, even pull my hair or hide my laughter like someone is watching me. I know very well no one is watching me and i am completely alone, but when i remember then i start feeling bad. I would think of things like: "no one knows who i am", "if i died here no one would ever know who i was", "all these momments im experiencing, (fun/sadness) no one knows about them. It fills my hearth with sadness and i ask myself is it even worth living like a forever unknown person. Plase dont give me depression advice i just want to know why am i doing this or whats it called. The moments where i stop and think "why am i talking when no one is there" are rare, sometimes i would explain what i am doing or justify my actions. Everything out loud and knowing no one is there. Altho never in public or around other people, in fact i am very silent and shy.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • JustJazzin

    I do it too because I have no friends and my family is dwindling. Thankfully I have pets to keep me company but it would be nice to have some social interaction. It almost feels like you’re a new kid at school and everyone has their clicks already. It’s not schizophrenia. It’s not a mental disorder of any kind. If anything, maybe depression and loneliness to where I can understand that wholeheartedly. I think subconsciously you’re doing it because you have a need to be with people.

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  • dimwitted

    You need a friend.

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  • paramore93

    That's completely normal, possibly a coping mechanism.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, maybe you're lonely?

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    • mnlk

      Do you talk to yourself?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Nope, I talk to my cat though. I also sing to my cat too, as well to dogs in my family that I have been around.

        I don't think I've ever even entertained the idea of talking to myself, for the better part of the past forty years. A pet peeve of mine is people who talk to themselves around other people, and act rude, and say, "I'm talking to myself", when others get confused, and ask them, "what", or think the person is talking to them.

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  • Doesnormalmatter


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