Is it normal that a baby can memorize areas?

What I mean is that can a baby that barely talks find places just by being at them once. One of my nephews was able to find my sisters place and he was only there once. Apparently people in my family don't find this odd because they said I was able to find my mom and dads place on my own when I was a baby.

To be more clear on this me and my sister(his mother) got back from the store she got him out of the car and I was helping to get the stuff out when we were doing this he began to wonder off. I stopped what I was doing and walked after him her apartment(she had just moved there a week ago)is far from the parking lot but he lead me all the way to her apartment. He put his hand on the door and looked up at me. Cutest thing about it he had his bottle in his mouth the whole time and was looking back at me as he was leading the way.

So do babies have good memory or is it different from child to child?

No babies are limited. 1
Yes babies can remember a lot of things. 9
It varies from baby to baby. 10
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