Is it normal or do i need to see a specialist

My girlfriend complains about me that i tend to push her away from me most night's when we are together.... And that's mostly when i'm asleep and she tried to touch or cuddle with me i don know how that happens Cus when i wake up o have no memory of what happened while i was asleep i only see her crying when i get u from bed..

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    You can’t be held accountable for your unconscious behaviour. There are people who walk, talk and even try to be intimate with their partners whilst asleep, totally oblivious to what they’re doing.

    Does she know you were asleep during these incidents?

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    • Lummie

      Yes she knows

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  • kikilizzo

    You cant control what you do in your sleep. Tell her to grow up.

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  • davidzztop

    Smack her arse and tell her two sugars.

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    • Lummie


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  • RoseIsabella

    She needs to back off, and chill out.

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    • Lummie

      Yeah she really needs to! I'll have to talk to her

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      • RoseIsabella

        It's not your fault, because you're asleep, and can't control you're actions. Maybe you get really hot when you're asleep?

        I'm not happy about being in menopause, but it's the reality of my life, and so I sometimes get really hot when I'm in the bed asleep. My ex-boyfriend from about five years ago used to always say that I felt like I was running a fever when I was in the bed... I wasn't, except for maybe when I had the flu, and bronchitis that one time.

        For the most part, except for a Siamese cat, I prefer to sleep alone, because another person would make me feel suffocated.

        Well, at least she's not having nightmares about you sleeping with other women, and then waking up all upset with you. My stupid most recent ex-boyfriend had a dreams about me sleeping with our next door neighbor, and then he would wake up all upset. I have no control over the picture show his subconscious mind puts on for him in his slumber.

        Sometimes people are stupid, lack empathy, and have no insight. 😒

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  • libertybell

    She needs to stop touching you while you are sleeping.😴

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    • Lummie


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