Is it normal it annoys me when someone much older says "get a real job"

Is it normal to get annoyed by someone older saying get a real job and tell you they worked 60 hours a week until they were 65 and your job is YouTube vlogs and you earn $50-60k a year after taxes for the past 5 years?

Voting Results
95% Normal
Based on 20 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    If you're making money without hurting anyone or stealing their property, then make your money (especially if you don't have to physically work hard for it).

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  • Somenormie

    Don't listen to those old farts keep doing what you like to do.

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  • RoyyRogers

    I was told working 60 hours a week in a restaurant is not a "Real job". Am a little bewildered what qualifys as one

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  • Meowypowers

    I guess i am fortunate enough that my parents and their peers told me and my siblings that we are free to do what we want because they worked their asses off to give their kids better opportunities than they had.

    I suppose we are blessed that our parents were competent and successful and not bitter.

    I guess some folks that made poor choices may be judgemental towards their progeny if they are more successful with a different kind of grind.

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  • Boojum

    Partly, this is due to the good ol' Puritan work ethic: unless you're literally slowly killing yourself by slaving away at some job you detest and ending your working day exhausted with your soul slightly more crushed, it's not a "real job". Us sinful beings must suffer in this life because that's what God wants.

    I think there's also an element of jealousy behind such comments. People who worked at physically demanding or otherwise stressful jobs for decades and maybe finished their working lives worn down to a nub with not a whole lot to show for it see someone like you who seems to be breezing along without having to put in much effort and they wish their life could have been like that. They get the feeling that life has cheated them. Or that you're somehow cheating at life.

    I'm probably of the same generation as the people who have said that to you. On the one hand, I do find it strange that people can make a decent living from something as insignificant in the grand scheme of things as vlogs. On the other hand, I know there have always been clever people who figured out how to make a good living out of supplying people with fripperies that are far from essential, but satisfy some need they feel. And possibly unlike those who have sniped at you, I have enough understanding of the sheer scale of the audience that content creators can reach and how miniscule per-view payments can add up to not be shocked that what you're doing is possible.

    Those people did the best they could with their lives in the times they lived in. They need to believe that it wasn't all pointless and their working lives weren't a complete waste of time. And the fact is that they weren't. Whatever they did, they each made their small contribution towards keeping civilisation ticking over and moving forward so that we are where we are today: a time where someone like you can make a good living out of doing something you enjoy (presumably, at least most of the time). So maybe you might consider that you owe them a teensy bit of gratitude, even if they're obnoxious, judgemental and pretty ignorant of the world as it exists today.

    I suggest you try to let such comments slide by. Focus on making the most of your life, try to avoid screwing over other people, and when the time comes that you start to wonder what the hell is going on with generations younger than yourself, try to recall how those comments made you feel.

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  • LloydAsher

    You work in this line of work yet still take offence to people saying to get a job?

    Thought internet work would thicken your skin.

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    • ?

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  • Holzman_67

    I voted not normal. Why would you let their opinion bother you unless UNLESS deep in your heart of hearts you fear there’s some truth to it?

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  • bigbudchonger

    Do you actually earn that though? If you do then they've got no leg to stand on. If you don't, and you're just larping as an incredibly successful youtube vlogger then their point stands.

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    • After taxes it varies each year but 50k-60k, yes

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      • bigbudchonger

        Then they are wrong and you are right, simple as. keep doing what you're doing, dude. It's really special of you to reach those heights.

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