Is it normal if i watch animal porn?

I often find myself watching animal porn. I don't know why but I find myself very attracted to it. I love watching people getting fucked by animals. Am I weird or is it normal?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 102 votes (59 yes)
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Comments ( 50 )
  • Cucold

    Yes, Its very NORMAL dear.
    People have different views about it. Everyone should enjoy his/her liberty if he/she is doing it in private. and one thing more, if he/she is not doing it by force.
    I have a question for those who oppose this.
    Why u guys in favor of masturbating the dogs? in case of the family have not time.
    Stop forcing people to live the life under the light of ur views.

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    • dale080988

      Yeah its normal

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  • Meme24740

    It is normal people do it all the time and feels great

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    • Babuli

      I also heard of the same but no idea why females are interested in this.

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      • DarkIdeals

        Dog penis is just as large (or larger in the bigger breeds, up to 9 inches or so) as human penis, has the knot which feels good to women, dogs shoot out easily over 20 times more semen/cum than a human man does etc.. they have a giant tongue and will keep licking as long as you have peanut butter or something lol etc...etc... There's all kinds of reasons women would be interested in beastiality. Those are just the lust-based reasons for it too; there's also things like 1) No pregnancy risk 2) No STD Risk 3) No relationship required so you don't have to look pretty or do anything to get the love of an animal . etc..etc... You get the picture right? I could go on even more really.

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  • Hornygirl121

    It's normal babe, it's hot watching it you're not harming anyone xx

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    • dale080988

      Love watching it never seen it in real life tho

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    • Pantiesfeelgood17

      Witch do you watch and do you do it in real life

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    • ChurchHotel

      You know!

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    • Pantiesfeelgood17

      So you watch watch animal porn

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  • Doggylover80

    I watch and it turns me on so much I get so wet and cum

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    • amisick

      i would put peanut butter deep in my ass and get my dog to lick me while i jerked off and i would come so huge my cum would go right over my day i walked in an caught my mom on her knees and the dog licking her ass an pussy she caught me watching just as she came...she begged me not to tell and she sucked me over an over while my dog licked my ass

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      • DarkIdeals

        It's sad that stories like this are automatically believed to be lies or "stories" etc... so much so that you can't tell if any of them are true or not. Being told that both you and your mother were doing dog-sex and that she sucked you to keep you quiet is quite hard to believe, but crazy cool if true i guess lol.

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  • Crybby

    Yes i like to watch it too it's so hot.... i don't know i think that i'm sick please help me sorry for my bad english i'm dutch and having sex with a animal is illegal in belgium and i don't have sex with pets but i want to do it I NEED HELP

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    • DarkIdeals

      Relax man. It's just the overly prudish people of traditional western society shoving their way of thinking onto you! Yes Bestiality isn't by any means "accepted" by our society, but that doesn't make it wrong and certainly doesn't make you sick either! People like what they like, period. The same kind of people saying beastiality should be illegal and sick etc.. are the same overweight ugly rude bitches who say any man who won't fuck them due to their unhealthy choices and horrid personalities/attitudes are bigoted misogynist monsters etc..

      Did you know that History is FULL of beastiality? You know the Minotaur from Greek mythology? It was created when the QUEEN of Crete had sex with the greatest/largest/strongest bull in the kingdom because her husband had stopped pleasing her. There are DOZENS of other ancient european cultures that were perfectly fine with sex between humans and animals. One of the tribes of "giant-like" beings in Norse/Scandinavian mythology were said to be the descendants of either humans or gods breeding with monsters/giant animals etc..

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  • barrysbigbeanbag

    Sounds like you belong in the funny farm!

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  • cidermaker

    I have watched animal porn many times and I thoroughly enjoy it, it has the desired affect on me, I don't know if it normal because nobody will talk about openly, some say its animal cruelty I don't agree you can not make an animal do it, what I watched there was no hesitation from the animals involved, we have a dog its always trying to sniff the woman and mans arses or trying to hump us when ime on the toilet I leave the door open its in trying to sniff and lick my arse, you haven't said if your male or female, what ever pleases or preference is you enjoy enjoy it and take no notice of these bad comments about watching animal porn give your self some pleasure, its a pity we cant communicate and talk about it, you could reply to this comment no?

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  • LucyLover

    I like watching it too but don't knw if I have the balls to do it in real life

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    • cidermaker

      if you do it they wont tell

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  • RoseIsabella

    So basically you're just a piece of shit?

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    • TheRatisback

      I had another diarrhea.

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  • cinderellasundergarments

    Very very very weird.

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  • Fromnowhere

    Any of yall still around chillin like a villain

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  • I've watched it numerous times, and found it extremely stimulating! It's been mostly women, but I could definitely see myself doing some of it. Sucking the cock of a horse and drinking it's massive load of cum sounds like pure delight.

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    • DarkIdeals

      Ikr? It's insane just how much most "commonly used beastiality animals" can shoot in a single load, especially compared to most human guys. (As if competing with 9 inch Great Dane dick and fucking feet-long horse schlongs wasn't emasculating enough haha) It's ironic though how despite it being kinda worrying that a girlfriend/wife etc.. would "rather do it with an animal" that doesn't change how you can't stop looking and loving it. My ex-fiancee and I had an open relationship (bi-sexual) and did all sorts of shit and told all our secrets pretty much. She admitted how she would put peanut butter on her Vagina and have her female Golden Retriever lick it off all the time when her parents were at work and younger siblings were in elementary school and thus got out a couple hours later giving her free time etc..

      I also told her about how I somehow randomly got it in my head to make out with my Beagle and have him lick my dick one day and noticed how their cocks worked. Always wanted to try getting him in my ass, but the height difference (shortest breed of Beagle in existance after-all)proved problematic. It didn't help that I was a 15 year old tiny twink of a teen boy doing this in my step-dads backyard fence where someone could open a curtain on the guest bedroom and see me on my knees taking it from the family pup lol. Eventually had to leave as my step-dad was abusive to mom and I so never got to try the fantasy, but I'm gonna move out on my own country property soon and will try to get a very large buddy with their spooge-spurters intact(hard these days, everyone fixes them now) to give it a go.

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  • DogLove

    It's pretty normal. Loads of us get off hard watch dogs fuck and lick others. It's a good way to cam hard and fast.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    Yup normal. I like to watch it too.

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  • Ellenna

    You "find yourself" watching it, do you? You wouldn't find yourself there if you didn't get yourself there, so stop making stupid excuses and yes, you are weird and this is not normal.

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    • cidermaker

      How do you know its weird, just because you don't do it doesn't make it weird, try it

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    • cidermaker

      you say weird what is normal

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  • privatepropertykeepout

    You have a mental defect in your brain,get some help you sick fuck!

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  • TomisOps

    and he dont harms anyone so.

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    • Dorellia

      doesn't harm*

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  • samiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    WTF NO

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  • maskofsanity

    No that is very twisted and perverted. There is a reason why beastility is illegal.

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    • DarkIdeals

      It isn't illegal actually. Only in certain US states and a few other western nations. But keep the stick up your ass while trying to take the cocks out of everyone elses (c wat i did ther lol) I'm sure you'll make TONS of friends being the Prude-icus Maximus of the internet...

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  • JesusDerFuhrer

    Stick your dick in a wood chipper.

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  • Eliot-Rosewater

    You should seek help.

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  • Rhino27xxx

    Nah its fine. Don't listen to all the negative comments. As for me its a normal thing. Ive gotten to the point to where some people even know my tendencies. Yes it did bother me at first but over time the thoughts of other people knowing didn't bother me anymore. Also 1 last thing to add is your going to feel guilt because society has made it out to he a bad thing in peoples minds. And 1 very last thing to add to everything is that everything is born on this same rock so in turn it makes everything and everyone animals! Just be yourself you only live once!

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  • cidermaker

    I watch it but couldent do it

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    • I watch it and have done it, letting my dog lick my cock.

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  • itswrong

    It's fucking rape and it's disgusting.

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  • TomisOps

    not normal but at least he dont kills people so stop bullyng him xD.

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    • Dorellia

      doesn't kill*

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  • Yes thats normal.

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  • xneonkittyx

    Go get help nasty bitch

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    • cidermaker

      Who is the nasty bitch going by your reply its you, you obviously like being nasty horrible to people you sound like a bully, you are the one that needs help.

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      • xneonkittyx

        Well I don't watch animal porn. That's disgusting.

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  • Diego35LovesHilda29

    You should move to a barn.

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  • Somewhitechick

    This is right.

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