Is it normal i shoved a carolina reaper chilli up my private parts?

IT BUUUUUUUUUURNS!!!!!!!! IT BURNNNNNNNNNSSSS!!!!!!! Jesus... Don't try this at home kids.... It's been 2 hours I am still in agony. Do I have to go to an ER?
Hell is real folks.... Hell is real.
Edit: If you were wondering why I did it, it was a dare from my friend who promised to pay me £100 to do it.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • sweetone89

    I hope you get your 100 pounds, too.

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  • sweetone89

    Try to pour milk or heavy whipping cream into your private area. Esentially pour milk in a tub and sit in it.

    That pepper could probably cause permanent damage down there.

    And, yes, see a doctor.

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    • I did that and just lay in the tub letting it soak for a couple hours. And then later on held an ice pack to the area.
      There's still some itching and burning and it feels real sore, but nowhere near as bad as it was. Do you think I'll be okay?
      And yes, I hope so too... Man I feel so stupid!

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Go to a gyno and tell them what you did so you can get something to put on your wound. If it itches it could be infected.

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      • sweetone89

        I think you will be okay. Just maybe take another milk bath? Also, you probably should go to the pharmacy and get some over the counter aloe with lidocaine, to rub on the outside of your private only. Nothing in the vagina.
        Also, if the pain doesn't go away in a few days, see a doctor. I'm concerned there may be some burns that opened your skin and you could be at risk of an infection. Also, if you notice any new fevers, chills, or any discharge down there, get it checked out.
        And, please, only do this in the future if they guarantee you a million pounds! Haha. Or maybe never do this again?!

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        • sweetone89

          Or any large blisters. Try to get a mirror and look into the vagina. If you see any large blisters or sores, get it checked out.

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          • sweetone89

            Lastly, please try not to itch down there as much as you can. Your fingernails have bacteria and you do not want to scratch an area that is already burned as it is a lot more susceptible to an infection.

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        • I did and managed to get some lidocaine, I feel like it's helped a little. I'm too afraid and embarrassed to go to a doctor and have to explain what happened because they'd think I was an idiot (which is true), I didn't see any blisters or anything but it looks a little red and sore than usual, but I'm feeling a lot better now, and I can even walk around without it feeling like there's a hot knife between my legs!
          ...Never again! In fact I don't feel like putting anything near there for a long while

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  • theoptimisticscholar

    This ought hopefully, no sarcasm intended, to serve as a useful lesson regarding the flagrantly distorted and exaggerated attachment of value we place on money, my temporarily wounded but now hopefully slightly wiser female compatriot in this thankfully ongoing forge of unceasing experience that we habitually define as life in the narrowly personal sense of the term.
    Have had them (chili peppers of varied colors and heat levels) dramatically burn my gut after consumption and redefine my concept of the term "Ring of Fire" quite effectively many times, but yet I heartily and gratefully confess that I never gave the insertion of one into a painfully and dangerously sensitive bodily orifice for whatever attempted momentary gratification or else merely even to satisfy the paltry demands of a silly wager between friends for grins and giggles absent any legitimately sober or serious consideration, at least to the best of my recollection, though it is possible I have committed far less sensible, far more injurious and especially abundantly embarrassing infractions and/or injuries to myself hitherto relatively speaking in times previous, though it may be stretch to say so with any confident sense of certainty or finality.
    When you come finally and decidedly to conclude both how you erred and why said action was almost undeniably an error, and that conclusion becomes henceforth, from this presently discomforting and unique invonvenience onward, a more acutely active fixture of reason in your ever maturing personal ass-umption of things and also a chief tool in the arsenal of your stock of basic reason, your wounds of now will invaluably gain both greater stocks of usefulness and utility, and hopefully your exercise of prudence against such eggregious and momentarily lamentable lapses of or departures from practical reason shall abound and become to you a hopefully more tangibly solid and less ambiguous preventive boundaries and be thus more able then to prevent any further future self imposed calamities of so drastically painful and painfully drastic a potential and nature as this present caper has no doubt for you proven to be, and your orifices shall sing brazenly and gratefully forth in steady and proceeding chorus onward hence with unrelenting fervor their hymns of praise (figuratively speaking 😜) of your now hopefully burgeoning bastion of active consideration and whatever arena of individual practice and code of self restraint you act from in your unavoidably apparent evolving sense of needful obedience and informed judgement in regards to immediate or even potential circumstances for future reference.
    Not very funny at all really, but yet still funny as hell at the same time if were one to contrast the present with the future.
    I am persuaded that laughter will, with the unrelenting passage of time, eventually replace the sore and stinging tears of the present in due time and right soon.

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  • kelili

    This is an example of something I would never do.

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    • Tinybird

      A wise choice indeed

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  • Tinybird

    I put something chilly up mine too - Hailstones... Oh, you said CHILLI, and not CHILLY?! My bad

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  • ospry

    I hope you're a guy and when you say you "shoved a carolina reaper chilli up my private parts" you mean you stuck it in your urethra

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    • I am a girl.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Not the OP but I always enjoyed the singing of Urethra Franklin.
      She truly had a gift.

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