Is it normal i have never managed to go two days without eating?

Because a lot of people on the internet recommend fasting and claim it will have all sorts of health benefits and "everyone" should do it (with a few obvious exceptions like if they are pregnant). And many even claim to voluntarily not have eaten for weeks to lose weight. So I have tried fasting and at most gone 24-25 hours without eating. But I always tend to feel really hungry during the last few hours of that day (which I guess is obvious) and feel I at least would have to eat something before going to bed, going hungry is the ultimate way to ruin your sleep. In addition I tend to get really unfocused and lethargic when I do that, so I could not do that on a work day. How many have actually tried going a day or more without eating? And how difficult do you find it? Should you still do it if you're lean (but not underweight)? Should you do it even if you're physically active? Are those people right?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    When I need to lose weight I usually do it where I dont eat until I get off work. And then I eat 1 or sometimes 2 meals before bed. The first day is kind of hard you get hunger pains so you can eat a small meal halfway through the day but skip breakfast. Eventually your body gets use to it and it does not feel like you are hungry.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i hate goin to bed hungry and usually cant sleep if i do

    im active enough so my atrocious diet wont make me fat though

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    The Muslims have this thing they call well I don't remember what they call it but it's a month of fasting. You can only eat or drink when it's night. During daytime hours you can't. Oh wait yes it's called Ramadan I think

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    • I heard of that too. But they never actually go a month straight without food (there are people who claim to do that), they go 14 hours without food and drinks each day. I think it sounds unhealthy mainly because they avoid drinking too, and dehydration is just never good for you. I dont think I could do the same

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        They don't they eat at night and fast during the day in honor of the homeless if I remember correctly. Something like that. My Indian friend explained it to me awhile back

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        • I heard something like that too, but it was trying to truly understand what its like to be poor

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          • Lusty-Argonian

            Oh ok thats probably it. Loose memory n all

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