Is it normal i hate america

I came to United States four months with my girl we come by Siberia. I have learn English eight months. She left me for American boy week back. Americans smile and laugh a lot at nothing and talk very loud and fast then think I am mad at them when can't keep up or find joke. I have been rob twice and neighbor think I am criminal. I can not get job because tattoos on face and neck and one boss think I am racist and tell other companies. I do not make good American and want go back home. Should I try stay bit longer?
My English is very bad.

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56% Normal
Based on 39 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • UnabashedUser

    Your problem may be solved very soon when the INS knocks on your door and deports you. Don't let it hit you on the ass on the way back to Siberia.

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    • Why deport me? Have done not wrong. I will get job after have find one.

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      • JonathanOo

        Don't listen to them

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  • Ellenna

    You need to give yourself more than 4 months to settle into a new country. If I were you I'd be seeking out others from your home country and getting some support from them, because they too will have had issues feeling at home.

    I haven't been to the usa and don't wish to, but I think you're being very hasty to condemn an entire population for a few bad experiences. Stay away from idiots who voted for Trump and find some friends from your own home country.

    I'm afraid facial tattoos are offputting to many people, especially prospective employers.

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  • BabySilver

    Please be a troll post. If not please go back to Russia. Facial tattoos are retarded and just alienate you from society. Your girlfriend probably realized that American boy treated her much better than you ever could. I have seen your kind and I doubt that you are innocent and have never participated in crimes.

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    • America have too many law to follow all them. I get tattoos grade school tupoy capitalist Americans not know my "kind"

      Where is warm American welcome?? Pizda

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      • JonathanOo

        You moved to a bad place. You should be accepted like all other Americans. They came here too just like you years ago. They just are no longer civilized gentleman and women like they should be

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    It's kay, maybe u just met a bunch of shitty ppl, or maybe u went to the wrong place or u thought that all americans were assholes before meeting them and now u feel they really are. What to do?
    1) what was your goal in america?
    2) was it worth it ?
    3) do u think going back to your country will be better?
    4) were would ur life be better?

    Ask yourself those questions.. and hopefully you'll find a way out.

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  • Memes

    Fortunately, America is a diverese country. If you have enough money I would recommend moving to a city in the south like Chattanooga. The south does have an unfortunate history of discrimination but Chattanooga is the most diverse place I have ever been to. They are heavily involved in the arts so the tattoos may be less of a problem. Also most people will speak slower because of their dialect. Don't hate America because of one bad city.

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  • justacatheter

    warm American welcome,, is on thin ice now days

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  • Anonnet

    If I had your experience I would probably hate America, too. Between your girlfriend leaving you and getting robbed, I would have moved back by now.

    If you're still on the fence, you just have to weigh your experience here with whether it has been better or worse than living in your country. If it's better here than moving back, you might have to conform a bit. You might have to spend time in extra college classes or certification programs to get a job you want. You may have to get a friend or tutor to help you get a better grasp on American English. You might have to remove the tattoos, even if tattoo removal is a painful experience.

    Obviously, money is a big concern here since all of those suggestions can be expensive and time-consuming. If you don't have a side source of money, or you don't still have a lot of money saved up from your move to America, I would seriously consider leaving as the best option. You don't want to end up in a situation where you can't afford a trip back to your home town, the money dries up, and you end up on the streets.

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  • CozmoWank

    Maybe it's the facial tattoos that are scaring people.

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    • Why they scare? They not even read tattoos

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  • SmokeEverything

    American society is consumerist crap, you're better off finding and making friends outside of society. Bunch of stuck up people trying to outbuy each other with crap.

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  • Hasandu

    Ya America used to be this great country with great technology and freedom but now it's turning into a place filled with racist and uneducated stupid fucks thinking that they own the whole world.and they have forgotten that America was made by rejects from all over the world.

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  • jethro

    First of all, what possessed you to tattoo your face? It isn't normal even in Siberia. Didn't you think that it would have a negative impact on you and what strangers would think when they saw your face ink? I have found that tattoos in Russia, have a far different meaning than they do in the east and the US. So it is quite normal for someone seeing a face full of tattoos, on a Russian, and then thinking ex-con or a criminal.

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    • My father gave to me first tattoo on neck when I turn 14 I did not want tattoos then. First face tattoo was from prison friend at 17. I get military tattoos when join at 18.

      I have been arrest in Siberia but not violent crime. Follow all American rules now

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  • edreams

    If you have money may I suggest you move to an area in the US that embrace individuality. I suggest in Oregon near Portland or in Washington on the Puget Sound. These area aren't as fucked up and are the most easy going people ever. You will like it there plus there is a very large population of people from your area you are from, so you wont be so lonely. Please don't give up on us all. Take care and I hope the best for you!

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  • Ray-BanRaven

    The way our society is now, it has become a very unwelcoming and cold place. Get a small business loan and start ur own business. Unfortunately ppl don't like tattoos especially on the face. Don't let these assholes get u down.

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    • I do porn now and I am schedule to take couple class at engineer university in fall. Girlfriend back to Russia and I was given new condo away from neighbor.

      I am alright for now

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      • bull fucking shit you do porn. Such a troll post I cant believe people are falling for this. Nickvey, get a fucking life please.

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        • ???
          I am of home in Siberia now anyway. Have forget of this website.

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  • StinkyPickle

    America not for you. Things will not get better. Best to go home now. Sorry about facial tattoos. Women don't like them.

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  • MargaButter

    Trust me America is weird.

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    • Bipolarjetlag

      i will pray for you.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i will prey on you

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        • RoseIsabella


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