Is it normal for your boss to pressure you to have sex?

I work in a motorcycle shop as a mechanic. My coworkers are pretty welcoming to have me around, and don't bash on me for being a woman in a man's field. My boss on the other hand is definitely the opposite. He's constantly bringing up how "women don't know mechanics like men" and how I should be "eye candy, not a laborer". That bothered me, but it was somewhat tolerable. That was until he pulled me into his office one day and told me if I wanted to keep my job I had to let him have his way with me. I quit right then and there, not going to roll that way.

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 42 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • shamrock2228

    He's a pos and you definitely did the right thing. I agree with everyone else about talking to a lawyer.

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  • Boojum

    Good for you.

    Would have been better if you had recorded a video (or at least got a sound recording) of him making his demands, and then had taken that to a lawyer.

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    • Algum

      It definitely looks like this prick creep is only having you there for being a piece of ass for him to get off on; having you up front as eye candy for the customers, and then him trying to have his way with you now. I agree with how you need to be ready to record anything on your smartphone (another great thing about modern times, you don't have to worry about buying one of those little pocket tape recorders). Recording on your smartphone video is better yet than just recording the sound, you can then show people your boss's gesters, vibes, expressions, which can all tell alot on his level of desperateness, innaproprietness, etc. Of course, recording what he's saying will still show alot. It makes me wonder why so many people today still act so stupid when they know how easily they can suddenly get themselves recorded by anyone standing nearby.

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    • It would have been, but unfortunately I didn't think of that then.

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  • BleedingPain

    Common: yes. acceptable: no.

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  • mel19

    You deserve respect. Good job for quitting, a lot of women would not have.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Obviously not normal. Like others have said, you should've taken him to court.

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  • pendletonGibbs

    Next job interview, don't advertise yourself as a slut and you won't run into this problem again (of course it means you probably won't get the job in the first place).

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    • Ellenna

      Oh of course it would be her fault, wouldn't it? There's no indication she "advertised herself as a slut" and you sound like a serial predator

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  • lordofopinions

    You would be amazed at the number of women that have been the object of inappropriate behavior at work so it seems to be quite common.

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  • Justmehere

    Boss a scumball? Yes and fully, and deserves an ass-beating in an alley. I would ask, though, being a female and wanting to work in a motorcycle shop? Was that the best move? You had to know what you were signing up for. Even if it wasn't your boss, and your coworkers liked you working there..At some point, they'd have tried the same thing. Gotta make better choices with where and who you choose to work around. These are likely motorhead, women mean nothing, testosterone-charged guys, who, saying it or not..Also only saw you as a piece of ass every day. Doesn't matter how good you were at the job if the work environment is full of all guys.

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    • Ellenna

      So women should exclude themselves from certain occupations because of the potential shit behavior of men? Really? Or maybe she should've found an all woman bike shop to work in? Just what century are you living in?

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      • Justmehere

        Not saying that at all. Only that women and men need to use common sense. Don't see many male makeup salesman, do you? Know why? They know they're going to get verbally hammered doing the job. Now that you bring it up, sure..If she could have found, or started, an all-female bike shop, maybe that would have been a better option.

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  • NashamaTheWeird

    That is sexual harassment and you should consider filing a harassment suit against him.

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  • jethro

    I take it that you don't watch TV,or listen to the radio, or read a newspaper, or listen to every one the planet talking about all of the #metoo malarkey. You are clueless then.

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  • Your former boss was a huge douchebag. I voted not normal, but there's still cases of things like this happening too often.

    I didn't wanna seem like I was condoning the boss's behavior by voting normal.

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  • Algum

    The thing is, and it's not your fault, that some women are totally slutty and love being eye candy and a piece of ass to their "big sexy boss", so then because of that, the boss then expects the next attractive female he hires to be the same way even if she isn't like that. And it's not fair on you decent girls, but the sluts ruin your peace of mind that the guys will leave you alone.

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    • Ellenna

      So it's the fault of the "sluts" that "decent girls" are sexually harrassed? It wouldn't be the man's fault and responsibility, now would it?

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  • You should have given him a blow job and bit off his dick.

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  • DingusKhan

    You should work for me then you would want to have sex with boss!!

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  • Nickvey

    i can see it now , he says well sweetie you're hired because you're sitting on his desk with a leg hiked up and your kooter in his face then a month later he's wanting some of that expected sex. And you next job interview you saying i had to leave because that fat boss that smokes a cigar was demanding sex, but your cute and thats not going to be a problem . here is the deal , women like to fuck their way to the top of the food chain , not some women , all women. so if you had to find a new job and its not your fault you can blame the other 3 billion women on earth that managed to ride a mustache at work to get ahead by giving head. so if you ever want a job again you just better say the old job was not a good fit for you and leave it at that.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh get back under you rock! "All women" like to fuck their way to the top? What bullshit

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      • Nickvey

        ok all women love to fuck their way up the food chain , better its fixed

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  • Such an obvious troll post its pathetic. Get a hobby or something.

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    • Algum

      I don't think this is a troll post. There are still alot of women out there that deal with this kind of shit from people.

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