Is it normal for people to get mad at you when ask about age

Deal with it at work. Like when new people get hired or like when I’m with my co-Workers—My first question is: “What year were you born”? Or “How old are you?”. Is that rude to ask people? Should people not have to share their age if they don’t want to??

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36% Normal
Based on 33 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Boojum

    Why does someone's age matter so much to you?

    If someone has a logical reason to need to know my age, I have no problems giving it. But if I started a new job, met a new colleague and one of their first questions was to ask me how old I was, I'd say something like, "More grownup than you, punk." I'd also immediately put them in my mental cubby-hole labelled Socially Inept Idiots.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yeah its mostly middle aged women who gitworked up over it

    personally i think its stupid

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      No it's pretty much everyone over 20 because it's seen as awkward and rude

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        people ask me all the time

        cause for some reason after all the chemical abuse ive doled out to my body i still apparently look young

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    • SwickDinging

      Haha... I was about to say that it annoys me too... then I remembered that I am a middle-aged woman...

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  • LloydAsher

    I dont see a reason to be mad about an age question. Unless it's used in poor context.

    Imagine you are a 45 year old working a low income job with a bunch of teenagers. The shame of holding a low job is enough to be pissed in life but now you have a bunch of children asking why you are such an old age working such a shitty job. That's how I can see asking for age is such a ill question to ask.

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  • ellnell

    Older women tend to get offended by that question for some reason.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I had bad luck when asking that question to people. Whenever I asked someone, they'd get upset because it would usually turn out that they look older than what they actually are. Now I just don't ask it. XD

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    • nopurpose

      I'm surprised they don't like being younger than they are suspected to be. Unless some immature high schoolers.. I've always enjoyed when a girl at work asks me and I tell her 26 or 28 and she looks at me in disbelief. Like 'Ah, you not joking? Can this even be?!'
      And then I ask her in turn and she tells me in embarassment 28 or 30 (like 'sorry I'm that old') and they both looked like high-schoolgirls.. and I savor in delight my youthfulness,reflected in her response. haha

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        The people I've asked turned out to look older than what they actually were. It's usually a person in their 20s-30s that looks like they're in their 40's. XD

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        • nopurpose

          I'm talking about exactly the same. I was 26 or 28 and girls 2-3 year older would hardly believe it, must've thought I gotta be older than them

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  • NickyNeopolitan

    Have you ever gotten people who ask 'how old do I look' I never answer it cuz I always think they're older than what they really are!
    Also I'm 27 and people honestly think I'm 19/20. Sometimes that annoys me...

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  • mouldiwarp

    Aging shouldn’t be shameful, it happens to everyone. Doesn’t automatically make you ugly or mean that you aren’t taking care of yourself. I wouldn’t care if someone asked me my age.

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  • geek_god_101

    Age is no one's business other than legal matters or work requirements. It used to be considered rude to ask about age.

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  • SwickDinging

    It is generally considered rude to ask people this, although it's a bit of am old-fashioned rule.

    I think your mistake is that it's the first thing you ask people. That does sound rude because it's too abrupt- like you're interrogating someone and asking personal questions. Personally I think it's ok to ask, but you need to get to know someone a bit first. Chat to them for a while first and then once you're comfortable around them you can start asking them questions like this.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    It's rude so of course they'd get upset.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I actually think its rude to ask unless there is a reason you need to know their age (Like are you old enough for...). It's private information for many people.

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  • Blipblorpbing

    It is even if. People don't like being reminded of the impending doom of the grave. To me it like asking how much money someone makes. By which I mean not a big deal.

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  • eenieweenie

    i ask it all the time, and people ask me the same. i can see where their thoughts are going when being offended but... its more just a way to see what youre interests would likely be, or to ask if youre in school/college. its not the it is or isnt normal, but what a strange thing to be upset about

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  • my_life_my_way

    Depends what the implications are. I’m really short so when I was like 16 I used to get mistaken for a 12/13 year old and that used to piss me off

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    • Boojum

      Did you constantly get asked how tall you were?

      I'm 6'4", and that was something I found kinda tiresome when I was younger. I also regularly got incredibly witty, original comments, like, "How's the weather up there?"

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      • my_life_my_way

        I’m 5’0 so I got asked if I was ‘legally a midget’ 😂

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        • Tommythecaty

          I think it’s like 4’10 and under or something like that.

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          • my_life_my_way

            It is, I’ve googled it before

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  • Somenormie

    Not normal for people to be mad about their own age, this is due to the fact that some can be really defensive.

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  • NotCoolAtAll

    I'm not sure why exactly people get upset when you ask them their age, but people aren't obligated to give you the answer if they don't want to. It could do with personal reasons, not wanting to admit how old they are, not wanting to be judged by how they look compared to their age, they'd rather keep their personal and work life separate. In my opinion, it is an odd question to ask first without getting to know the person at least a bit...but I don't think it deserves people getting riled up over.

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